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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. "Clearly" wrong? Aquaman 2 had an awful first day, having slightly more D1 presales with the benefit of a Valentine's Day opening isn't much of an accomplishment.
  2. What would be the point in staying? Making fun of them for...posting in a public thread. Incredible.
  3. Yeah honestly I think Anakin was pretty much essential for the series and honestly I could have used a little more of him (perhaps in visions) to tease out Ahsoka's motivations more. My main issue with the series was how the characters remained kinda opaque and action was prioritized over more material digging into them, which was odd considering how Rebels was far more willing to let its crew shine.
  4. Yeah, rewatched Rebels S1 recently and while it gets a lot of flak from certain corners of the fanbase for being too kid-friendly and whatnot I think it's just a much better season than Ahsoka structurally. Maybe Filoni just isn't comfortable writing for 8 longer live-action episodes compared to 15-20 shorter animated ones.
  5. Not so obvious to me. Agents of Shield S2-S5 easily clears anything that Disney+ MCU has done for me.
  6. I would love this show if it wasn't based on time travel/multiverse plotting that I find both nonsensical and hard to invest in. Still it's done well enough that I still enjoy myself somewhat. Liked the latest episode quite a bit, loved seeing Loki's personality shine through.
  7. I would say the season kinda puttered in the last two episodes as well, but this wasn't a bad ending either. Just felt a little pat and predictable and the action while fun wasn't quite strong or memorable enough to counter that. The emotional arcs this season were fine but lacked tension/difficult choices other than episode 4 and the slow-walking of Baylan's story is really frustrating. Would put this fourth among the live action series, clear step above Fett, Kenobi, and Mando S3 but just wasn't executed well enough to match Andor or the first two Mando seasons.
  8. Still not comparable at all to Swift, I think it's absurd to suggest that FNAF will be that level of presale-heavy. It no doubt will have a fan rush but the sales just aren't at the volume that could produce frontloading on the level of what we're seeing with Eras Tour.
  9. Felt like for a penultimate episode, this one didn't really accomplish much storywise...
  10. I was more so curious about how much those sold until final than the current comp value. It's hard to read the pace currently against these comps that are selling much more each day.
  11. If you have time I would be curious if you had any comps with a more similar daily new sales to Eras Tour. Just for another idea of where it's likely to end.
  12. My favorite episode of the show easily and absolutely nailed the vibe that I wanted to see from this show. It certainly won't have the euphoric fandom response that last week's did but I just loved the atmosphere and fun that this had.
  13. Meh, the trend for this just does not suggest anything remotely close to that number.
  14. Good episode (didn't quite hit me emotionally as much as I wanted) but it is great to see one of my favorite SW characters back to feeling like herself again.
  15. I dislike how the show seems to be really avoiding mentions of Kanan, which I guess is to avoid throwing another unfamiliar name at those who didn't watch Rebels...but as someone who did it just bugs me when he really should be mentioned in a couple scenes in this episode.
  16. The episode is good with one really fantastic action sequence but paced a little weird, definitely could have used more runtime to let the character interactions breathe. I am hoping that Filoni really pays off all this table setting though. Right now it's not really hitting for me the way Rebels did.
  17. I enjoyed it quite a bit. First scene with Ahsoka dragged a little and there was some awkwardness in all the exposition of stuff that has happened since Rebels but I was always interested. I don't really understand the refrain of this feeling like Rebels S5, obviously the characters return but the feel of the show reminded me more of the prequels weirdly. Scope felt very big.
  18. I don't feel sorry whatsoever! We had to deal with this for how many shows...
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