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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. )Frozen 2  Black Widow Knives Out WW84 Jumanji Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood Onward Mulan Charlie’s Angels 10) Terminator
  2. This is really too far away to be getting into numbers much, but I ended up getting into an argument on reddit about it (I know, I know — had some time to kill) and figured I might as well post the gist of it here as well. Black Panther was a superhero movie that broke out beyond all expectations, sold about 70M tickets, and placed #3 DOM. Spider-Man was a superhero movie that broke out beyond all expectations, sold about 70M tickets, and got to #5 DOM. The sequel came out 2 years later, dropped 13.5% adjusted, and got to #8 DOM. The Dark Knight was a superhero movie that broke out beyond all expectations, sold about 70M tickets, and got to #2 DOM. The sequel came out 4 years later, dropped 22.5% adjusted, and got to #7 DOM. The Avengers was a superhero movie that broke out beyond all expectations, sold about 70M tickets, and got to #3 DOM. The sequel came out 3 years later, dropped 30.5% adjusted, and got to #7 DOM. So, *preliminarily,* I think it’s about right to expect BP to finish 12th-7th or so DOM and drop maybe 20-35% adjusted. The former will probably suggest about 550-650ish, assuming that 2020, 2021, 2022 don’t place too many new movies up there. Using around 10-12% ticket price inflation over 4 years (pretty historically well supported, though who knows) the latter would suggest around 500-630.
  3. More details from that article for Joker: And Gemini Man Pretty close to BOP’s 27.
  4. After finishing FB and doing CC as a one-off, just reboot the main 8 as animation. But maybe this time drag it out into more like 12 entries with some more liberal application of the book splitting trick.
  5. Well, that happened. Finally got the perfect team name 😈 SLAM!, I was curious whether you were looking for the Sunday cume for Downton Abbey (including the 2.2M sneaks from last week) or just the money made this weekend without that 2.2M.
  6. Deadline with: Downton 23-25 Rambo 23-25 Ad Astra mid-high teens Hustlers 18 It 17 https://deadline.com/2019/09/will-the-downton-abbey-gang-take-out-rambo-at-the-b-o-weekend-preview-1202738117/
  7. I'm also an outrageously remake friendly person, as far as the general concept goes. DO NOT REMAKE THE PRINCESS BRIDE
  8. Easily over JW3. Photo finish with Us maybe.
  9. Yeah, out of options: 2+3 hours 2+2 hours 2+2+2 hours It’s easy to see that 2+3 is the least moneygrubbing, so some props to WB for that creatively.
  10. Even comparing weekday to weekday, the weekly drop is 59%, bit on the steep side. DOM top 200 looks pretty likely to me but it could miss if next weekend’s drop is large.
  11. No, I didn’t forget it. Endgame got to 3rd like I said and Ne Zha came out later bumping it down to its current 4th.
  12. So after a ¥62M **8th** Weekend, Ne Zha is getting extended again to run for a total of over 90 days, amazing 😮
  13. Nice research. Pretty safe to say that all 3 won’t beat 33M, lol.
  14. It would be incredible to set a new record for 5th place weekend gross, but I think that’s out of reach. Maybe we can set a new record for 3rd highest opener of a weekend? No clue what that would even be at present.
  15. I mean, that was the point, right? Leverage their whole warchest upfront to try to build an immediate subscriber base.
  16. For shame JJ, such uncharitable assumptions . I simply enjoy the thrill of battle... err, that is to say, predictions. I’ll be making private predictions for the immunity challenge anyway to test my skills, but with nothing on the line it won’t bring the same rush.
  17. Also, I’m barred from participating in the Tuesday Immunity Challenge, correct? If I, in theory, wanted to give up my regular immunity to participate, would that be allowed? (I can't think of much reals to do that, I’m just a thorough person).
  18. Top 4 R rated. Last time that happened was exactly a year ago, Sep 14-16, with the 2nd weekend of Nun and OW of Predator, A simple Favor, and White Boy Rick.
  19. Yeah, that’s a pretty important note XD I wish BOM would put a * or something on OWs that weren’t the first 3 days...
  20. HP was a long time ago. The only opening below 100M adjusted was HBP at 95M. And that was still a top 25 OW, which is good for 140+ nowadays (again, a stark example of OWs growing faster than simple yearly ATP).
  21. I think this might do really well for itself, but if so it would be because of reception, not the actors. I mean it’s 2019, do people really think actors are the driver of theatrical attendance except for some pretty rare exceptions?
  22. No. It really goes to show how detached awards can be from quality. See? Isn’t this fun? We can be here all day.
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