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Everything posted by LouisianaArkansasGeorgia

  1. Meh. Smith has had plenty of flops as of late. In fact, based on his immediate list of films before Suicide Squad, we could surmise that it was a smash in spite of him, not because of him. The DCEU band (and the ascent of Margot Robbie/Harley Quinn) sold the film, not Will. My comment was about how, in this golden age of comic book films that we are living in, comic book characters can thrive and become super popular without a star playing them.
  2. I don't know about a billion, but I bet Diana will once again be the queen of summer in the U.S.
  3. This is the kind of thing that makes me think that there is a very real possibility of a Deadshot solo film in the future.
  4. I think that, in the same way that RT's user reviews are absurd, the CInemascore is absurd. People who go to these blockbusters opening days are certainly inclined to find them "The Best Ever!" and will most likely give them high scores.
  5. To be fair and honest, would Larson (or any other actress) open CM this big without the MCU brand and the Endgame connection? Of course not.
  6. Garish is subjective. Many people find the eighties garish, while many people find it awesome and cool. Wonder Woman's 4-quad appeal had more to do with the character's history and iconic status (and of course, with the sociocultural impact of the film's mere existence) than any historical setting.
  7. IS this film really introducing Captain Marvel Jr, Mary Marvel and a whole bunch of other recently-added members of the Shazam family? I could swear that I keep hearing that. Also, Hello!!!!
  8. Well, let's not get too carried away. The only two DC films that are as beloved by audiences as well-regarded by film critics are substantially different, tonally, aesthetically, and narratively, from the very distinctive world that Snyder created and established in MOS and BvS. Wonder Woman and Aquaman were bright and hopeful, and they adhered closely to the comic book essence of both characters. And Shazam, which is getting advanced raves, looks as close to an MCU film as DC will ever get (and let's not get it twisted, the MCUverse is the spiritual opposite of the Sniderverse)
  9. WB seems to be good at that. Wonder Woman's trailers were perfect at whetting audiences' appetites without showing too much of the film.
  10. The supreme irony is that these manbabies are the first in line to call any minority that wants their voices to be heard or gets offended due to media misrepresentation "snowflakes," yet they will crumble and burn at something as silly as an all-female screening of Wonder Woman.
  11. That scene gave me chills. It is deservedly an iconic moment in modern cinema.
  12. Imagine if DC ends up releasing the better Captain Marvel movie??
  13. Not sold on those new characters. With the exception of King Shark, all seem like cannon fodder to me. I'd rather they bring in KIller Frost (she has the potential to be a scene-stealing breakout), Bronze Tiger, and Cheshire. Ok, and Polka Dot Man for the obligatory disposable character whose head explodes in the first act.
  14. Wonder Woman was also besieged by "Ew! Why doesn't WB market it more??" complaints. It still worked out fine for that little film. Also, I don't think this is going to be that limited at the box office because of its release date. It opens five weeks after CM and 4 weeks before Endgame. It has plenty of room to do its thing box office wise, and if it ends up being as crowd-pleasing and family-friendly as it appears to be, its weekly drops before the Avengers juggernaut gets here will help it make all the bank it needs to make it super profitable. Also, we have had superhero movies coexist before.
  15. All these Amblin and Spielberg references in the reactions definitely bode well for audiences' response to the film. If this captures the attention of families, like I am sure it will, it is destined to be a gigantic hit. What a year for superheroes named Captain Marvel!
  16. Watch as WB secretly gives him the keys to the Justice League treasure chest...
  17. I am calling it now: third biggest April opening of all time is in the bag. 1 Avengers: Infinity War BV $257,698,183 38.0% 4,474 $57,599 $678,815,482 4/27/18 2 Furious 7 Uni. $147,187,040 41.7% 4,004 $36,760 $353,007,020 4/3/15 3 The Jungle Book (2016) BV $103,261,464 28.4% 4,028 $25,636 $364,001,123 4/15/16
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