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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. Taking a jab at Hollywood pervs is one thing, but don’t put a hypocrite like Ronan Farrow on a pedestal. Ronan Farrow doesn’t care about exposing abusers. He just cares about gaining some credibility as a journalist. If he really cared about victims of abuse, he wouldn’t have gaslit his own siblings when they accused his mother of being an abusive psychopath.
  2. I’m just stopping by here to say that Ronan Farrow is a hypocritical sociopath, and no one should be treating him like he’s some kind of badass who liberal elites should be afraid of.
  3. I didn’t get the impression that the f-bombs in this movie were a punchline that you’re supposed to laugh at. There certainly is some comedy in this movie, but that’s less to do with the language and more to do with just how pathetic a character like Howard is.
  4. I definitely do not agree with the idea that modern Disney films are well made and emotional. Most of their films just sort of blend together at this point. Their animated movies feel more formulaic than ever, their live action remakes are terrible, their Star Wars movies don’t seem to know what the hell they're doing, and their Marvel movies are fine, but most of them aren’t what I’d personally consider to be extraordinary. Also, them buying 20th Century Fox was possibly the worst thing to have happened to the entertainment industry in the 2010s. And yes, I’m aware that Rupert Murdoch was the one who wanted to sell it. That doesn’t make the merger any less disastrous.
  5. I can’t say I personally have any interest in seeing anymore Avatar films at this point. I used to be interested, but between the constant delays, Disney buying Fox and the fact that CGI worlds aren’t really a novel concept at this point, I just don’t care anymore.
  6. I might be sounding like a broken record at this point, but no matter how hard I try, I just can’t get myself particularly excited for the next Batman movie. I’m already iffy on there being yet another reboot for the character, but the more I hear about the movie, the more I’m just left shrugging my shoulders and wondering what exactly is supposed to make it so special. So far, it just sounds like we’re going to get a bunch of stuff we’ve already seen before. I like Robert Pattinson’s casting, but I’ve been extremely ambivalent to everything else so far. Couldn’t we have at least gotten someone other than Michael Giacchino to do the score? I’m sick of that guy being attached to everything. I’d be happy to be surprised by the movie, but it just seems like it’s something that’s too little too late. To be clear, I feel the same way about the MCU right now. If it hadn’t been for that cliffhanger ending, I would’ve had zero anticipation for the next MCU Spider-Man film. Into the Spider-Verse 2 can’t come quickly enough.
  7. I finally saw it. It’s certainly a pretty tense film, and Adam Sandler did a really good job in the role. For some reason, he really seems to do a good job of playing a character who happens to be complete sleazeball. I guess I can somewhat see why the Cinemascore rating is so low, since the movie can get frustrating to watch with how unlikeable the main character is, and with how everyone always seems to be at each other’s throats, but I think it’s pretty effective.
  8. The first movie was full of tonal shifts of its own. The opening of the film had a young boy being yelled at his father, followed immediately by a surprisingly intense car crash.
  9. Not gonna lie, I keep forgetting this movie exists. The crazy thing is that I was actually kind of looking forward to it back when it was first announced, but between the Disney merger and the constant delays, I’ve just lost interest. I guess I’ll still see it, since the idea of a superhero horror film is an interesting idea, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it ends up being one of those PG-13 horror films.
  10. It would really be something if either Tenet or Dune somehow ended up being the highest grossing movie of the year. It’ll probably just end up being a Marvel movie, FF9 or (God forbid) Mulan, though. Man, 2020 is just a dry year for big tentpoles.
  11. All this Martin Scorsese drama has made me realize that Alejandro González Iñárritu got off pretty easy for having made a movie that was basically just him expressing his contempt for the genre. Seriously, anyone remember when Birdman won Best Picture? What a different time that was.
  12. Since the baby had just been born at the end of the first one, this one could take place a year later, but something tells me that isn’t the case.
  13. I’m sure there will be an update by the time the Summer of 2021 rolls around, seeing as how a Batman reboot and the third MCU Spider-Man movie are being released a few weeks apart. Unfortunately, I’m not really interested in either of those movies.
  14. As far as merchandise numbers are concerned, the most recent one I found is this.
  15. I’m not sure how well the increased amount of dialogue is going to work out. I think part of the reason the first one was so successful was because of it’s almost complete lack of verbal dialogue. It helped create a sense of tension and unease to the film that helped compensate for the fact that its premise had a few holes in it. Still, I guess I should give kudos to them for not just doing a rehash of the first one.
  16. So, between the Star Wars ST or DC’s Snyderverse, which one would people say has proven to be the bigger mess at the end of the day? Keep in mind, this isn’t necessarily a question over which one was better. It’s more a question over which one had the least flattering end result, once you factor in things like development, the press releases, PR, damage control, etc.
  17. People love The Mandalorian. I don’t really see how anyone can dispute that. Even the guys at RedLetterMedia seem to think it’s pretty good. I’m past the point of really caring about anything Star Wars related, but The Mandalorian is probably the least divisive Star Wars related thing that Disney has put out thus far.
  18. The big thing this movie has over BR2049 is that it’s being released in December 2020, which is a month that is currently lacking in any big event films. Still, that IGN prediction is absolutely ridiculous, and I say this as someone who greatly overestimated Detective Pikachu. Then again, no one expected Avatar to make so much money, but that movie benefitted quite a bit from the 3D craze, among other things. On a purely technical level, Avatar was pretty groundbreaking. I can’t imagine that the same will be said for Dune, regardless of how good it is.
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