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Sophia Jane

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Everything posted by Sophia Jane

  1. personal experience doesn't speak anything.we need the data of WOM here
  2. maybe we need some kind of re release in china after covid effect totally gone,
  3. INDIA OW is on par with AEG,could beat it record to become the highest grossing HLW film there
  4. #AVATAR BOX-OFFICE :- Fri ₹ 42cr, Sat ₹ 43cr Total 85cr+ ALL (LANGUAGE) #India biz. "Avatar has grown by around 5-10%, which means the film will collect at least ₹ 130 cr nett, but it could be higher if southern markets perform slightly better than expected on Sunday."
  5. The presale rate say that only fans watching the film right now,other people are afraid of getting positive on covid
  6. Everything is depend on Second weekend,before that everything here is still uncertain
  7. So about 830k admits today,what about Sun presale
  8. What about Avatar WOM here,that’s the only way to save the overall gross
  9. 「アバター ウェイ・オブ・ウォーター」は初日興収1億8000万円で初登場興収1位スタート。 特殊上映で鑑賞する人が多く客単価は高いため、かろうじて興収では首位を記録するも動員数では「Dr.コトー診療所」に敗れる結果に。 前作同様ロングランヒットで数字を伸ばしてくのか、今後に期待がかかります。
  10. I don’t know if is great but is really weird,how could a movie with 1.2m presale but only 246k for the opening sunday?even TGM and Frozen 2 won’t have the situation,this movie will have really really long run here
  11. Is kind weird for the huge presale increase,is even up 400k before the release but only 246k this Sat,I can’t understand how this trend happened,is not a normal thing in SK market and especailly for the blockbuster like Avatar
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