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Everything posted by Tinalera

  1. Space Jam seems to be filling up pretty decently up here for Toronto (mind you how much of that is Finally we can go to theatres! remains to be seen). Going to be interesting to see what other films that have been out for a bit will have Ontarians hitting the theatres, they might get a little boost.
  2. Space Jam Taken July 14 for Shows starting July 16 Toronto Ontario (Note VIP pricing is 19.95 here, Regular showing 17.95) Yonge Dundas Total Shows 16 (4 VIP, 12 Regular) Total Seats 308 (Vip) 1709 (Regular) Seats Sold 0 (Vip) 26 Regular Yonge Eglinton Total Shows 8 Regular Total seats 2027 Total Sold 35 Yorkdale Total Shows 8 Regular Total seats 1839 Seats sold 160 Yay Numbers again! Only 3 theatres right now, main reason I'm still figuring stuff out, but also a number of theatres NOT showing sales (yet) for July 16 in Toronto. My layouts were coming out all screwy so I had to do it this way until; I figure out how to properly bring stuff over, but this should give you We are at 50 percent capacity for theatres when they open on Friday, so please take that into account in your figurings. Please let me know if theres any tweaking youd like to see that I can figure out, hope to get more theatres up going forward but this first weekend I might just stick with the three and build up my excel list going forward
  3. Space Jam July 14 Toronto Ontario Yonge Dundas Total Shows 16 (4 VIP, 12 Regular) Total Seats 308 (Vip) 1709 (Regular) Seats Sold 0 (Vip) 26 Regular Yonge Eglinton Totat Shows 8 Regular Total seats This one is incomplete my full one is about 2 down LOL (but I got a like so can't bear to delete it LOL)
  4. Space Jam Toronto Ontario Canada Wed July 14 Scotia Theatre Seats sold 1234 Total seats 2000 Number of shows 8 Sellouts 2 Test test this only a test (these are meaningless numbers don't get excited yet I didn't sneakily find a way to get numbers a day early lol). Want to see how the excel carries over to the site, nice it totally works well. Note this is copy and pasting the numbers instead of importing whole spreadsheets. Instead of individual show times to start ease my way in of total seats sold vs total amount of seats (taking that 50 percent occupancy into account), and number of shows. Its been a long while since Ive done this and never on a computer (yep I did all those before on a phone). I might just do it this way above, for each theatre to start, though I might only focus on a 3 or 4 "main" theatres in Toronto until I get used to this again. Any thoughts, suggestions, advice, or want to give me money just ask!
  5. So Ontario Canada will be hitting theatre reopening this Friday July 16. Advance tickets will be going on sale on Wednesday for shows. Im on a computer now so it will take some adjustment as I figure how to format the number counts. Im thinking of maybe using excel (which admittedly I don't use for much else lol). So my first while my numbers might be a little weird, but please bear with me as I figure it out and probably ask for some advice if/when I get stuck lol
  6. Apparently Disney made 60 million in streaming alone for Black Widow. Combine that with the 80-90 ish million they're predicting for theatres, the fact that many people paid a 30 dollar premium to watch a tentpole for streaming, that's going to raise some eyebrows at Disney I think. Will be interesting going forward to see what disney does with this information going forward. I have to think they are weighing that against the idea that 30 dollars was per subscription, and how many people were having watch parties where they'd have a group of people to watch, whereas a group of 5 people would be paying individual prices at theatre. So theres more to be had at theatre, but its got give them pause that a tentpole with premium pricing does seem to work.
  7. I feel a bit odd because I put mine in so late lol. Though on other hand it was totally a gut feeling lol.
  8. That's the hope, assuming everything goes smoothly of course. It would be nice to again start contributing to the numbers, having a computer now instead of just using a phone hopefully it goes easier with counting.
  9. I haven't thrown in a guess, if I still can I'd like to give an estimate of 13.3
  10. My sad image is for you losing your theatre. I imagine there are quite a number who haven't survived Covid. Good for you you are carrying on and doing other theatre counts though!
  11. Hitting 100 mil in theatres while also streaming on Disney Plus opening day would a very big win for them I would think.
  12. Now that is really interesting. I know Ive talked with my friends up here and we wondered what might happen post covid. It will be interesting to see if people who leave seats between people, if people sitting in those seats start getting dirty looks. Have to wonder if, depending on how things go, if theatres start some renovations and start removing some seats to "space out" seating a little bit more. It would be interesting because "less seats" would mean a bit more scarcity per show, which might optically drive up a look of "better selling shows"? That in turn could have some interesting minor effects on box office numbers possibly. Will be interesting to see what happens
  13. Just wondering anyone who has been to the theatre since they reopened where they are, just wondering what are people hearing in casual conversation/overhearing about how people in the theatres feel about the stream vs theatre simultanious openings of films. Just wonder if it sounds like its catching on, or are people treating it as a "it was a nice idea but now theatres are open its not really important" type of thing? Just wondering how the general public is feeling as they return to theatres.
  14. Not surprised at f9 numbers in the slightest. Massive franchise hitting theatres as things open up with vaccs and reducing covid numbers. Be interesting to see the numbers even with the theatres with reduced counts, going to be impressive I think.
  15. A small update RE Ontario at least-our vaccinations and decreasing infection is doing well enough that Ontario will enter phase 2 on June 30, two days earlier than the original July 2. Theatres are in the Phase 3 which, provided things don't go south, would be opening July 21-its a 21 day window and because of the two days earlier, what was July 23 would now be July 21. So hopefully we in Ontario are a month away from finally getting theatres open-and no doubt those will have distancing and such in place, but at least its a start)
  16. I admit its tough sometimes watching other theatres with their count and we're like waiting till at least Aug before we possibly see theatres opening. But it is what it is and Im HOPING that we are finally seeing a light....and hoping it's not a train lol
  17. I just want to say that while my own theatre counts aren't happening for a while, its great to see that people are going back to theatres and getting back to...well whatever normal will be. Its enjoyable to watch people get back to the theatres, and as counts become more available again. The added streaming/opening in theatres will be an interesting new aspect to consider as we all count and speculate about which will affect what. Enjoy the return to theatres over the summer everyone, I will read and follow with great interest.
  18. For what its worth, Ontario entering phase 1 on June 11. Theatres not looking until Phase 3 (phase 2 is 3 weeks after this, with certain targets met, that puts us around end of June-ish.) Following that will be phase 3 which again looking prolly around mid July for Ontario. As another said sounds like BC is opening their theatres so hopefully some Canada numbers coming soon from there. I (think?) Quebec has theatres opening or opening soon, but not sure. We are getting there slowly but surely in Ontario
  19. Pretty much spot on. Ontario has I think 10 million with 1 dose and maybe close to a million with 2 doses. There is a minimum 3 weeks between doses (Ive had myh first dose second sched for SEPT....unless we get doses in our area faster. Also in Ontario there was a rather large accusation of our premier playing politics when vaccs first went out in Jan, accused of favoring certain age groups that were part of his voting bloc as opposed to just getting them all out there (Ford really has been taking a beating for it). Our first initial does were like a few a thousand a day when when supposedly had ability for 150 thousand a day. After about a month we started seeing first doses of 100 grand plus a day but then miniscule 2nd doses. To get through phase 1 in Ontario requires 60 percent first doses (we are well over that). Phase 2 is 70 percent first dose (basically there) AND 20 percent second dose. Ontario pop is 14 million. So about 11 million for first dose and 2.8 mil for second dose. 3rd phase (theatres) will start at 80 percent first dose and I think 40 percent for 2nd dose. We have about 10 percent population of US (heck I think California alone has our population). So there may seem a bit off the first to second dose ratio. Again as far as Canada wide its harder to say because our theatres are pretty much monopolized by Cineplex with no real competing theatres, so they in their own way are trying to balance opening in other provinces but no appearing to "favor" any province and keep a consistent message with their opening strategies. Sorry For delay in response to both of you been busy last few days lol.
  20. I can only speak for Ontario as different provinces have different rules. I don't know if any other provinces have opened theatres yet (Quebec maybe?), but from what we are hearing here Theatres are in phase 3 as we are about to enter phase 1 with 3 weeks between. Im thinking Early to mid July Theatres in Ontario may finally get open for business. As for rest of Canada, each province has different opening strategies. Porthos response I added details down below. TL DR: Our province had some issues getting early vacc started. Sorry it took a couple of days to respond been busy around here lol.
  21. Yea theres a WHOLE discussion that could be had not fit for these forums as far as how things have played out with decisions made LOL. And yea the stress this is Ontario only, the other provinces have different stuff. So whats a certain date in our province might be diff from Alberta, Nova Scotia, ect. I know Quebec is allowing small attendance for hockey games now don't know how theatres are.
  22. For Ontario they've started on a phased reopening of sectors now as opposed to geographic areas. Ill have to check it exactly but between now and mid June is focussed on outdoor activities and SOME non-essential store stuff like walmart capped at a certain percent. Mid june to early july it looks like (though who knows with our gov) the focus will be on small indoor social stuff and more outdoor activities. Early to end of July will be that phase 3 where more stuff gets opened and (my pure speculation) is when we may see theatres opened. But our premier has stressed more people vacced the better chances things could accelerate. TLDR: In my speculation we are prolly looking at July from what I can see before Ontario theatres start reopening up. Any other Canadians/Ontarians who might know more about it by all means I'm more than happy to be corrected
  23. I agree that I don't see them getting rid of theatre experience entirely with blockbusters being "must see" stuff, which would almost take it back to when I was young and theatres had like 1 screen then went to 4-6 screens later, smaller amount of product. I do wonder if we will in turn see theatres basically remodel (esp the huge multi screen ones) and go back to a smaller amount of screens if there is smaller amount of product coming out. It will be interesting to see when (or if) they bounce back to pre covid sizes. I think the quicker turn around time will certainly divide a bit more people into the "see it theatres vs wait for streaming" crowds. It really is I think a significant moment in theatre/home viewing history right now and where it goes when all is said and done.
  24. For me the fact that 1/3 of people would prefer to see BW at home, while it's certainly the minority, 1/3 is still a decent chunk. I would have expected like maybe 10-15, 20 pushing it. But 32? Im thinking Studio execs might use (assuming the numbers pan out in reality)that thought of home stream opening as a positive thing to push for in future. To me it doesn't suggest theatres are doomed or anything, but over the next few years if (and that's a big IF) if that ratio of theatre to stream opening starts creeping and getting into 45-50 percent territory or more, I wonder what number where a disney or Universal says "yea, theatre experiences isn't giving us the roi" The studios do seem to being pushing their family fare as being a streaming first option as people seem to be responding to it already.
  25. And I think is the fear that that Cinemas had-that people got VERY used to home opening/streaming and (rightly or wrongly) saying "hey its cheaper to pay 20 bucks for a premiere streaming opening and have friends over and chip in a few bucks (which is what one of my friends did for Mortal Kombat). I do think we have to see after theatres open if people will go see a blockbuster like a black widow to see if people will at least go out for that.
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