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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Weekly cume 311 (tu-Th-54.5%) wknd cume 333M // 33M week avg drops 37.5% gives 388M, 45% 373M, 30% 410M
  2. First if by zig, then if by zag. 5/12 wins, 7/12 top 2. Let's keep this train rolling baby 🚆
  3. It’s headed to 20M, not 30. Without covid I think perhaps 60-90 range. Down to 8.6 now btw
  4. IM should be bit better than this I think. Obviously sequel will have much more % from previews but that is*quite* a lot more.
  5. That’s still going to be a very weak July. August will suck but that is par for the course, July up is usually huge.
  6. Absolutely. Japan+SK underperformance kept us from passing TFA WW-C — but SK at least has a good excuse 😛
  7. These last 16M are gonna take like 60 days if they don't do any kind of push
  8. Could break to myself, XXR, Wombi, or datpepper depending on how jackass and scream come in… still unreported, that is how small they are this weekend 😆 For next weekend I’d hope to see something like: Lost City Batman RRR Uncharted JJK Dog NWH X Sing Nile I think that’s probably the top 10, barring a wild hold from Kashmir files or over performance from infinite storm.
  9. Totally aside from the question of which factors more accurately explain BO performance, the higher star driven success model seems kind of depressing to me. The greater a % of a movie’s performance is explained by a handful of famous people, the less credit goes to, you know, the actual important parts of the movie — premise, characters, plot, so on so on. I know a lot of people lamented the end of the 90s/00s in this regard, but I think it was great.
  10. Yeah I let myself get kind of hyped up by the noir mystery kind of chatter and it was sort of a let down on that front. Noir aesthetic vibes are no substitute for a good noir plot.
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