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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. IW and AEG are both paced well for the style of movie they want to be imo it’s just a very different goal in each case. IW’s pacing is basically perfect for what it wants though whereas Endgame’s is just good.
  2. Haha, well chosen verbiage. Yeah me neither. That’s why I don’t speak such things aloud. But I believe you could maybe get like… halfway between the straight “BP+pessimistic” model and the “BP+pessimistic+adjusted for Pres vs labor holdover daily behavior” model?
  3. I know what helped gotg, and it’s totally possible this will turn in a 2.9 or something which is still great for its date . But this also has, at least potentially, a few unique factors that gotg didn’t — pent up demand cautious people deliberately avoiding high occupancy screenings on OW but willing to go on lower occupancy days later in run if Delta improves soon (which hosp 2nd derivative indicates pretty clearly) then it will have legs mildly boosted by better covid conditions on later winds than than on the 1st, which helped some movies in 1H 2021 finally it gets a lot of raw gross on day 4 that gotg didn’t but frankly I am a school of thought that the inflated Sun is more of a drag on legs than the inflated Mon is a help
  4. BP adjusted down slightly is my model as well… but despite the lack of direct large Labor opens to comp to, I think you can wrong a few extra bits of info out of comparing typical Labor holdover Sun vs typical Pres holdover Sun (just be careful about Valentine’s). And if you really wanna get your mind blown, try “typical Pres holdover Mon : typical Labor holdover Mon :: BP Mon : “
  5. Also fwiw the best legs in the whole MCU are from gotg1 with “just” an A and I believe SC is competitive to take that crown and pass TWS DOM.
  6. Since we’re speaking of A+cinema scores, here is some fun trivia. Exactly 4 movies with a 4000+ wide release have gotten an A+. All 4 of 4 are Disney superhero movies currently in the DOM top 10. I’m actually a little glad SC won’t break the stat.
  7. I was also confused reading the comment at first but upon reread they meant that “only 3 movies got that [A+ score which some people were talking about].”
  8. McU gEtTiNg FrOnTlOaDeD though 🤔 Disn’t you properly learn the lesson of that one summer hybrid release about the OG avenger+a midday est from the infamously reliable deadline?
  9. I had 92 4day this morning… from a 19.6 true fri 👀 Oops, probably shouldn’t have said that, don’t wanna go around “raising false expectations” again.
  10. Insofar as you consider deadline “an indicator,” we had fluctuating indicators (16.2 true fri est to be precise). Now, as to that antecedent… ymmv
  11. Awkshually I believe the etymology is Major Theater Chain. A critically important difference 😛
  12. Gotta admit it is great to see 24 pages before we even get any real Fri nums, even if 15 of them are dumb. What’s the record OW thread page count post-pandemic? BW I assume? Just 56, so we should crush that especially given the extra day.
  13. I was one of those disappointed with the BW opening (though now that we have info on how DOM skewed the PA number was I think it was actually quite solid). But 60M (3day) for SC would be an actively strong result albeit not where my hopes lay. Still quite likely to beat BW DOM.
  14. There’s no way Eternals goes PA after Shang-Chi doing great business with 160k case avg, cmon now. This goalpost moving is tedious.
  15. This thread is insufferable, lmao. If you wanna meltdown after a great preview number at least have the decency for the weekend to be half over first.
  16. Negotiating in public to give Scarjo what she wants would be the real galaxy brain take. I bet they like her a lot more than they like Chapek 😛
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