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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. This movie should definitely perform better than LBM overseas. LEGO isn’t a big brand OS, but Spider-Man is. Edit: What’s with the “wtf” reaction to this post? None of the LEGO movies have done well in other countries.
  2. This movie looks pretty good to me. I like the unique animation style it has, and it’s the first superhero movie to truly tackle the concept of a multiverse, which helps it stand out even more.
  3. Is that how the deal works? I thought the deal was just that Spider-Man would be able to appear in Disney produced MCU films in exchange for Marvel making Spider-Man films for Sony.
  4. This film was always a risky endeavor anyway, especially compared to the Jon Favreau version. At the very least, I appreciate that Andy Serkis was apparently allowed to do something different, even if it didn’t really work out.
  5. Even though I haven’t seen this movie, I’m rooting for either it or Isle of Dogs to win Best Animated Feature for no reason other than that I’m sick of Disney always winning that category. It probably helps that Disney’s two big animated films this year are sequels that aren’t considered as good as their predecessors.
  6. I can’t say I thought BP was better than TDK. I think it was more on the level of Wonder Woman.
  7. I think the Academy’s reason for not nominating the LEGO movies is that they see them as these cheap commercial products to sell toys.
  8. I don’t see why it would. IIRC, that movie flopped because it was made into a theatrical release at the last minute.
  9. If someone had told me a couple of months ago that Black Panther wasn’t going to be the highest rated CBM of 2018, I would’ve thought that person was talking out of their ass. Granted, it’s only 44 reviews, but that average score is insane.
  10. Looks like Screen Rant believes that the Avatar franchise will serve as a good replacement for Star Wars.
  11. Sony definitely doesn’t have the rights to that character. Then again, if they’re allowed to use Kingpin, I suppose Marvel might be willing to lend Ms. Marvel to them, but from what I understand, they’re planning on including her in the MCU at some point.
  12. Oh well. It was pretty obvious from the start that this wouldn’t receive the praise that the 2016 movie received. I personally wasn’t crazy about the Disney version, but it’s probably the least offensive of their live action remakes, and if people like it, more power to them.
  13. When was the last time a film not made by Disney managed to win the Oscar for Best Animated Feature? Does anyone think this movie has a shot at that?
  14. Episode IX? I know it’s still early in the game, but I can’t think of any reason for why that would be a $2 billion hit. The popularity of Star Wars is in the gutter right now. China wants nothing to do with the franchise, toy sales are abysmal and TLJ (which I liked) pushed away a lot of fans.
  15. I’m not so sure a Muslim superhero would do very well on the big screen anytime within the next few years.
  16. I think the problem is more that there were already two LEGO movies last year.
  17. Is there any reason the sequel hasn’t officially been announced yet? This movie is officially Sony’s key to getting a piece of the cinematic universe pie that they’ve been desperately trying to obtain since 2012.
  18. Will they still be able to have the film ready by the beginning of April?
  19. This honestly looks more interesting to me than the Jon Favreau version. Still, is Kaa supposed to be a villain here like in the Disney films? I’m not especially familiar with the original source material, but wasn’t Kaa something of a benevolent and wise mentor in the original story?
  20. No one is saying the movie wasn’t huge when it came out. What people are saying is that it’s not something that’s really talked about much anymore. Also, I don’t see why people can’t be allowed to bring up the 3D novelty that the first film had going for it when a large chunk of its tickets that were sold were for 3D screenings. That doesn’t mean the movie would’ve flopped without 3D, but it certainly helped make the movie feel like more of an event. I’m not even bashing the movie, I’m just providing a possible explanation for why some people are suggesting that these movies are “disasters in the making”.
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