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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. I prefer chronological just to keep the arcs together. It also adds more resonance to certain episodes, Rookies is great on its own but hits really hard if you've already seen Clone Cadets.
  2. You are right. Weird that they put those right where video views used to be. Very misleading.
  3. If going chronological, watch "Cat and Mouse" and "The Hidden Enemy" before the movie.
  4. Yeah they aren't great, not totally disastrous but it will need to be a pretty good movie to succeed. Twitter views are extremely high for some reason but I suspect there is some kind of ad/auto play thing going on there.
  5. Of course that little jibe had to be thrown in, lol. Yes, the movie plays up the absurdity of every character. But for the women that manifests in a wide variety of personalities and attitudes, while for the men it almost universally manifests in cartoonish incompetence and arrogance. I agree, but all of this has nothing to do with saying that "non-intellectuals are an inferior breed of moviegoer," whatever that's supposed to mean.
  6. Saying that "non intellectuals" are inferior is like the textbook example of snobbery. That said it is equally stupid to decide whether to watch a movie based on whether "snobs" like it.
  7. Barbie Friday Marcus 58951/184474, 1421 shows 0.95x BP2 (52.5 million) Oppy Friday Marcus 26153/86215, 667 shows I don't have appropriate comps for this but it increased fairly well on T-1.
  8. It looks good to me. Not sure about BO as the trailer stats are pretty bad on YouTube but fairly decent on other platforms which makes it hard to tell. But I am excited.
  9. Barbie Marcus Theaters Wed: 9288/10250, 60 shows Thu: 20934/105183, 809 shows Combined comp: 0.947x Black Panther 2 (26.5 million) Fri: 34956/183275, 1407 shows Comp: 0.836x Black Panther 2 (46 million)
  10. They probably can't account for fanbase interest which tends to be more concrete than GA interest. Nolan has a sizeable and engaged fanbase.
  11. I think there's a good case for Barbie going 150+ if it can get to a low-20s preview. Friday sales are great with a better ratio than Spiderverse so I'm not really seeing IM significantly below 7. I guess the question is if it gets limited by being underscheduled, but it definitely seems like the demand is there.
  12. Yeah this show pretty much sucks. I have found all the previous MCU shows to be at least decent, this one I'm having to force myself through. Nothing makes any sense and nothing has any weight.
  13. Barbie's EA is one of the toughest to deal with since it has sold so well and is making up such a big percentage of sales so far. It'll be a bit easier to project after a couple days once we see how much it's adding for EA and Thu. Like if you add EA and Thu then it looks like a very frontloaded Fri ratio while compared to just Thu it looks very backloaded (but then the Thu start is less crazy).
  14. Barbie is gonna be way too big for that raw comp to be of any value.
  15. Thing is Flash had easy comps that made it clear from the start it wasn't opening that huge. Barbie is a bit of an odd duck, even after the first full day of presales I suspect there will be a wide range of possibilities. That said this will clearly be a success from EA starting off that big, it's just a question of how much.
  16. I'm not even sure where the Ant-Man numbers are from, I don't think traditional tracking had that at 120 ever (maybe for 4-day, which it ended up hitting despite being awful). If anything Ant-Man was a case where interest in the movie was underestimated by traditional tracking, but then the very low quality led to it hitting that. Guardians and the two DC films were legit underperformances, yes. I would note that with Guardians it did leg very well, so it's possible tracking just didn't adjust to an MCU fanbase that was jaded from low quality releases and waiting for proof of it being good. Similarly the DC fanbase is in a weird place with the upcoming reboot. I would note though that Transformers underperformed traditional tracking which I believe was 68-70 million, so this list is selective. I also don't agree with excluding Across from the CBM list. It's also mixing and matching BO Pro tracking with NRG-style polling based tracking, and those are different models. There is likely something to audiences becoming a bit tired of a stream of low quality CBMs recently, but this tweet overstates the case.
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