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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. We see a discrepancy pretty clearly with PostTrak/CS vs online. Presumably in part its driven by the 2 groups getting different experiences, but there’s also self-sorting — people who paid extra to go see this in a cinema are disproportionate likely to be megafans, much like we see on preview night with a normal release model. So, the physical scores are inflated a bit relative to actual audience reception — and this will be a dynamic we need to get used to if WB is going to do another dozen of these.
  2. All you need to know about that metric, LOL. It did just drop below 3 on letterboxd though. Feel like they’re basically the least brigades scores you can find. The RT trend also seems pretty clear that with enough new reviews, it would dip below 60. I don’t think it will get quite that many total reviews though, probably just settle at 62 or something.
  3. I think it’s pretty evident at this point that this is more likely than not DOM, OS-C, and C. Maybe 300+300+50 or something.
  4. Only people with boring opinions have middle ground 50 minutes ago selves
  5. Not a normal Fri-Sat relationship because of Xmas. Aside from the also very well-received Shock Wave 2, most movies were down today in gross and occupancy. Sun PS look very good, though unfortunately I didn’t think to note down Sat PS yesterday.
  6. I know how to interpret verified scores. The problem is for usual movies, most people who actually watched it count in verified. For this movie, most of the people who actually watched it don’t count as verified. The verified score is specifically from people who were in a region with open theaters, and decided to pay more+get out of the house (during a time when the pandemic is still pretty bad). It’s a way different selection effect than for non-hybrid release movies.
  7. If you want to average verified and unverified, which seems rather generous considering the circumstances, it would still be 62% 😬
  8. For this movie, verified audience score is useless and all audience is the best we’ve got. Blame WB’s release model for that. The all audience score is frankly fairly in line with a lot of other indicators, like: audience reception elsewhere critical reception in US weak verified audience score (especially given the verified skew of theatrical vs MAX) letterboxd IMDb I think people want to dismiss it if they personally liked the movie more than its audience rotten is indicating, but I don’t see a strong quantitative argument against it.
  9. Sun PS will outstrip Rescue soon it seems like, and PSm should be way better. So will be #3 for that day, and maybe not even that much % behind Dream of Eternity. This is exactly what you want to see in early signs to confirm the potential that the ratings hinted at. Sun and Mon %s will tell a lot about just how well the legs can get.
  10. Is highest grossing HW of 2020 Tenet at ¥456? Could become a fun race if everything goes right. Could also get some wind knocked out of its sails by LRF, but demos are pretty different and it’s not like Soul will be needing that many screens.
  11. Audience score will be there by Mon at this rate 👀 On more serious note, after all the discussion earlier about why China didn't like the movie... same reason that SK, India, and US aren’t liking the movie I guess. Nothing special going on their after all.
  12. Oh 55 minute ago wandalegion, so stupid. I guess it makes sense retrospectively, but 1.2 PSm is low AF. So call today maybe 3.5+2, could see 3.5 tomorrow and 2.5M Sun for a weekend ballpark 12.
  13. We’ve been robbed of a great run. First time I feel really upset at one of these things getting thrown to streaming.
  14. Pessimistically maybe it began today with 3M normal tickets, 2M private showing, and had a low PSm to end with 5M normal, 2M private, for 7M. Then something like 5.5M Sat and 3.5M Sun for 16M. Optimistically today started 3+3, ends at like 7+3 for 10, Sat at like 8M, Sun 5.5M, 24iah weekend. Unless something really strange happens. Keyser should be by in a bit to let us know how the day went.
  15. For purposes of expectation setting, this is an optimistic view. Not sure how piracy will affect the legs that such a strong received but low opening movie could usually expect.
  16. Not explained, but ,y theory would be that people were limited to 1 wish per person from the Stone version of the stone, and one per person from the Max version of the stone, but the limit sort of reset when he transformed himself so you could get one each.
  17. Dream of Eternity reception doesn’t look anything special, Maoyan has been dropping pretty steadily. I think Soul can be in 2nd place fairly soon.
  18. Yeah, just a whole lot in this movie that I’ve been trepidatious about for a while, and seeing the whole thing play out it’s unfortunately very much what I expected. This is definitely not an awful movie, imo — I can see why it would work, or even work very well for some people, and I’m glad for them. But it totally did not work for me. Biggest issues off the top of my head: being a prequel — I think this is fine for an origin story if the character’s origin is before the present. After all, it’s critical to become acquainted with what shaped the character. But for a 2nd entry... just no. My concern was that this wouldn’t really move the larger plot or her character along at all and would have some issues with continuity. The first was even more true than I thought, since it seems like the entire world just forgets about everything that happens in the movie? The 2nd was also true — the whole figuring flying out thing probably would have been useful in BvS or JL, but she doesn’t. At this point I can only assume that the DCEU has been abandoned and these movies largely exist in separate continuities. Steve returning — Look, I get it. Gadot and Pine had good chemistry. Audiences liked it. But... he died. And that was a very important death for, again, her character as portrayed in the present. This was a crutch imo, and a lot of the runtime/pacing issues could have been solved by not having this be a factor (especially with 2 major villains). The McGuffin — this is really what the whole movie is built around (well, that and the kind of clumsy, super in your face theme of “truth”) and it doesn’t serve that purpose very well. Just very goofy and absurdly powerful. I’m realizing I have like a dozen other minor nitpicks, but that wouldn’t be worth my time to write or anyone’s else’s to read. Probably most of them will be mentioned din the next couple pages anyway. So as to not give the wrong impression, I do want to close on some of the things that I liked: Barbara, at least for the first two acts or so — Wiig did a good job, and I liked her basic ugly duckling/awkward nerd/victim of sexism archetype. Also liked the interplay between her and Diana. That stuff being good made it more disappointing how rushed and illogical her descent into villainy was. Probably the character in the movie with the most potential for me, but very underserved by the script in the end. Would not mind seeing her return with a better role in WW3, but doubt it will happen. while Max’s story and motivations were a bit underdeveloped and cliche, I liked his relationship with his son and how it lead to his redemption and final two scenes. Some of the jokes were funny. I was trying to think of something positive to say about the action, but there really wasn’t much of it and I’m just now realizing I can’t say that I particularly liked the opening Amazon games, the mall scene, the Cairo cars, the WH fight, or the 3rd act Cheetah showdown. The donner-ish camp and sincerity is a hard sell for me. I think Gadot is well cast, but I can’t say that the emotional cores and themes of wither Wonder Woman movie have particularly worked for me thus far. Still hopeful that WW3 might work for me more, especially since it will: be in the present (right????? — please God) not have Steve (right????? — please God) reroll on the villain selection maybe not have Jenkins. I read an interview with her about this movie and realized that a lot of the things that don’t work for me about the first two are very deliberate style choices from her. Clearly worked for a lot of people in the first movie, but not really what I’m looking for out of a mainstream superhero flick. Though who knows, maybe with a certain execution it actually would click.
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