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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. I would assume that this’ll be PG-13, and since it looks like it’ll be the only real “event” film of December this year, I’d say that gives it a pretty obvious advantage of BR2049.
  2. I doubt Parasite will win Best Picture. It’s most likely going to have to settle for Best Foreign Film.
  3. Since I’ve never read any of the Dune novels, I can’t make any judgements about whether or not there’s potential for this movie to break out like LotR did. Do the novels lend themselves well to an “epic” December blockbuster?
  4. Why does everything in this thread have to lead back to something politically charged?
  5. From what I understand, Zachary Levi’s Snyder Cut comments were made back in October, and he was simply answering a question. I don’t know why it took until now for those comments to make waves, but the Internet can be very stupid. I wouldn’t take that as a strike against the movement.
  6. Why would he apologize to Mel Gibson? No one likes Mel Gibson. Apologizing to a guy who hates Jewish people and beat his girlfriend would be a terrible idea. Also, who took the joke to heart? Tim Allen? I’m pretty sure Allen has stated that he didn’t mind being made fun of. There was no need to apologize, because Allen wasn’t even upset in the first place. Again, I’m pretty sure the only reason Gervais did that is because he didn’t want QAnon to spread some nasty rumors about him. Also, Gervais has done more than just tweet to his followers. He’s been a massive public supporter of various humanitarian causes. The man has been super political in the past. What difference does it make if someone is being political at an awards ceremony? It’s okay to be political, as long as you’re not doing it when you’re receiving an award? Why? What if the movie a person is receiving an award for happens to be political in nature?
  7. Starting his tweet with “Now I’m not telling people who to vote for” doesn’t change the fact that he was literally asking people to vote for the Labour Party. Why do you think he made that damn tweet in the first place? He wanted people to vote for the Labour Party. He encouraged people to vote out Theresa May. Just because someone claims they’re not doing something, doesn’t mean they aren’t doing it. Also, I never said people don’t have a right to believe what they want. I myself am an atheist, but Gervais used to constantly brag about his atheist beliefs, which I find pretty pretentious. It’s just like that episode of Family Guy that made a big deal over how smart Brian was for being an atheist. Of course, if Gervais’ “it’s what Jesus would do” defense for having a bunch of far right fans is any indication, he’s probably moving past that stage in his life. Also, if Gervais says things without a care in the world, then why did he apologize for having made fun Tim Allen eight years ago? If comedy is supposed to be indiscriminate, then why did he go out of his way to apologize for lightly poking fun at Tim Allen a long time ago? Could it have something to do with the fact that Tim Allen is a conservative, and Gervais didn’t want to be perceived as an enemy to the right?
  8. People know who Ricky Gervais is. He didn’t just suddenly pop up out of nowhere during the Golden Globes. He’s been attacking political correctness for a while now. Also, Gervais has traditionally been one of those celebrities who preached about politics. The man wrote an OP-ED where he bragged about being an atheist, and has taken part in various humanitarian causes, in addition to trying to bully people into voting for the Labour Party. He’s in no position to lecture other people about how no one cares what they think. Also, Hollywood celebrities were not the ones who gave birth to the MeToo movement. That was started by people like Tarana Burke.
  9. I mean, the ratings for this year’s Golden Globes were lower than last year’s, so I’m not too sure about that. Anyway, I think Ricky Gervais’ monologue was overrated. There’s nothing bold or new about making fun of Hollywood elites or making Jeffrey Epstein jokes. People have been doing that stuff forever, at least on the Internet. It’s telling that a good chunk of the people praising Gervais have been far right people who hate everyone in Hollywood who isn’t a conservative like Tim Allen (who Gervais apologized to, for some reason) or Clint Eastwood.
  10. I will give them credit, that was the most surprised I’ve been about something superhero related in a long time.
  11. Everyone’s talking about whether Joker or Black Panther or Watchmen elevated the genre, when the biggest, grandest and most epic game changer of all time is coming out tonight! In all seriousness, it’s pretty depressing that this is supposed to be the DC equivalent Endgame.
  12. I really hate it when the writers of these kinds of articles try to pass of their opinions as the unquestionable truth.
  13. Another ridiculous thing about that cartoon was the fact that the Vulture drained people’s youth, because I guess kids just couldn’t take Spider-Man fighting an old man seriously.
  14. I’m calling it right now, these Sony Marvel movies are going to be like Agents of Shield and the Netflix shows, where any connections to the greater MCU will be one sided at best. I seriously doubt that Kevin Feige has any intention of acknowledging this or Venom.
  15. I don’t understand what exactly you’re taking issue with. I wasn’t even exclusively referring to story related similarities. I was also referring to the perceived quality of these two films. A lot of people were annoyed when GB won Best Picture, and I’d imagine that a lot of people would be annoyed if JR wins it.
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