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Everything posted by Madhuvan

  1. And it's trending , people are loving it. now Imagine if the unnecessary discourse didn't happen for 1st 2 episodes.
  2. Probably Fox acquisition , Marvel and Star Wars for Disney. Maybe Disney Plus??
  3. I didn't like WW84 but it's really dumb to say that WW can't carry 2-3 movies more. Like it or not , she is one of the most known female super hero as of now. ( yes , a case can we made for Black widow in Asia but we don't know how the movie will work) With right direction and script , it's very possible.
  4. It's not surprising that not only Kong Skull was better than other Monsterverse movies but it trended really well in most places. It was received very well , specially in the intense competition in 2017 with so many good and trending movies. I really want that type of movies more. It was so entertaining to watch that. Kong really was given a good story. I don't understand why they didn't follow that path when audience loved. Why did they time jump?? I would have loved to follow from there with mix of old and new characters.
  5. Well they are doing that for most movies regardless of quality
  6. I am more likely to belive Viewer Anon specially considering most of his info has been correct. People doubted him about WW84 and he was right. Looking forward to GvK. Although we don't have HBO MAX here lol.
  7. Kong skull was the best so far . Human Characters also were not annoying like this . Who directed that movie? we need him back .
  8. I am not that familiar with all the American sitcoms. Yes, I knew about I love Lucy and Bewitched but never watched and I still loved both episodes. I don't understand why you need to be familiar with sitcoms to understand WandaVison. It's fairly easy to grasp. Yes, there is a mystery shrouding all the events but it will become clear with each episode. Also, I am really excited for Episode 4. Kevin Feige has hinted that from 4th episode Act 2 starts.
  9. Wandavision has been trending at No 1 since midnight. Also it has been actually trending for days now. Wanda is very popular character and I won't be surprised if she makes into the top 3 of new Avengers in popularity.
  10. Actually almost very few will bail. If you go to twitter, insta and fb, Wandavision has been trending and people are really engaged in catching clues and solving mysteries. Even General Audience can feel that it's not actually what it seems and show has done phenomenal job to prove that from just 2 episodes.
  11. Comcast and At&T are much bigger than FOX .. I don't think even Disney is on their level after merger
  12. You are right but still it is a very big drop for New Year's weekend.
  13. Why focus on Guardians when you already have so many good characters??? This seems stupid to me.
  14. So, did anything important announcement about Marvel on that New Year Musical concert??
  15. I also don't want guardians to have more than 5 mins role. Movie should focus on Thor, Jane and Tessa. That's enough. We don't need to see annoying Chris Pratt for whole movie.
  16. Guys it's New Year Calm down. Let the 3rd film release in Cinemas, the reality of how successful second film was will be very clear. 😊 I have seen nothing but negative and meh wom from many of my friends.
  17. so is anyone gonna talk about Diana sleeping with stranger?? It's equivalent of rape. how can such things be showed in movie like this?? I was disgusted.
  18. Did you go to theatre? I am still debating whether I should wait for digital release or 😕.
  19. Wow verified audience score so low. Considering the fact that mostly theatre enthusiasts and die hard fans are watching in theatre. This doesn't paint a good picture. I know even verified is questionable but still.
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