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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Talos!Fury is noticeably less competent. I’m quite confident the idea is that sometime between the return snap and FFH (8 months) Fury went to space and had Talos and Soren sub in for him on Earth.
  2. Oh, lol. Thought it was already out. Feeling better about Mon-Wed now.
  3. I’ve only been at this 18 months or so and I already already feel the urge to shout “patience” on basically every page XD Especially with a Tues July 2nd opening. This is the first Tues July 2nd opening of this millennia people.
  4. There’s not much crying. It’s that classic BOT phenomenon where more people are griping about how silly it is for people to be disappointed than there are people being disappointed. Yeah, still seeing about 1.1s myself, but need another couple of days before being confident.
  5. +72% SMh, +35% CM, clearly a strong start. Presumably will be more frontloaded, see how later.
  6. I’m definitely starting to wonder if the one day difference in July 4s might have a bigger impact that I realized. Anyway, it will all be clear about 90 hours from now, but I still think there’s a good chance to clear 340 or so and avoid really letting me down. Even if things trend towards a really meh 300+200+450=950 (quote unlikely), that’s still like 165+42+180=387M revenue on a 160 budget!
  7. Then going 340-380ish, solid. Big Q is just how much bump Fri and Sat can manage. Edit: Nah, trust Pepsa above. Didn’t realize PSm would grow that much. Edit 2: Actually if I’d used 68 instead of typing in 62 for no reason would have said 380-420 XD
  8. Man, so those 40ish OD numbers did include Midnight? Didn’t even get the true Tues record , what a bummer. Normally we’d have a pretty strong idea of the Sunday cume after OD, but in this case I still see a really wide range. Fingers crossed for a nice next few days.
  9. This would be the 3rd consecutive film featuring Spider-man to get an A+. 3rd MCU out of 6 in the last two years. 4th superhero in last two years. Crazy we’re even considering it — but I really doubt it happens, for reasons @RealLyre laid out well.
  10. In fact, looked at the remaining summer schedule for the first time, and it’s bleak. Aladdin will continue chugging along strong until Labor Day or so, and I think there’ll be plenty of room for FFH and TLK to coexist especially if OUATIH and/or H&S underwhelm.
  11. It’s not bad for a random workday opening when people aren’t accustomed to midweek blockbuster releases anymore, but 10% higher would have been real nice. Now we have 5 days for WOM to hopefully work it’s magic.
  12. CGV running about 70% faster than CM day 2, might reach 270k for a 550+ actual. Or could slow and be low 500s. A spectacular 2nd day either way.
  13. Audience score from 3k to 5k, increased slightly. This would never happen before the verified system imo. Not sure whether to interpret it as “WOM is straight fire, will hold great” or “rabid fanboy rush in the post-Endgame world, will be really frontloaded.”
  14. I see a lot of people talking about how they'll undo the mid-credits reveal, as though it was kind of Snap tier "obviously this won't last for more than a year or just, just a matter of how it's reversed." I don't think that's the case at all. They had 2 movies deal with secret identity stuff, which is not usually the MCU's shtick, if he's just a publicly known hero from here on out I won't be surprised at all.
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