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Everything posted by StevenG

  1. Question: what is the Shazam family? If there is a whole bunch of mini-Shazams and Lady Shazams and Shazam Jrs in the origin film for Shazam, would that not make Shzam (the character) less special?
  2. In other words: your self-important, attention-grabbing stunt ("I AM LEAVINGQ... WAAAAH!!!!") worked. Your "fans" clamored for you to "stay" and all is well and good. Bingo!
  3. When Wonder Woman came out, a very vocal, very SJW-esque subset of the internet unleashed Twitterstorms and blogrants about how the film was not feminist enough because it did not have enough black women in substantial roles. When the first I Feel Pretty trailer was released, some writer/actress/blogger on Twitter condemned Schumer for being a cisgender, able-bodied white woman who happened to have insecurities about her apparently-not-fat-enough body. See, according to this person, only women who look like the subjects of TLC's My 600 Lb. Life are allowed to see themselves as unpretty. Also, only women of color and woman who are disabled are allowed to complain about their lives (why else would she mention Schumer's race and able-bodied status in the negative within the context of her arguments?) The Twitter gal was mad that Schumer's film send the "wrong message" (is there any other?). Other people responded to her asserting that Schumer's film is "ableist" and that it puts "girls against girls." Other reactions are equally ridiculous: I am sorry, but this modern activism BS is absurd to the point of looking/sounding like caricatures of themselves. I am all for inclusion, diversity, equality, and all that...but some people are just looking for ways to complain and things to complain about in everything.
  4. Nothing is a hit by default. That is a ridiculous notion: "there is no competition, nothing aimed at this audience, nothing that directly impacts this opening, etc., therefore, moviegoers will pay their hard-earned money to watch a film that has no appeal to them, only because...well because there is nothing else." Nope, that is not how hit movies work. When people say stuff like "this will be a hit by deafult" what they really mean is "this movie has no appeal to me, but if it becomes a hit, it certainly cannot be because people like it, right? No way people like this."
  5. I am surprised I have not seen any "Why are they focusing on ElastiGirl for the sake of PC?? These damn SJWs and their feminist agendas!!!" thinkpieces.
  6. Unvarnished look? I call BS. I bet his legendary gay shenanigans (yes, as in sexual escapades) will be conveniently...ommitted. It will be the typical showbiz bio: defanged, declawed, and sanitized.
  7. Really? I have searched and searched and nowhere do I see a co-writer credit for Schumer. All I see is "Katie Dippold"...
  8. The failure of Snatched and now the [potential] failure of this has nothing to do with the leading lady not being funny, a supporting player being funnier, or whatnot. Schumer is a funny comic, a likable movie presence, and a great writer. The problem with those films were their scripts. There is no coincidence that her only great movie so far was a- the one she wrote, and b- the one that got raves for the writing, compelling characters, and sharply delineated comedic situations. I hope that the comedy she plans to do with Jlaw is written by Schumer herself.
  9. People need to stop dreaming. The only sequel we will get from this [mostly] beleaguered first phase of the DCEU is Wonder Woman 2, and that is because the original WW was the only DCEU film that was an unqualified success. If you expect a MOS2 or a JL2, please make sure you are sitting in a very comfy chair while you wait. Heck, I bet the SS2 film will end up not happening either.
  10. Its not about dated premises (we have seen plenty of films with outdated plots and narratives become hits). It's about connecting with an audience. The film is not for your demo or mine but I can see thay Book Club will connect with its intended audience. Just watch.
  11. Hush was a Blumhouse production?? Oh, man!!! That film deserved a healthy theatrical run! What a fantastically suspenseful film!! Seriously, people...watch it. It is phenomenal. Yes, it is a home invasion movie (I know some people are sick of them), but it has some cool tricks/novelties up its sleeve, it is solidly directed, and it has great actors doing solid work. The leading lady and the villain are just awesomely played. Ugh, I wish it had been made today, so someone like Gal Gadot, Naomie Harris, or Blake Lively starred in it (just to give it some buzz and a better chance at a theatrical run)...
  12. Bravo! That Blum guy is, in a way, the Kevin Feige of microbudgeted horror films. I bet that TOD will make at least 40 million dollars in the US, or more than ten times its budget. Another triumph for Blumhouse.
  13. I guess that you cannot bet against three things in Hollywood: the MCU, James Cameron, and Blum horror. That is as sure a thing as you get.
  14. Are there any slasher properties that have the potential to make an IT-level killing at the box office? Or is the so-called slasher genre just too 'unpalatable' to have a gigantic breakout like that. I ask because I don't think anyone expected IT to gross over 300 million dollars, but it happened. Wouldn't it be cool if we had a hard-edged, pure slasher film do over 200 millions dollars? What would a slasher film need to have (big stars? an unexpected angle? A-list director?) to do that?
  15. Why did 23 Jump Street never happen? (Or is it still happening soon?) 22JS was bigger than the first both domestically and abroad, got great reviews (like the first) and it was not hated by audiences. A third film would have probably done very well.
  16. Salt was certainly set up, narratively speaking, for a sequel. I guess that, although the first film was a decent performer, it was not big enough to warrant the [presumably bigger] costs of a sequel. If there is a film I would have loved to see a sequel for, that is Salt. Oh well...
  17. So pretty much like every other box office draw. Nobody is a consistent draw across all genres or regardless of the size/scope of the film's overall marketing.
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