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  1. I was using 25% weekly drop offs and got a 682 total. But is 25% unrealistic in the long run?
  2. speaking of Canada and US, is it possible to get exact earnings for Canada (or US) only, and not just this lump sum for both countries? I know they're considered a single market, but someone somewhere must have such data as well...
  3. I am confused. 2 shows per day per theater then? Surely not 2 shows per day per entire China?
  4. They should not have to come up with a new plan. Just stick with the old one. Start filming and working on parts 4 and 5 immediately. Paralelly, Finish part 3 and release it in 2024. DO NOT delay any sequel any more. Release part 4 in 2026 and part 5 in 2028. Make sure part 5 is a hard ending and a definite conclusion of the story. Trim the sequels so they're under 180 minutes in length. It will help psychologically with the general audience. hire someone else to do new original music for the sequels.
  5. I knew it. "six or seven years". I knew it there would be yet another delay. Most probably well see part 4 in 2027 and part 5 in 2029. Mark my words, the terrain for a delay is being prepped.
  6. Horner was really one of a kind. Zimmer was just as good up to a point, but he's been trippin for the last 15 or so years. Not sure who's left, capable of even appproaching horner. Michael giacchino might be ok. Clint mansell might be able to surprise. Heck, even junkie xl might not be a bad choice. Maybe even BRian tyler.
  7. Horner was really one of the kind. Zimmer was just as good up to a pooint, but he's been trippin for the last 15 or so years. Not sure who's left, capable of even appproaching horner. Michael giacchino might be ok. Clint mansell might be able to surprise. Heck, even junkie xl might not be a bad choice.
  8. Does anyone have numbers for box office sales of Avatar 1 and 2 (so far) for Canadian market only?
  9. Ash people? That does sound a lot like fire people. Will Aang appear in one of the sequels?
  10. I find it incredible that A2 is going almost twice as well in France than it's doing in the UK. What is the reason for that? (for A1, France did 20% better than UK) Are movie tickets in UK much more expensive? (but if the above applies, then the drop in audience number would somewhat be compensated by higher earnings per ticket) Has the standard of living really dropped that much more in UK recently? Have the reviews really been that savage in UK, compared to France? Or is there some other reason?
  11. Can someone point out to me where the movie explained why does Eywa activate animals in swarm mode against humans only in the mountains? Why doesn't it happen in other parts of the rainforest? (the train through the forest) why doesn't it happen anywhere over water? (whalehunters) Just what needs to happen to trigger swarm mode? Is it a specific number of humans? their concentration needs to be high enough? They need to destroy enough life (plants) in a given period of time? I missed those details in the movie, if they were ever explained. I sort of get how humans circumvented the swarm when they came down to Pandora for the second time - that even eywa's swarms were futile against such firewalls clearing acres and acres of flora and fauna. Perhaps that was a missed oportunity, for the film to explain that eywa's reactions grew milder over time, both due to passage of time (15 years after the events of the first movie) and due to too great losses when eywa tried to fight the humans. So now eywa sends the swarms only sporadically. I wish something like that was explicitly said. Though that too would not have explained why humans simply did not level the whole floating mountains area with ship's engines or nukes or something like that.
  12. So Cameron corrected himself there and with 10th highest grossing movie to break even we get 1.5 billion required gross to break even. That still doesn't necessarily tell us everything because A LOT of the times hollywood media and perhaps even professionals will refer to breakeven point based JUST on theatrical grosses. Many films have been proclaimed as financial flops even before they've started their home entertainment /streaming/ tv earnings. It's possible, though I don't know how likely, that Cameron too is doing the same, when talking about breakeven. That he might be refering just to theatrical revenues to break even. If true, and if the breakeven point is 1.5 billion, then that might mean total costs of the movie might be around 900 million. A personal estimate follows of 900 million cost breakdown using 460 million rumored base budget. 460 m base production budget 40 m studio overhead 160 m worldwide prints and ads 90 m video/HE market costs 40 m participations 40 m residuals 70 m interest
  13. 21 Wednesday for A2 is again a decent notch up from R1. So, some 5 million more than R1 during these pre-new-year weekdays. And if a similar difference is applied to the four day weekend to come, could it be pointing towards a 72 million four day weekend for A2?
  14. https://deadline.com/2020/04/2019-movie-profits-top-films-avengers-endgame-russo-brothers-data-1202919361/ I'm using the above article and its numbers to try and scrape up an interpolation estimate for A2's costs and earnings, for everything on top of the BO gross earnings and the estimated/rumored 460 million production budget. This is a fairly conservative rundown. A2 may well go over these figures, so i may do another run of these numbers later on. 1900 m global BO 550 m domestic 160 m china 1190 m other OS domestic rental 313 m china rental 40 m other OS rental 487 m total theatrical rental: 840 m worldwide home entertainment 250 m global TV net 250 m total revenue 1340 m *** net production cost (with overhead?) 460 m worldwide prints and ads 150 m video costs 85 m participations 50 m residuals 40 m interest 60 m total costs: 845 m studio profit (before tax) 495 m cash on cash return 1.71
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