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Everything posted by interiorgatordecorator

  1. I dont really expect to see Ezra Miller in anything meaningful again, so I just want to say I'm gonna miss him. It's not that I'm particularly fond of him, though he often plays endearing characters. I feel that as an actor he fills a particular niche, that no other current high-profile actor can. Seeing Chamalet look awkward as Wonka only made me think of how much better the role would have been in Ezra Miller's hands
  2. how does MI7 losing more shows than indian jones and insidious make sense? is that what happens when your market cap is only 10 billion? or is that normal considering the loss of all plfs?
  3. The doritos factor https://deadline.com/2023/07/donald-trump-sound-of-freedom-jim-caviezel-1235437088/ its taking place today
  4. so how GA-friendly is this? realized that trying to make a Legs prognosis without knowing that might be pretty useless
  5. too funny to ignore (and I'm stretching my muscles for passion 2, outside of the avatars, it's the movie whose BO performance I'm most interested in seeing, both from a pure numbers perspective and also its implications) better use of my time than being sad about MI7's underperformance
  6. Just finished Magnolia, great time at the couch and Cruise's oscar nom should have been an oscar win; Im a pretty big fan of the MI series, but Cruise is way too talented (and funny) to keep playing the "Tom Cruise in an action movie" character over and over again hope he passes the baton to someone else for MI, forgets about TG3 for about a decade, completes his 2-billion-grossing space movie, and returns to doing more dramatically demanding roles
  7. just realized I have never heard the names chelsea stacie and skipper in relation to this movie are they not in this movie? Does Gerwig not know and/or not respect Barbie lore?🤯
  8. boooooo no respect for records how hard can it be to fudge 400k more so that it ends up over MI2's 5-day
  9. interesting so its possible the time he tried to murder his university professor over academic disagreements is included
  10. according to Wikipedia, the script is from 2015, and Caviezel was only cast in 2018 for a summer 2018 shoot not my forte, but I'm certain it predates qanon
  11. so pretty much the exact same 5-day as MI2 wonder what 79 million in 2000 is today, too lazy to do that math, but I assume DR is selling half as many tickets as 2 did maybe in another world mission impossible is a 400-million-dollar franchise (instead of the usual 200), that of course would have required 2 and 3 to have been better and for tom cruise to have had a more normal early 2000's
  12. ? most i've seen is some say they were sad it's hurting MI7, have no idea what you are referring to
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