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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Jeez you guys, Jatinder’s going to wake up to a 2 day threadban for “spoiling” Endgame and like 50 mentions
  2. It’s pretty funny that you can now be in the upper half without being in the top 10
  3. It’s just very easy to do accidentally for movies that don’t feel like they’re still in a spoiler period. People go around casually “spoiling” Homecoming, IW, Empire Strikes Back, Deathly Hallows part 2, Spiderverse, whatever, without giving it so much as a second thought, because they don’t feel like spoilers anymore. Endgame “spoilers” don’t feel like spoilers anymore either, but they technically are considered such in this particular corner of the internet, so people get accidentally sniped.
  4. An, good point. I missed the revealed by cast part and was just thinking about how revealing the TV spots had gotten. So I guess when determining whether something revealed by cast/TV ad is a spoiler or not, it’s quite important whenter it came out before the movie (not a spoiler) or after (might still be a spoiler).
  5. I think the 97% is verified inflated and it would be more like 95-94 under the old system, falling to 90-92ish once it’s in a comparable point of its release cycle as ITTSV now is.
  6. I didn’t even see what any of the 5 recent bans have said, but I’m pretty confident it shouldn’t be considered a spoiler under that policy. Basically every important part of the movie has been revealed in official Disney released marketing materials for Endgame by now.
  7. I agree, but it’s also not too hard to imagine that reception is worse and it does a bit lower. I’m feeling O/U TJB admissions for now, not sure how large a RMB increase that would be.
  8. Can someone refresh me on spoiler policy as it pertains to what is and is not considered a spoiler? Like, I’m pretty sure that I’m safe talking about The Rock playing Danny DeVito in Juman3, because it’s part of the official marketing for that movie?
  9. Yeah, having global policy to stick to rather than ad hoccing exceptions is important. I would suggest a minor tweak where instead of untagged spoilers being allowed upon home video release they’re allowed upon HV release *or* the theatrical release of a narratively connected movie of the same franchise.
  10. To be clear, I do understand the letter of the rules, and I guess they have to be followed without exception. But the spoiler policiy around here for certain movies is really archaic and hilarious.
  11. The amount of bullets missing was pretty ridiculous. And yeah, could have used just a scene or two really devoted to him struggling with and improving the spider sense. The Katakuri fight was so good with that 👍
  12. Well fucking lol, no wonder then It’s clearly a set up for CM2, but also plays with stuff from CM1. If you just skipped that then yeah, won’t really connect.
  13. Well, a shapeshifting alien. If you’ve got a plot that doesn’t work without Fury acting like a moron, then sure maybe you should just get a new plot (and tbh this movie’s basic plot with EDITH, Shield, Mysterio did kind of rub me the wrong way). But of the two following choices: A) It’s real Fury, and he just lost 50 IQ points this outing for plot contrivance B ) real Fury is elsewhere for plot contrivance, and sent a friend to cover for him for a bit B is kind of silly, but A is just awful. Without the post credits scene it would be A.
  14. IMO Stark giving EDITH to Peter is a really stupid idea, but reeks of egomania and is reasonably in-character. The best two choices would have been Steve or Natasha, and, well...
  15. Fri CGV PS look like 111k! +63% from Thurs. CM was 73k, +46%, but for Spidey it’s day 3 vs 4 and CM was day 2 vs 3. CM PSm (CGV PS to actual, not to CGV final) went from 6.25 Thurs to 5.65 Fri, roughly -10%. FFH Thurs PSm was also 6.25 (spooky), so preliminarily I’m wondering if x5.65 for 627k is possible. Would be huge, but 2nd Fridays can easily see a % bump like that and FFH’s Friday is farther from OD than usual. I think my estimate will be a lower PSm just since the starting number is so high and more like 600k.
  16. End credit scene happens equally in the world whether you see it or not. I’d actually rate the movie like a full point lower without it, because Fury acts really gullible and ineffectual, which was very out of character, but required to move the plot along. If he’s just holding an idiot ball because we want to get from point A to point B, that would be pretty sloppy/grating — but “real Fury was out in space doing more important shit” is a solid justification.
  17. I mean, 50% chance that he aged 0 years in those 5 years though 😛 Earliest I could see anything significant on Miles from is SM4. Let Peter have his first trilogy to himself, wrap up the high school crew, and then see where you want to take things from there.
  18. Ooooh, I see what you did. Well that’s funnier then for sure. It looked different (less wide and title with black instead of white background) than I’m used to, must have been copy pasted from a different device or page.
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