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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. I’m not saying that people won’t bitch about movies they thought were bad — just that in my experience if someone says “actually Revolution was great” the reaction is more of a stunned silence, rolled eyes, move on. I think it’ll be similar here.
  2. Sure, I just think it’ll be more boringly divisive than excitingly divisive. I don’t see people who disliked this one wanting to stick around and argue about it like TLJ.
  3. 6.4 on imdb and still plenty to drop. This one was a showkiller imo, and good riddance — the writing has been on the wall in terms of misunderstanding and disrespect of the source material from ep 1. Best news I’ve heard since this ep premiered is that S3 hasn’t been greenlit after all — time to go Bebop on this shit.
  4. 1M likes achieved. Feels a bit weak to me but of course the circumstances are rather apples and oranges.
  5. Xmas is a big day in SK so I wouldn’t read too much into it — but I expect Sun sales will also show a very robust hold vs last week which is more apples to apples.
  6. Hmm? Looks exactly flat to me at CGV, 184k vs 184k.
  7. I usually reference the Wikipedia List of highest grossing franchises. They appear to differ in respect to the spiderverse movies (which should clearly be included imo) and Sony’s Spider-man Universe (which is a little more dubious but I do understand where they’re coming from).
  8. I mean, if it legs well from here it could be like 1.9B WW-C, if China goes big that could be like 2.25, if you think there’s a 20% covid hit… getting kind of close. I don’t personally think it would have any chance, but it’s hardly the craziest thing I’ve read this month 🙈
  9. Just noticed that NWH going so big means Spider-man will bump past Wizarding World on the franchise chart. NTTD also inched bond past avengers, so it’ll look like: MCU 25B SW 10B Spider-man 9.4B WizWorld 9.25B Bond 7.83B Avengers 7.77B
  10. I forget the rights situation, but isn’t pretty much their most other valuable franchise Lord of the Rings? Otherwise you’ve pretty got conjuring and monsterverse.
  11. I mean, at least with a China release this isn’t thaaaaaaat outlandish 😛
  12. Movie is bad but not really in a tlj exciting divisive way, more in a boring way. It’ll be gone from the culture in a month rather than fracturing a fan base with a war raging months alter.
  13. From same calendar: Tron Legacy gives 92 Narnia 94 Unfortunate Events 85 Ocean’s 12 108 National Treasure 90 Blade 3 97 Yeah 100 probably not happening. Maybe 20-39-34 more realistic
  14. Sing 1 increased in day 2, but -11% isn’t too bad, sequel should have a bit more OD heaviness anyway. -35% is grim.
  15. Perfectly reasonable increase for the first week of a big movie+the calendar factors. Just hoping to stay above 20 tomorrow, I think that keeps the 100 in play.
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