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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Very good episode. I appreciate where they’re going with Sam’s story here but I’m personally digging the Bucky stuff even more.
  2. This hasn’t been confirmed to have a 2nd season or confirmed not to. However, personal speculation/assumptions/commentary, there’s almost no way we get a “Falcon and Winter Soldier S2” because I expect one or both to have new superhero names at the end of the show. We could get another season of Sam and Buck but it would probably be “Captain America and the Summer Solider” or whatever.
  3. It’s so dumb. I wish review sites would just ban series reviews until the finale. But it’s not in their interest or the studios interest so...
  4. It’s not a perfect solution no matter what you do, but the without PWPs picture is probably going to be more off than the with 100% of PWPs picture. Separate data that people can do as they will with certainly a clean approach.
  5. Yeah, would have preferred a delay too. But the reasons not to are pretty obvious, so oh well. Their will be future appearances of Wanda, Vision, and kids so it’s not a huge deal in the long run.
  6. The ending was fine, if a little clunky and ham handed in terms of Wanda and Monica’s dialogue at the end. Learning that people have some very weird ideas about responsibility for things that were outside your control/knowledge (hint: not much).
  7. For sure, but if Wednesday is running into capacity then Th-Sun is where that PS demand will go. AFAIK there are no legal limits related to this, just per screening ones. So I doubt it will constrain theater behavior in practice. Again, to be clear, this is not a prediction that demand necessarily will be there to prompt these sorts of moves in the first place. I’m just observing that if demand materializes, exhibitioners will have some powerful tools available to accommodate it. So I don’t expect capacity limits per se to be a huge constraining factor except perhaps in New York, where if they’re still 25% they could conceivable allocate like 23/25 screens to GvK and still sellout. Imo the bigger impact of capacity limits is the implicit signal about the level of safety (or lack thereof) that it sends to potential customers, affecting demand directly rather than just constraining supply.
  8. Yeah, especially since they’ll probably want to begin a marketing restart before final release plans. Atm I could see: A)May 7 pure theatrical with normalish windows B)May 7 pure theatrical with a 21-60 day window to PA, then 90 to free D+ C)May 7 0-day PA 90 day free D) May 14/21 pure theatrical with normal windows E) May 14/21 pure theatrical with truncated window to PA and I don’t expect we’ll know until April. My money is on B though.
  9. Just fwiw, holdovers on that weekend will probably be like: Nobody ??? (2nd weekend) Raya 3M T&J 2M CW 1M nothing else worth mentioning And that might even be a little optimistic. If PS are running up against capacity it will probably just get allotted more and more screenings, Endgame style.
  10. Culture day is the final Wednesday of the month. It’s a normal Wednesday, DS being crazy is just DS being crazy.
  11. I would love to really go all out structurally for the next saga capper. Like a series that leads into a movie on the earth side, 2nd series+movie for cosmic side, leading into a 3 hour capper. Release it March, May, July
  12. Courier T-2 over Boogie and Chaos Not quite sure what to make of that, hadn’t been expecting much.
  13. I do miss the big screen experience some though, I wish they would show these shows (in IMAX). Maybe even try some Thursday previews for the diehards.
  14. I was aboard the 3) train since SDCC 2019. Gotg, Winter Solider, or Ragnarok probably all would have been even better as series. The MCU is all about the characters, and more time just means more time with those characters and to develop them. I’d much rather the characters and storylines I most like get a series than a movie. The MCU, which was already the closest thing to TV found on big screens, can finally *really* lean into that. Qhich is not to say that I want zero movies, after all we’re getting like 12 products a year and you couldn’t even fit 12 shows!
  15. I had been wondering about just that, and it’s a logistics question to which I don’t know the answer. I will say though, this is one area where predictability helps California. Theaters in relevant counties should have a pretty good idea on March 23 that their county will go into orange on the 31st, and should be able to prepare appropriately. It also seems smoother to go from 25 to 50 than cold start 0 to 25. But I wouldn’t be surprised if some locations indeed didn’t ramp up on the very first day allowed and waited instead until say, that Friday. Could help the internal multiplier I guess at the (slight) expense of OD.
  16. Re: capacity for GvK, I did a deeper dive in the covid theater thread but basically Los Angeles and the SF Bay Area should move from 25% capacity (100 max) to 50% capacity (200 max) with GvK OD as the very first day of the new restrictions. NYC is a black box but since Cuomo hasn’t announced anything yet it might still be at the current levels.
  17. Yeah, I based it off a mix of Breakthrough/RPO/Heaven is For Real, Fri Easter openers, Wed-Sun holdovers on Easter, and some Summer/Winter Tues/Wed openers. Kind of mentally cancelling out MAX and school, but their are a lot of different ways it could play out of course, and reception will also play into it. Anywhere from 4-6 or something could happen without really blowing me away.
  18. If OD is lower then that implies less fan heavy appeal, maybe 7-5-8-9-6? 5x there
  19. What are we thinking for IM? Easter Wed opener is pretty unusual, and this will likely be on the frontloaded side for fandom+MAX reasons. I suppose using a 10 OD I would see perhaps 10-6-9-10-7, so a 4-4.5ish IM, but pretty rough.
  20. Woooooo, the battle of the titans has woken keyser from his slumber. Do you know how much is from California? A lot of theaters there that are currently closed might be 50% for GvK — but I’m not sure how many already have PS up, like we saw in Sacramento.
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