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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Definitely seems like a ore of an evening movie, but — what % of JC would it have to run at from here to hit 7.5M?
  2. 7-7.5 True Fri would probably be about 23-24M. 10M True Fri is about what you’d want to feel good about 30M. I suppose it’s not literally impossible but it would need extremely good walkups.
  3. I wish I went into this with lower expectations. It was fun, funny, some heart, totally fine and well put together. My new favorite DCEU I guess. But don’t understand the glowing reviews.
  4. My showing on the west coast is about to start. I’m very excited, but it’s a ghost town here.
  5. “Old man yells at clouds” This is evidently a delightful little romcom that’s fully original (for those who profess to care about such things). If you have some kind of vendetta against RR then just root for DP3 to miss 1B or whatever.
  6. People in the US don’t get how damn not serious the delta covid outbreak in the US is. But yeah, the media is hyping it up and you see a lot of excessive fear.
  7. We don’t know, but this is the first time they’ve done previews since pre-pandemic too. If they don’t other sources will at least report an estimate.
  8. 3.5-4ish range seems pretty well supported at this point. The True Fri is what makes or breaks the weekend much more than previews, hopefully they’ve accelerated decently.
  9. This is rather broad, so I’m just gonna say the X chromosomes. Never trust somebody with an X chromosome.
  10. If it tanks on BO it tanks on Max. The movies that do great on Max are the ones that do great at the BO. I feel like we have enough data now the picture is pretty clear.
  11. You mean... because it's not going day and date, it will be discussed contrastively?
  12. Obviously these factors are part of it but delta concerns couldn’t justify opening, say, 30% below JC just last week. And Max couldn’t justify opening around the level of MK or C3 or whatever, and behind stuff like SJ2.
  13. Yeah, thanks Porthos, a lot of this recent stuff is really more suited for the reopening thread (Or the TSS thread). On a separate note though, I am wondering with the increased awareness of and interest in the buzz thread that we seem to have now (which is not purely a past week phenomenon, it’s been happening since pre-covid imo) if it could make sense to have a dedicated numbers only thread+ another thread for discussion/interpretation thereof.
  14. Now that’s quite hyperbolic. That measure was at 70% for JC and will probably be ~66-67% for TSS — like a 5% drop in comfort. 5% off of 35M would still be 33M or so.
  15. I’ve gotta ask @Shawn, since you’re around — just how much did you guys bring TSS down from 35-60 in the intervening week that us plebs haven’t seen? I understand if you can’t say for proprietary reasons, but with the weekend forecast proper going up in like 24 hours anyway I figured I’d shoot my shot.
  16. AFAIK, trades generally don’t look at sales much and rely more on the official studios estimate and poll based tracking firms+subjective historical comps. Sometimes it works out well, but usually… not so much.
  17. Yes, conceivably the IM could go below 6. It is the first Max release with Th previews, so more uncertainty than usual. SS had a 6.5x IM — but with no Max and radically higher previews it’s not really much of a comp. Also, expected strong WOM May drag the IM higher. At this point I am pessimistic 6/optimistic 8
  18. This is the first movie since DS1 which is about a title character that hadn’t appeared or been strongly teased in a prior movie. I have some delta concerns but I think it makes sense that trends and stuff would be low for it a month out because there isn’t pre-existing hype/interest the way that the last… 10? Movies have had. Despite that DS1 opened to rank 64 (modern equivalent 97M). I’m not expecting 97M here by any means, but just to say that it’s a bit of a different situation than we’ve had for the MCU in a long time.
  19. “Bad/not enough marketing” is simply the go to phrase for when a movie people want/think should be big… isn’t. Not much relation to the actual state of the marketing.
  20. Not too bad a hit from TSS here. 3M should happen.
  21. BOP’s long range of 15-35 seems quite solid from the first few days. Only modestly under the 20-40 they had for JC, which seems like the most natural comp.
  22. Man, there’s optimism and then there’s “should be sufficient for low teens Friday.” I *hope* so but I really think you’re just setting people up to be disappointed here. Either way, great to have MTC1 numbers, thanks for stopping by.
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