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Posts posted by JWR

  1. 23 minutes ago, excel1 said:

    For all of Iger's success, there are some real lessons here with regards to what NOT to do with succession. 


    If there is one enormous flaw with Iger's tenure, it's obvious at this point that the lack of no clear, obvious number 2, groomed successor was a big mistake. Everyone hated on Eisner, but he helped Iger learned significantly. Iger firing (if it was really his call) Tom Staggs in 2016 looks to have been a big mistake. There were others too, ala Kevin Mayer, who are no longer with he company and would certainly been better than Chapek. On top of that, Iger basically never left and this is a valid issue for Chapek to take criticism of. Iger HATED Eisner's interference early on in Iger's time as CEO - but he basically takes over the company a few months into Chapek's tenure, and then hovers over top for well after.


    Also noteworthy...how did the Disney board get it so wrong with choosing Chapek? The company was so revered that it made sense to promote from within. But how did they settle on that guy over Kevin Mayer? Why did they ditch Tom Staggs? 


    Iger deserves some criticism for the horrendous succession planning. He just does. For someone as sharp and successful, he needs to choose wisely and start grooming someone. 


    Most of Iger's choices for a replacement left before he stepped down, if I recall.

  2. 25 minutes ago, Cappoedameron said:


    Umm...he literally has tanked the stock of WB into the ground.


    His so called "quality" films bombed and underperformed at the box office.


    He has pissed off and disrespected many in Hollywood circles and many professional animation artists with his comments on animation.


    HBO Max was regarded as many as the quality streaming service amongst all others including even Netflix in terms of shows, engagement, and service and he has tanked that image and HBO Max numbers since he took over.


    He is a cheap penny pincher just like Chapek and deserves the axe completely.



    All true. But this was unfortunately the job he was brought in for. If those stocks keep plummeting though, he's in trouble.

  3. 42 minutes ago, YM! said:

    I am very hopeful their Animation arms will far better as Iger prided himself in building them into titans. Longer windows and better marketing campaigns seem very likely for Elemental and Wish where even if they underperform it sets up the old precedent again and retrains their audience.


    Having more committed marketing campaigns alone will help raise more awareness. 

  4. Just now, Valonqar said:

    Is this really a shocker? Didn't most people think that Iger retired to dodge pandemic and then would work his way back considering Chapek was obviously the wrong choice from the get go? Like, he was literally only known for being cheap af. 


    IMO, this is as "shocking" as Wilde/Styles breakup. Inevitable, not shocking.


    It's shocking in that it happened so abruptly. The board re-upped Chapek's contract back in June and it was assumed that they were gonna stick it out with him.

    • Like 1
  5. On 10/28/2022 at 6:19 AM, JWR said:


    Could be. But only if their financial situation worsens and his business acumen isn't enough to shield him.



    On 10/30/2022 at 10:36 AM, JWR said:


    It is a weakness, but I'd like to believe that after the Florida bill fiasco, he'll at least try to prevent it from becoming a fatal one.


    Well, damn. I guess that weakness proved to be more fatal for Chapek than I thought it would be.


    • Like 2
  6. 3 minutes ago, Porthos said:


    From most things I've been able to piece together it was the earnings report and everything that was surrounding that which was the proverbial straw which broke the camel's back.


    While it's mostly from anonymous sourcing, it does seem to add up.


    Chapek wasn't acting like someone about to be fired (i.e. he wasn't acting like there was any sort of informal transition/CEO search already underway).

    There were practically no leaks about him being axed/pushed aside.

    The Disney board, apparently, moved incredibly quickly.


    So I ask you, what changed in the last month or so?  While I suppose it isn't definitive, the earnings report certainly seems like Suspect Number One.


    (check my posts from the last few hours for various links on this)


    I'd like to think that the board was souring on him overtime (Parks prices, animation moving to Disney+, the Scarlett Johansson debacle, Florida). The disappointing Q4 results were just the final straw. 

    • Like 4
  7. 20 hours ago, AniNate said:

    I think with a 90%ish RT Lightyear would've done 250-300mil.


    Elemental's a big wild card. Premise that isn't an immediate selling point (even if it is easier to distill to a few sentences than Lightyear's), director officially responsible for their one pre-covid flop, and lingering questions about the brand's current drawing power. I do still feel the studio has a lot at stake with this release, especially given recent news of Disney's weak financials and layoffs. I don't think they'd be immune from cuts.


    To be fair, TGD had a very troubled production. Sohn just stepped in after numerous rewrites and director changes. This will be the first film that's fully his.

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