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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Are theaters forced to give IMAX to Solo? Doesn’t seem at all clear that Solo OW IMAX would make more for them than IW 3rd weekend IMAX, with IW likely headed to a $18-24ish 3rd weekend?
  2. Yeah, yeah, yeah, night’s not over yet, lots of factors to consider, nothing is final, so on. Still this means that a number in the 43-45 range is much more possible than we would have thought a half hour ago. Could be a photo finish with DP1. As always, info is appreciated.
  3. AM&tW baby. July date+Phase 3 quality is a recipe that will propel it to legs above IW or MI:F
  4. It the Sat comes in 42.5M, DP needs exactly a -20% Sun for 130. I wouldn’t bet on it, but not impossible.
  5. Fine numbers for DP2, roughly the same as DP1. 80% for IW is pretty good, , 25% Sun drop would be an exactly 30M weekend.
  6. I’m a passionate Ant-Man fan, and a passionate Wasp fan So don’t worry, you can count on me for the meltdowns if it opens below .... 94M (it won’t though ).
  7. Fans will hype themselves up. Make enthusiastic predictions. Film will come in around those predictions. Fans will be happy. There, I’ve started things off with step 1
  8. Obviously A4 will make it as well. Any movies that look like they could pass IM3 before then to prevent the 5/5?
  9. Chances for TFA do look pretty grim now Oh well, we’ll take another shot in less than 50 weeks.
  10. These numbers don’t look very depressed to me (anymore ),. But hey, if Sat comes in with great jumps, all the better IW’s previous Fri:FSS multis: OW — 3.25 2nd — 3.65 3rd — 3.88 So, being quite optimistic perhaps we can have a 4.1 IM for a 30M weekend. Gets IW to 596, which is a OW: 4th wknd cume ratio of 2.31, vs: 2.78 for BP (insanity) 2.475 for TA 2.32 for GotG2 2.12 for AoU 2.11 for IM3 2.08 for CW So, gotg2 continues to look like the best leg comp for me in terms of May MCU blockbusters. GotG made about 18.32M this week, vs 18.27M for IW, so again extremely close. GotG did 12M this upcoming schoolweek, which would take IW to 608. Then a 40% drop for Memorial 3-day is 18M for 626 cume, about 5M from holiday Monday for 631. About 2.5-3x the memorial 3-day is likely from there, for 676-685, with the option of kicking in another 5-8ish with a Labor Day reexpansion if they so desire. Tl;dr We seem to be narrowing in on a finish between Titanic and BP. It will all come down to the Ant-Man bump
  11. BIPOLAR POWERS, ACTIVATE! 53.5M OD for DP2 is great, saves us from a super embarrassing performance of beating previous R-rated OD record by only 3% by beating it by 6% instead. 7.3 is a less than 55% drop from last Friday, 700 for sure.
  12. Wow, that would be good stuff. Actually a Fri+Sat that matches POTUS’s most recent projection very closely, so if the holiday Sun drop goes about as he had then I like the look of 340-365.
  13. Makes sense to me. If I really want Team X to win the World Champion Cup Series thingy, and I think team Y is the biggest threat to them, then I might be rooting for Y to lose before the playoffs even if I don’t particularly care about their direct opponent. Of course where things break down is that sports is a zero-sum game by design, while movie rankings are a bit more artificially imposed — doing 2nd for a year with 600 is actually better than 1st that year with 580, even though some other movie has “beaten” you.
  14. Preview:OD ratio is hardly the end all be all for legs. Let’s at least wait to see exactly how the IM shakes out, some weekdays, 2nd weekend drop, etc. I’d be quite surprised if it missed 300, but 290 wouldn’t be th end of the world.
  15. Letting how much you enjoyed a film affect what you’re rooting for re: its box office run is healthy, and presumably a big part of why we’re all here. Letting a film’s BO run affect how much you enjoy watching it is a bad dynamic imo, but can be hard to fully avoid.
  16. This was a completely useless response to my question. I *am* following the request now that I know it exists. I am also trying to get more information about exactly what the situation is so that I am more capable of acting the way I’m supposed to.
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