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Everything posted by Madhuvan

  1. Want to watch it but can't. I hate WB for that. Atleast I am able to watch Disney content on Disney+ How am I supposed to see this in theatre??
  2. Twitter has consolidated all topics into one trending. Like they do nowadays. Still don't go if you haven't watch the show.
  3. While I absolutely don't agree with your thoughts about the show, I 100% agree with your last line.
  4. How to put in spoiler tag? Can you please tell? I am trying but can't on phone.
  5. I love the episode but I don't love what happened in the end.
  6. Yup, that Gamora thing was really intelligent. I though they will straight up revive her but that was very clever. If this movie continues to be that clever then I have absolutely no problem.
  7. Actually a very sad episode. There is definetly something special about baby. Let's see what happens now.
  8. All the 2 episodes that Filoni has directed are bad in quality. Not expecting anything good from next episode. We needed much more talented director. Only Clone Wars fans loved his past 2 episode.
  9. Such a meh episode. Peyton Reed can't do anything right.
  10. Sounds like MCU is no more in control of Kevin Feige only. Amy Pascal is playing from the background. Also, MCU is on downfall. People won't be able to keep up anymore.
  11. I actually loved all the 5 episodes of Boys S2 absolute perfection in my opinion. They are weaving a very interesting storyline. Stormfront is very interesting character. I hate her but want to watch more of her. She is terrifying. Butcher and Homelander are their crowning jewel. I absolutely despise Hughie. One of the most annoying character ever.
  12. Disney sucked up to Chinese government for this. This is legit funny. KARMA.
  13. Wow. So after so much ass licking from Disney 😂😂😂 Mulan is a big flop.
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