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Everything posted by Potiki

  1. I'm expecting nothing on Disney+ Day itself personally but could just be lowering my expectations. One thing is for certain they are not announcing everything Disney+ related on Disney+ Day as the panel descriptions have mention of Disney+ for example the Disney/Pixar panel: They have 3 days to announce plenty of stuff coming to Disney+ at the various panels at D23 and I imagine they will still put social posts for people that are not attending, similar to what Marvel Studios did at Comic-Con.
  2. Got my expectations pretty low, although I'm sure it won't be awful as they are charging money for this. At the games showcase for a date for Disney Speedstorm (the free to play kart racer) and some Star Wars games. Pixar, WDAS and Live Action, I hope we get a mention of that 2D Bluebeard film (if it is real) and expect the already announced stuff to get some pictures/footage out depending on how far away from release it is. Marvel, Lucasfilm and 20th Century, I'm hoping for some cool stuff from Willow, Indiana Jones 5 and Mandoverse for the most part. we will probably get TV stuff, Fantastic Four and Thunderbolts from MCU, Avatar and Apes from 20th Century. Parks I doubt they announce anything for Japan, so not too interested in that but I'm sure some of the Star Wars stuff will look dope and wouldn't be shocked at an Encanto attraction retheme or announcement of a rude in the works.
  3. source: https://deadline.com/2022/09/house-of-the-dragon-game-of-thrones-viewing-records-1235108852/ The is for UK and should add Australia viewership below: Source (August 30th): https://www.adnews.com.au/news/house-of-the-dragon-breaks-viewing-records Sorry the formatting is a bit messed up copied and pasted from the streaming tracking thread.
  4. No idea how many family accounts there are for Amazon, Amazon also offers a Prime Video only option but I imagine that is a fairly small percentage of total viewers. I will say whilst Amazon Prime is more than just streaming it does get decent overall viewership below only Netflix and Hulu in the US. Source: https://www.nielsen.com/insights/2022/streaming-claims-largest-piece-of-tv-viewing-pie-in-july/ I would guess they have around as many active users as Hulu (46m) or Disney+ (44m US and Canada, probably 39m US only) so around 40-50m monthly viewers as a wide range. Internationally Amazon is biggest in terms of market share in Japan (which also accounts for majority viewership) with Canada, Western Europe and Australia also pretty sizeable but viewership lower than Disney+ even though Disney are smaller in these markets in terms of subs. India is sizeable by amount of subscribers, less so market share, but viewership I don't know how they do there. Don't know how much this all helps, I would say wait for Nielsen data in a months time then it will be easier to compare to other services shows at least in the US. Internationally/globally we don't get a lot of viewership stats but as I said the other day the 25m number seems good to great, Kasey Moore who runs What's on Netflix did a comp to some Netflix numbers they used to give out when they did views rather than hours but should be noted that the language used by Netflix was accounts vs. Amazon saying viewers which may have boosted Rings of Power numbers some but also none of Netflix's numbers are from first day only either. For people who can't see the tweet for whatever reason comparing ROP 25m views: "To my knowledge Netflix never released single day figures. Murder Mystery got 31 million in first weekend. (45 full week) Stranger Things 3 got 40.7 million accounts in first 4 days. Red Notice most watched on day 1 with ???"
  5. Easily my favourite show on TV right now, always leaves me wanting more but I’m glad this is weekly as I love talking about the weeks episode with friends. Really love what they are doing with Rhaenyra and Daemon in terms of similarities and imagery; without getting into deep spoilers.
  6. Nielsen probably not a good metric compared to internal data for multiple reasons, Nielsen is very very likely under what the actual figure is due to it being limited to TV views (no mobile, laptop etc.) also even with a good representative panel (which has been questioned by the broadcast networks post Covid) it still doesn’t compare to the exact concrete data the streamers have. I would say Nielsen is more just a good guide of popularity/competition across the different streamers which we most likely won’t get Rings of Power data for roughly a month so no point dwelling on that too much. Anyway HotD doubled its viewership from night 1 to full week but important to note that was scheduled on linear TV and probably a bit frontloaded due to such a high % of people who have HBO watching that first night, I wouldn’t be shocked if Rings of Power does more than double that 25m worldwide figure it’s first week but that is just a gut feeling.
  7. Back in April 2021 Amazon said they had ~175m people who had watched something in the last 12 months, that period of time was during the height of the COVID pandemic in much of the world. Also active viewers (be it you view that as Monthly, Weekly, Daily) would all be much lower. So at the high end having 1/7th of your user base watching in the first 24 hours seems pretty good to great from my perspective, but how much of the show each of those ~25m people watched is in question which could either make it more or less impressive.
  8. How is a major news organisation writing this nonsense. Was Zaslav scared that Rings on Power would overshadow HotD and ask CNN to put out the hit (sarcasm) but seriously has CNN always done this or are the comments under the tweet right that this actually is a change to appeal to a Fandom Menace style audience by CNN.
  9. It is a global number but only first 24 hours still seems pretty good, likely not as big as HotD on a global basis sure but that is like comparing every blockbuster film opening to the biggest MCU films, GoT is a hugely popular IP more so than even LotR/Middle Earth in recent times. I expect that number will continue to grow as well, obviously what is more important is what percentage of people finished the episodes and plan to continue watching which we got absolutely no indication of and will likely have to rely on third party information to get a rough picture of that.
  10. As I previously said the visuals are stunning and yes the score is very good as well, I love the diversity on screen as well, everything about the production side is top notch (which is a little shocking) I’m glad it turned out well. Now to the unfortunately more negative aspect, I have waited for a few hours to see how I feel about everything and yeah I feel bad but some of changes are getting to me. I will start by saying that Tolkien outside of LoTR and The Hobbit was much more of a world builder when it came to his other books regarding Middle Earth so less narrative and dialogue, more people and places; which means it is more open to interpretation than strict dialogue and precise story beats. That said there are some pretty notable changes (from what I remember, it has been years since reading them.) I wonder if only having rights to the second age (from what I understand) is having an impact here. Still for me the most notable changes are with the Elves, who are my favourite race from the books/movies and also live for long periods of time so have a big impact on the world. In particular Finrod and Galadriel; Finrod died in a different manner than depicted in the show and I think using that as a character motivation for Galadriel is against who she is, from what I recall, also the lack of her Husband (Celeborn) and possibly daughter* is notable *If she had been born at this point, I remember it was some time during the second age but I also know they have truncated the story line so human characters are not dying of old age every few episodes. Anyway I guess they could introduce those elements later but I also might just have to treat this as a multiverse/elseworlds version of the second age, one of multiple Middle Earths if you will. I’m sure I’ll get over it and continue watching, I didn’t hate the show by any means but just going to have to change the mindset of this being canon (for lack of a better term)
  11. By the way noticed earlier this is Dolby Vision, I think most of the time Amazons originals are only in HDR. Pretty sure that is helping with this looking better than their other shows, I do wonder if they possibly upped the bitrate for this as well, as it looks significantly nicer than anything else I’ve seen on Amazon.
  12. Streaming with discounts on parks and merchandise by the sounds of things.
  13. For what it is I would say it was good, but not great, a somewhat dumb time travel movie. For sure could have been better though given the cast and crew involved I would have expected something more crowd pleasing. it is probably the worst of the 3 movies I’ve seen from Korea recently but the other 2 were Broker and Decision to Leave which are both more dramatic slow burn films, Alienoid is the film I had the most fun with but not something I have thought about too much in the couple of weeks since I saw it.
  14. Not anything bad by the way he is just burned out from years on the production and will still be making things with HBO going forward
  15. So good, hopefully Sicily can capture some of the magic again in a few weeks.
  16. Yeah that show had an embarrassment of riches when it came to performances, Bartlett was my favourite as well.
  17. I also don't like Euphoria (Skins is better) but she was great in The White Lotus so I could she her having a decent career.
  18. Most of the fairytales that Disney adapts are way more messed up originally before getting watered down into Disney films, easy way around it is he could be a swindler rather than a murderer.
  19. source:https://thedisinsider.com/2022/08/30/rumor-disney-developing-2d-animated-film-based-on-french-fairy-tale-bluebeard/ Lots of room for disappointment but if this is true I will be so happy to have a full length 2D WDAS film, would prefer it to come out next year with the 100 year anniversary though.
  20. The Volume continues to be amazing! I didn't even realise that this show was using it but makes sense for the scene.
  21. Ah got you, I thought it was something more insane like with the recent Regal news that the Domestic market was going to be way down due to theatre closures or something lol. But I imagine you are right there is probably some that think that way.
  22. Glad they have started using the Game of Thrones YouTube channel for HotD trailers and behind the scenes in the last month or 2, they seem to be getting pretty good engagement as well which isn't shocking given the viewership of these first 2 episodes.
  23. Now I'm interested what is the other reasoning you are thinking about? I personally just think this will be huge in China, should still be big domestically as well.
  24. I think everyone is reading too much into the past or present Warner situations with this move. This is a business transaction which means $$$ now sometimes a company will give up some $ if they have a great relationship or to have a bigger reach (a lot of sports deals still incorporate broadcast/cable heavily and Amazon has missed out on some even with higher offers for example) But anyway the situation with Legendary is that Warner, Sony and Paramount are all offering basically the same thing which is co-productions and theatrical distribution it just seems like Warner may have a lesser offer than Sony or Paramount. I don't think this will impact GvK or Dune sequels as those should either move over to the new partner or stay with Warner depending on the terms of previous contract.
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