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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Here we sit at 4:10PM ET/1:10PM PT and AM&tW is #1 now: AM&TW 22.5 Incredibles 20.7 JWFK 20.5 First Purge 13.3 Soldado 4.2
  2. Everything except A4 might pale a little in comparison, but that won’t stop me
  3. Wow, might not have that much worse an opening than Homecoming in lc, right? Maybe 10%?
  4. Isn’t Culture Day the last Wednesday of a month? Didn’t think this was a culture day opening.
  5. Not familiar with this “Shorltand” character. Any relation to Cate Shortland?
  6. Some AM&tW stuff will play a very important role in A4, but it seems clear that they're deliberately trying to market this as more of a stand alone palette cleanser.
  7. Hopefully Ant-Man will be walk-up driven. Worked out for FK, not so much for Solo, realistically a low hype Marvel property should be somewhere in between.
  8. I think people often conflate a lot of people thinking there’s a chance of a 100M weekend with a lot of people thinking that 100M is likely/the bar for success. The former has has been apparent for months. The latter has never existed.
  9. Really funny to see I2, FK and DP2 all clustered in the same 31k window, when in the US they were spaced in increments of around 25M.
  10. FK is on the low end of medium domestically and WW in my opinion. It would have needed to be below 350 to be really dissapointing, and it won't. WW it would have needed to be below 1.1 or so to be really dissapointing, and it won't. Still, of direct sequels to 1.4B+ grossers (AoU, IW, TLJ, F8, FK) it will probably come in as the lowest. Nobodies heads will roll, nothing is being cancelled, it isn't a bunch below expectations -- it's just that the expectations it is meeting were of having a big drop.
  11. Hiting 700 was always predicated on “if this animated superhero movie drop more like an animated movie than a superhero movie.” Clearly it is dropping more like a superhero movie in reality, which was always known to be a possibility. Still an Incredible performance even if it doens’t crack 600.
  12. I assume this works better in the comic, but seeing it just written out like that in a single paragraph it seems pretty silly that this wouldn’t have occurred to Ares before.
  13. I am looking forward to WW84’s villain way more, I think I could end up liking it a lot more than the first if they handle things right.
  14. Why in the world is Wonder Woman back as a topic? It was fine, nothing really that bad aside from the third act and nothing that special aside from finally providing some big superhero movie representation for female title characters and good DCEU movies.
  15. Yup. If I had to predict where things stood considering all 2016-2019 movies, maybe like 50M non-Disney and 1700M Disney.
  16. Total Money beyond the 400M mark made by non-Disney films, 2016 onward: 17M Total Money beyond the 400M mark made by Disney films, 2016 onward: 1130M Movies this decade with with something of a chance to increase the former number: Fallen Kingdom, Far From Home, WW84, Jumanji 3,... SLOP2? Let me know if I’m missing any Movies this decade with at least something of a chance to increase the latter number: I2 (I only added 7M from it, will contribute at least 120 more), IW (maybe 8M more), Poppins?, Captain Marvel?, Aladdin?, Avengers 4, TS4, TLK, IX, Frozen 2
  17. There’s some more mature stuff in BP that younger kids might just miss or not fully appreciate. I deliberately ordered those 3 from most to least kid-friendly. It’s not nearly as poor a match as IW though, imo.
  18. Extreme cold is obviously better than extreme heat, don’t even think there’s much question there. JW2 looks to be holding a bit better than I expected, and I2 a bit worse, but I think it will still clear a 3.15 multi. Everyone seems to be talking about AM&TW double features from a purely financial perspective, but there’s also the matter of audience overlap suitability. AM&TW is a fun family/kid friendly movie that you can take your 8 year old too. It could be appropriately paired with I2, Solo, or BP. IW not so much.
  19. Sicario will only need a few million dollars to push Brolin past 1B this summer, so it doesn’t really matter if it collapses
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