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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. If Jojo Rabbit wins, should we consider it to be this year’s Green Book? All I know is that I don’t want a Disney movie to take home the Best Picture award. Also, I really don’t think The Rise of Skywalker should’ve been nominated for Best Original Score, but it is a John Williams score, and the previous two movies in the trilogy were nominated, so I guess they wanted to have a trifecta.
  2. Wow, Uncut Gems got completely snubbed. So did The Lighthouse, but I knew that one wouldn’t get any awards buzz.
  3. It’s unfortunate that there’s probably going to be a lot of drama over Tom Hanks’ almost inevitable nomination. The Internet hates the guy now.
  4. Sony has something going for them with the Spider-Verse stuff, so I’m not going to be one of those people who says that they’re ruining Spider-Man. With that being said, I don’t have much faith in this movie.
  5. That is a fair point, although it does raise the question of why it took until just a couple of days ago for Derrickson to drop out of the thing.
  6. It’s kind of weird to me that Ezra Miller’s Flash is so divisive. People keep saying that he was annoying, which I guess I could sort of understand, but then why are Harley Quinn and the CW Flash so popular? Before anyone says that it’s only the Snyder fans who hated what Geoff Johns and Joss Whedon did with the character, let me just point out that people like MovieBob also hated him. Sure, the character doesn’t have much in common with the Barry Allen of the comics in terms of personality, but that didn’t stop people from enjoying RDJ as Iron Man or Jason Momoa as Aquaman. Did people just think they were trying too hard to make him be like Spider-Man?
  7. I think filming is supposed to start in May. That will certainly give them enough time to find a new director, but time will tell if they can get everything else together by that point.
  8. Assuming the war hasn’t already ended with Marvel on top, I guess 2021 would be the big year.
  9. Generally speaking, I don’t think it really matters who is directing a Marvel movie. Outside of Taika Waititi and James Gunn, most Marvel directors don’t really seem like they have much of a creative thumbprint for their films.
  10. I’m gonna be honest, I have no clue what you’re going on about at this point.
  11. I think it would be much easier to just consider the most likely scenario, which is that there is no “DCEU” at this point. By all accounts, WB seems to have given up on making an interconnected universe. As far as I can tell, DC movies from here on out will just be like those direct to DVD animated movies, where they make whatever the hell kind of movie they feel like, without worrying about continuity. I wish that wasn’t the route they were going in, but Affleck is gone now, and God forbid we don’t get a new Batman film every five minutes.
  12. But if the purpose of the Flash movie is to reboot the movie verse, why would they release the film with their rebooted Batman an entire year before they release the film where the reboot takes place? That would be like if they started the New 52 run in the comics before the Flashpoint storyline.
  13. I can’t really picture the Morbius movie doing particularly well. Maybe if it came out back when Twilight was still a thing, then it could’ve done well with those kinds of viewers, but as it stands, it just doesn’t seem like it will have anything going for it. I mean, are vampires even popular in China?
  14. Him and Matt Damon are buddies? This is honestly the first I’ve heard of this. Anyway, I certainly was not expecting to hear this news. Outside of Joaquin Phoenix and Leonardo DiCaprio, Christian Bale is possibly the last actor I would’ve expected to show up in the MCU.
  15. Keep in mind that there were three MCU movies, one Fox Marvel movie and one Sony Marvel movie in 2018. Two Sony Marvel movies if you count Into the Spider-Verse.
  16. Huh. I actually figured that Ricky Gervais’ material would’ve brought in plenty of people who normally can’t stand awards shows. Then again, there was still a lot of political talk, so maybe that balanced it out?
  17. Meh. I was interested in this movie back in the day, but I’m kind of past the point of caring all that much. I might still see it, but I’m far from hyped. If nothing else, some of the comments on the video are worth a chuckle.
  18. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/golden-globes-2020-ricky-gervais The biggest irony about Ricky Gervais’ “STOP BEING POLITICAL” speech is that he singlehandedly made this year’s Golden Globes as political as humanly possible. Great job there, Ricky...
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