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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. I mean this lovingly, but Japan are a bunch of weirdos as far as cinemagoing habits 😛 There might be some interesting TV/movie integration that happens on D+. Won’t be quite the same as what you’re talking about, but if it’s successful I could imagine more movies based on TV in the future.
  2. If they aired it before S8 came out, sure Let’s see how the spinoffs do.
  3. Yeah, clarified that just earlier. GOT S8 was still technically excellent. The wins I would object to are basically only writing and overall, but it appears very likely that the latter at least is happening.
  4. I mean, he’s still dead. That makes me value his appearances in movies set before that more, not less. I’m sure they know not to let him overshadow what the movie in actually about (Nat). But using other subfranchise characters in little roles here and there is part of what makes the MCU so neat.
  5. @Barnack, no those are all pretty reasonable. I was responding to the final part of the post where they suggest that it will inevitably win the Outstanding Drama Primetime Emmy next week. That would be a farce. A writing Primetime win would really be the worst though.
  6. Jesus Christ. Really goes to show how detached awards can be from quality. I mean, not that that wasn’t already demonstrated hundreds of times, but it’s a perniciously difficult assumption to fully rid yourself of of.
  7. Wow, I hadn’t seen that chart before. Really puts in perspective how awkward losing Friends and the Office will be for them
  8. I had no idea what No Good Nick was, but one Wikipedia page later it’s o my watch list. Unfortunately my watchlist is like 40 shows long and never ever seems to get shorter, but I dream of someday seeing it shrink.
  9. TLK to F2 is just the BO doldrums, as July-November-ish often is. Things will start popping more when we get another OW that at least makes it into the top 50 or whatever.
  10. After checking: I enjoyed that but it felt like more of a classic conversation sort of post? Or maybe there’s like, a trivia thread? I dunno.
  11. https://deadline.com/2019/09/it-chapter-two-one-billion-franchise-milestone-once-upon-a-time-in-hollywood-downton-abbey-opening-weekend-hobbs-and-shaw-international-box-office-1202735013/
  12. This was FFH. If RDJ Tony does make an appearance I doubt it will be for primarily BO reasons. We don’t know how much of an appearance is possiblem but I really doubt it exceeds like, 60 seconds, all the comaplinaing about this seems way overblown on essentially no info.
  13. If it's true that this movie in a highly interconnected universe has a tiny appearance from the most important character in that universe, when it's set in a time period where it makes sense in-universe? Hyperbole much?
  14. The 227 and 332 are for production+PA, not PA alone. Not sure how that affects the broader argument, haven’t been following along closely.
  15. In increments of $171.5M (this is, obvious, a highly engineered choice — the following is for humor rather than being a good cutoff): BV — 14 (EG 5, TLK 3, TS4 CM Ali 2) Sony* — 2 Uni — 1 WB — 0 (soon to be 1) rest — 0
  16. Counting in $200M increments: BV — 11 (EG 4, TLK TS4 CM 2, Ali 1) Sony* — 1 WB — 0 (soon to be 1) Universal — 0 Lionsgate — 0
  17. Counting in $150M increments passed: Disney — 14 (Endgame 5, TLK 3, TS4, CM, Ali 2) Universal — 4 Sony* — 2 Lionsgate — 1 WB — 1
  18. Over 1.1 OS with the highest market at 120 is just a bonkers distribution.
  19. Fri 13 + near 3 hour runtime+ no prior non-OW weekends makes the whole thing pretty tricky. I think the Sat bump would have cleared 50% on a normal weekend but there’s just no way to know for sure. Pretty interested in the 3rd, 4th weekend Fri and Sat daily increases. Those compared to It 1 will help interpret how skewed these 2 days were.
  20. Kind of a big OS drop for a TLK, isn’t it? JW looks very safe. @Brainbug will be pleased.
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