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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Wow, so much AM&tW discussion these last few pages 😛 I don’t care much about the Oscars, and neither does most of the country, as ratings are making clear. They, frankly, need CBMs more than CBMs need the Oscars. The degree of attention that goes to a pretty niche group selecting which members of their favored subgenre they prefer each year is pretty bizarre.
  2. TDK is pretty close to BP adjusted and critically -- but it would have gotten a nom if it was 10 instead of 5 back then, so that might be more a point in favor than against.
  3. Now we're going to have to wait like 4 years until we get an Ant-Man movie over Solo and that other one. Very frustrating :p
  4. #1 Studio 😛 I mean, clearly it’s mathematically impossible for Marvel Studios>Disney, because it’s a subset. So you could either look at Marvel Studios>every other studio, or the slightly harder requirement of being above non-Marvel Disney as well. In either case it’s been true since February and should last until at least November.
  5. Going to need a lot of underperformance in the second half of the year for Marvel Studios to stay at #1 for the year. Still, how close it will likely end up is hilarious.
  6. Did this land in the tracking range, under, or over is not the only variable for whether an OW is good. If your tracking range was spectacular, and you hit it, that’s spectacular. If your tracking range was pretty meh, and you hit it, that’s pretty meh. That is exactly what we have here. It’s not actually doing bad, it’s just not doing good either.
  7. Bad OW, awful preview multi. Can’t win em all I guess, but it’s pretty unfortunate that such a great movie will underperform like this. Oh well, at least Ant-Man 3 will get the character 100+/300+
  8. Thank you, exactly. 80 looks a lot worse off of 11.5 than before we had that figure. If it does happen, I think basically the issue is exactly what you're identified: sequels have a preview multi hit, summer has a preview multi hit, this is the first movie in both categories.
  9. I actually read the first few Twilight books before they became a thing, mostly since I'd exhausted every other book in the school library. They weren't so bad as long as you were willing to liberally skip dozen page sections of boring stuff
  10. Much as I might be "disappointed" about 82, it's definitely more than enough for a sequel. All the movies that had part 1s near AM1 and 2s near AM&tW easily got sequels (which did 120+/300+).
  11. To be clear: Ant-Man’s opening weekend was 57.225. Doubling that would have been 114.45, which 0 people are disappointed about this coming in under. Nardianis’s couple post about how expecting it to double would be stupid are true, but also a straw man. Hoping it would do 90+ is not even in the same ballpark as doubling. A 50% increase would be 85.84. Anything below that is mathematically closer to flat (+0%) than it is to doubling (+100%).
  12. This “double” talk is silly. NOBODY is or would be disappointed if this “missed” 115, FFS. I’m only going to be disappointed if the actuals come in under 85 —which is literally closer to exactly flat than doubling, lol.
  13. Hopefully the rest of Asia can follow suit to make up for the underwhelming DOM numbers. Very interested in China in particular — correlation with SK is far from perfect but it does make me slightly more hopeful.
  14. Marvel studios might miss 1605M DOM this year with an opening like this, in which case their 2018 average wouldn’t even make top 10
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