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Everything posted by ListenHunnyUrOver

  1. Another problem is the gay representation is usually half-assed and in projects that don’t have broad appeal. Fantastic Beasts? Lightyear? Eternals? None of these are great, or particularly exciting, with tepid critic response. If Tom Holland’s Spider-Man was gay the movies would still smash, but we aren’t really given gay leads for these franchises.
  2. Even those have just moderate chemistry. Amber Heard should not be fired because Depp stans are throwing tantrums and won’t get another movie with him as Jack Sparrow.
  3. Heard and Momoa didn’t have out of this world chemistry, but which Superhero coupling does? Paltrow and Downey Jr? Adams and Cavill? McAdams and Cumberbatch? No, no and no.
  4. A24 has turned off people of their horror movies, which are way closer to art house dramas than traditional horror fare. I think after Lamb people are done giving A24 horror a chance. The marketing isn’t fooling anyone anymore.
  5. What an awful poster. If “She-Hulk” wasn’t on the poster I’d assume this is about Elphaba or something.
  6. Nah, WSS had no hype whatsoever, and was way too old fashioned for modern audiences. It was never going to be a big hit.
  7. Is it though? I’m not sure if I have as much faith in this as everyone else seems to. A Toy Story movie this is not. I also believe the Pixar brand is sort of tarnished after the last few movies were dumped on Disney+ tbh. I just don’t think this will have the kind of appeal to kids as an ordinary Toy Story movie. Of course Lightyear will be big, but I don’t know if I think it underperforming expectations a bit would surprise me.
  8. This is so annoying. I’m still surprised that this is such an issue in blockbusters still. There was a bit of a reaction to the gay kiss in Eternals when I saw it in a theatre. It doesn’t help that gay characters keep getting put into these properties with less appeal (Lightyear, Eternals, Fantastic Beasts) as opposed to more promising franchises which makes representation questionable. Hopefully the homophobic backlash doesn’t hurt this movie too much.
  9. Johnny Depp was legally branded a wife beater by a UK court. There’s no way they were going to keep him after that, or penalize Heard.
  10. There’s no way WB will replace her if she wins the case. The optics would be terrible, and they can’t justify firing her after Depp’s UK trial loss, AND a US trial loss.
  11. Straight to streaming movies have a stigma still tbh. The 6 hour shows have a movie budget but are stretched out to much longer, and are made to boost subscriber numbers. A made-for-Disney+ movie is not going to have the same effect, and will cheapen the brand.
  12. The studios need to grow balls and learn what to green light and how to promote it. EEAAO shows that people still crave original movies in theaters, but something like The Northman will always have a limited audience.
  13. I would think her being in DS2 would bring in a female audience but it seems like MCU movies are going to skew male no matter what.
  14. I think one thing that helped the first 3 phases was the emphasis on the “staple characters” or Thor, Iron Man and Captain America to keep the gp interested in Mcu movies overall. Now we are already pretty far along into Phase 4 and the solo movies have been a send off to BW, and then introducing Shang-Chi, but is unclear what role Shang-Chi or the Eternals characters will play going forward. Who are the core characters? Shang-Chi, Wanda, Doctor Strange and Icarus? Messy messy. Feige needs a protege to take over as he moves on to Star Wars. The TV shows being in canon just opens the door for the dilution of the brand too.
  15. I just think playing this off as a solo movie of an unknown B-list Marvel character is disingenuous after Doctor Strange had a solo movie and was built up in following movies, and paired with a popular character as a co-lead, not to mention the promise of cameos galore, Sam Raimi’s return to the comic book genre and the fact that DS2 is the first proper MCU summer movie since 2019.
  16. Captain Marvel was a divisive character, and Wanda has been in the MCU for almost a decade, is popular online, and is alive. Black Widow is popular, but that’s like saying Iron Man is more popular than Thor. Only one is active in the franchise rn.
  17. Definitely heard some people say they were waiting until this dropped on Disney+ due to having kids, and this allegedly having scary moments. The MCU should probably stay away from horror and esoteric anything after Eternals and DS2. They need to get the gp back on board with another new story arc, or set up a new big bad. This multiverse is a Pandora’s box of potential backfires or missteps.
  18. Wanda is definitely the most popular female MCU character in 2022. Maybe The Marvels could propel Captain Marvel, but I’d say that Black Widow is less popular now that phase 4 isn’t focusing on her as much.
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