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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. The single day denominator approach here remains fundamentally pretty volatile, but I was too lazy to do a multi day moving average. Maybe tomorrow. In any case people seemed interested yday, so: Daily pace % Remaining sales Remaining/daily Extrap added Extrap final Preview actual Comp TSS 279.04% 1290 7.724550898 3599.640719 5695.640719 4.1 9.928625402 SC 95.10% 2568 5.240816327 2442.220408 4538.220408 8.8 6.830227397 LTBC 64.90% 3957 5.511142061 2568.192201 4664.192201 11.6 7.015641795 GB:A 139.94% 1524 4.576576577 2132.684685 4228.684685 4.5 6.271944984 F9 108.31% 1947 4.904282116 2285.395466 4241.395466 7.1 6.833198958 Geomean 5.494472354 2560.424117 4644.978797 7.275847709 Strong day in Sacto indeedily. Also Pika would likely rate extrapolate to ~5.9 based on the below Straight comp Yday Daily Change Rate extrap diff Extrap diff/daily change TSS 8.09 7.47 0.62 1.838625402 2.965524842 SC 5.63 5.23 0.4 1.200227397 3.000568493 LTBC 6.47 6.23 0.24 0.5456417954 2.273507481 GB:A 6.25 6.23 0.02 0.02194498388 1.097249194 F9 5.91 5.5 0.41 0.9231989581 2.251704776
  2. Lot happened tonight — and we’ve checked off almost all promotional material.
  3. Yeah it’s pretty comical at this point to adjust to 2019 atp and act like it’s accurate
  4. Thinking a top 5 post-pandemic OW is possible (some gut, mostly data)
  5. Wasn’t anywhere close to the top in Japan.
  6. Obviously will be plenty of market to market variation, but I am basically looking to hit 60% NWH as a crude baseline. So 200 from Brazil be good enough.
  7. From rentrak via a Korean govt source. On phone now and don't have the link.
  8. Too bad this movie flopped. Worse multiplier than the *first* MCU movie, DESPITE Christmas. Time to go back to the drawing board Kevin.
  9. Tbh I was sorely tempted to reply with the gif but I feared we may then wither away and die before escaping the loop
  10. Judging by the number of contest entries this will be way smaller than NWH, maybe like 100M. Sad!
  11. F9 mtc 2 was inflated by mtc1 capacity limits at the time, iirc? In which case even better for Sonic.
  12. We are just talking like a top 15 adjusted OW here, it’s not that hard. Plenty of solos have done it. IM3 is way past 200M may 2022 equivalent. So is CW. Even IM2.
  13. DS1 itself probably in that 105-120 range adjusting for frontloading and atp. A nonevent sequel would be looking at 130-160 or so.
  14. If you think this will open under 150 and you’re interested in trying to earn more than a gold account, DM me
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