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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. i'll save you the trouble. here's part of the clip
  2. Oh i know he was that, but just the way he was talking and he looked down at the leg a few times while he was going through he talk about being sorry, made it seem a bit like he knew. Like I said, i may have read the scene wrong at that point which is why I can believe he didn't know either. Just something that seemed off, that's all. It didn't ruin the film at all for me, just would be my only nitpicking "issue", if there had to be one
  3. because no one cares kidding, some studios take longer than others to report numbers
  4. yeah one day I will actually get more than the free account once I can turn oxygen into gold like Dr. Manhattan
  5. lol but I do get what you mean. I could talk about all this all day too so since we basically agree where each other are coming from, this may be a good place to end all this before we bore the other posters
  6. yeah see I don't mind dark/gritty. I need the variety. I'm not saying i prefer it over the lighthearted stuff, I just need the balance which is why I like both. the bolded part explains a lot too I liked the character. Not all of his views since some were pretty bad, but overall, he's what kept the story together which is why I felt it was best he was the one telling it. But again, I see why he doesn't work for everyone. cool conversation about all this though
  7. I think my only real issue with the movie was the doctor letting Calvin stay on his leg and then him going into the locked down area when they were trying to basically kill it or escape. There just wasn't much justification for him to do that. I get he felt responsible so wasn't thinking clearly but it just seemed off. I thought that maybe he didn't know it was on his leg, but the movie made it seemed like he did know. So maybe I am just reading it wrong but other than that one tiny point, I really liked the movie. A-/B+
  8. yeah I will most likely see this, but not expecting much due to one of the leads. However, I'm just hoping for a good time at the theater from it
  9. interesting. I don't disagree that the ideas and all had been done before. It was more revolutionary that it happened in comic form because even then, as you probably already know, comics were still looked down upon as being just cheap kiddy stuff. This helped to change that. Yes I liked where some of the comics went after that due to the Watchmen, but I totally get why some don't like the turn in the industry. It gave us some great comics but yes, like everything else, it did kind of go to the extreme and since everyone plays copycat, it was harder to find more "lighter fare" comics again. I actually like some of the things you didn't prefer, but I get where you are coming from
  10. yeah shame for whoever has to clean up that mess obviously I was kidding around a bit but I do like Watchmen, but I get why it's not for everyone. Maybe it's not for this thread, but I am curious what you don't like about it. I'm always curious about the other side of things
  11. I don't mind the title. I hope the movie is, at least, as good as the first one
  12. and here's my response to that hot take which is represented on the right side of this gif
  13. so this is at 60% and 5.7/10 on RT, not too bad considering it's only 15 reviews so far
  14. i'll completely disagree with you here, but I know some people do want him back
  15. yeah i haven't seen IT in such a long time that the movie will probably feel original but yeah I am looking forward to this unless they really tank the first trailer lol
  16. that part is literally the only time I have seen a reaction to the trailer in the times I've seen it in a theater the movie maybe good, but the trailer or the main guy hasn't made it look good yet. Maybe when they start selling the, it's a musical in the next trailer, it will look better to me
  17. looks like Blair Witch but them searching for aliens instead of a witch. I may catch it if another trailer comes out and makes it look better
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