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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. Ruimy is saying it’s great? I would’ve half-expected him to consider it “woke” for being a Disney film that stars a black guy.
  2. Is there any reason to believe things will be different this time?
  3. Are Trey Parker and Matt Stone next? That wouldn’t remotely surprise me.
  4. I think Sean Penn’s scenario might’ve worked better if he was using a hypothetical person as the one doing the deed, rather than himself.
  5. Dude, the whole point of the strike is that these people aren’t being paid enough.
  6. I mean, yeah. These live action remakes are forgettable by their very nature. That’s why Alice 2 bombed, despite being a sequel to a billion dollar movie. No reason to ever think was gonna be different.
  7. I seriously doubt that anyone ever thought these strikes would end with all these CEO’s getting punished. You’d have to be incredibly naive to think that.
  8. Drew Barrymore seems like the kind of person who doesn’t necessarily mean any harm, but is nonetheless rather ignorant about the issues that people face in the real world. She was born rich, so I guess that isn’t surprising.
  9. What exactly is ViewerAnon’s beef with this movie? He initially said it was testing fine, but ever since the start of the year, he’s been harping on and on about how unspeakably terrible it apparently is. What gives?
  10. ViewerAnon is the same person who was predicting that The Flash would score in the high 80s on Rotten Tomatoes.
  11. Wouldn’t repeatedly delaying their movies still hurt the studios?
  12. Sadly, you’re probably right. Of all the DC movies this year, Gunn has been treating this one like the red headed stepchild. He’ll also likely want to avoid being asked about the rumors that Jason Momoa will play Lobo in the DCU.
  13. It just occurred to me that if the strike doesn’t end before December, James Wan will have to handle the press tour. I don’t know if he’ll be able to handle that. Surely Gunn and Safran could help him out in that case?
  14. That would certainly be the sensible thing to do, but common sense doesn’t appear to come easy to these executives.
  15. If nothing else, hopefully the failure of this and The Flash can signal the beginning of the end of Hollywood’s obsession with milking nostalgia.
  16. Well, there is a reason for that; WB doesn’t have full ownership of Harry Potter or LotR. The licensing agreement with Tolkien’s estate means that works like The Silmarillion are off-limits, and WB tried to get a Cursed Child adaptation made, but JK Rowling said no. Anyway, the fact that Zaslav is so desperate to turn WB into a dollar store version of Disney is especially lame, because Disney isn’t even doing great right now.
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