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Posts posted by JWR

  1. 17 hours ago, Mojoguy said:

    Saw the Gru trailer last night with JWD. Lots of laughs and great reactions from the audience. 


    This thing is going to be be HUGE. Way bigger than Pixar's The Martian for kids, Lightyear just looks looks way too serious and too action focused. Its unfair but comedy animation will always be bigger than action animation.


    People forgot the last two movies with the yellow talking twinkies made 1 billion each. This is the film that is going to really bring families back.


    That was 5 years ago. Make no mistake, this movie is going to be HUGE, but will probably fall short of making what M1 and DM3 made. Not to mention Thor stealing some of its thunder next weekend.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Porthos said:


    More whispering:





    I get that Rice came along from Fox, but this is just hilarious.  Not "the right cultural fit" is just lol-worthy.  Given its insular nature this really isn't a surprise, but in the context of the FL debacle, what a tone deaf statement.


    Still, Disney looooooves to promote from within with lifers/long termers (from what I understand at least - see the lingering fallout from the Eisner years).


    Also a sign that Chapek ain't going anywhere, at least in the short term.




    Curious to get @EmpireCity's thoughts on this stunning move and how it's playing outside of the House of Mouse.




    Chapek should be fine provided there isn't another major snafu like in March and April.

  3. 1 hour ago, Brainbug the Dinosaur said:

    Woudnt it be great if this film and Dominion could recreate the same co-existing run like with the first JW and Inside Out in 2015? I could totally see this also opening in the 90M range and then chugging along with the dinosaurs.


    That still shocks me to this day. Inside Out was competing with Jurassic World AND Minions yet it outgrossed the latter domestically while making $858M Worldwide.


    So, if an original Pixar film can pull those numbers, this could be huge.

  4. 18 hours ago, Walt Disney said:

    This is the very definition of a self-inflicted wound. It all could have been avoided if Disney did not over-react from calls to get involved from people who did not have Disney’s best interests in mind. I am sure the people at Universal feel the same way as Disney does about the law. yet no one put any pressure on Universal to say a word, and they sure have not volunteered to join Disney either.


    If Disney had just remained quiet for an extra week, this whole thing would have blown over, and people would have moved on.


    This. All of this is on Chapek and the more it spirals out of control, the worse it looks for his chances at getting renewed. Hell, I bet even Chapek himself is beginning to regret taking this job.

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  5. Ascribing social mores to a company is a ridiculous idea in the first place. They're motivated by money not homophobia, even if it lines up with that it's not the determining factor. You can see that by how corporations champion Pride on one hand and censor it on the other depending on the country. I always find the moral handwringing over what corporations do to be really weird.


    Corporations are not your friend. They only care about money, and if their values happen to align with yours, all that means is that it's profitable for them. Not to say Disney funding the don't say gay bill isn't reprehensible, but I wasn't expecting any better from them.


    The only thing shocking about this saga is how poorly Chapek has navigated through it by saying the quiet part out loud.

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