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Posts posted by JWR

  1. 2 hours ago, El Squibbonator said:

    They'd better. The way things are looking now, they're going to have another Lightyear on their hands. 


    This won't have the same baggage and is coming out in a less competitive environment than Lightyear. But they definitely need to start raising more awareness of thus. Lest they continue the trend of Disney not having a successful theatrically exclusive release outside of the MCU.

  2. 10 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

    Do they? What are you basing that on? 

    Wow, that’s a pretty lame look for Chapek. 


    Chapek making boneheaded decisions? What a shock (Not). The solution at this point would be to just focus on a new character. (Assumimg this movie is happening)

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Porthos said:

    Alright... FINE, I guess I'll be the one to rip off the god damn bandage:




    Taken from Puck News, via SW Leaks


    1000% un-surprising.  Kathleen Kennedy all but said no films coming out in 2023 in that VF piece back in May, and that was all but confirmed with the Radio Silence at Celebration.




    Editorial Time.


    You know what?




    Get your ducks in a row.  COMPLETELY IN A ROW, ignore all of the outside noise and braying  and just get something good ready whenever it will be ready.  Thank god they aren't rushing to try to reach some stupid artificial deadline.  Smartest damn thing they've done in a while.


    It would be great if they had something ready by next year.  They clearly don't.  So the next best thing is leave them in the ovens until they are ready.


    END Editorial by Resident SW Shill and Apologist.


    Is this legit?

  4. Just now, dudalb said:

    I think some slash and burn is going to be necessary. When you are in debt trouble, cutback on spending is the first thing you do.

    But Zaslev really does seem in over his head a little.



    Not just over his head, but not mindful of the optics or talent relations. I'm sure that the chaos will die down once the merger is complete and the transition is over. But with how Zaslav is handling this, I doubt he's going to have much luck attracting talent who fully trust him.


    I bet Dan Lin probably opted out being the head of DC because he saw how the last month played out and wanted no part in the mess.

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, dudalb said:

    I agree.with the proviso that no matter who had taken over Warners, deep budget cuts would have occured, and a lot of fans wouls be upset.


    True to a point. Sacrifices need to be made. But all Zaslav has proven so far is that he knows how to slash and burn. That served him well when running a network of reality TV shows, not so much when it comes to running a film studio.

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