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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. yes her being Luke's daughter is the prevailing thought. There are some other theories out tehre, but yeah it is most likely they are dad and daughter
  2. nah the real villain is Jack. Look at the facts. He gets two Swedish guys to lose their tickets to maybe get a better life in America. He gets a couple broken up, regardless if they shouldn't or not be together. He distracts the lookouts from seeing the iceberg because they are staring at him messing around with Rose, so they can't turn in time. So by the movie's timeline, he literally gets 1500 people killed including Fabrizio who would have just went home to his family if he didn't meet Jack. If that's not a villain I don't know what is.
  3. yeah i was just asking in case you didn't hear about the big weather stuff. It's pretty bad in the midwest still. So today's number could be a little deflated as well.
  4. you mean besides the massive weather issues that are going on?
  5. man this thread...just...ugh... This is how I feel about this thread right now
  6. am I the only one that can edit posts? if so, give me admin powers for like 2 minutes and I'll go edit that post lol
  7. according to the book and movie, "too big to fail", they thought they were setting a precedent that not bailing Lehman out would send a message to other places that the government isn't just there to fix their screw ups. At first, the news outlets and such lauded the idea and thought it was great. Boy, did that change obviously as time went on.
  8. Good job You are catching up with my number of views now I've seen it alone 3 times and with people twice
  9. agreed, she, as well as the other, were great. But she quickly became one of my favorite characters in the whole saga that quicklyl
  10. don't get me wrong, I won't be surprised at all if she is Luke's kid, and if you put a gun to my head, I would say she is. but I just I think that may be too obvious. Also the Obi-wan yelling her name in the vision which really makes no sense if she is Luke's child. Again, that can just be explained away or ignored but just even little things like her being the only one with the British accent. I know it is not genetic, but it could explain that she was raised by people that had the accent like Ben did so it could be passed down to his granddaughter like that. Again, not saying there is an absolute point in the movie that I can point to and say "see it's obvious" but just little things. I also can agree that I may be reading too much into things and may just be looking for other options then being a Skywalker
  11. I am sure it was talked about before but I may be leaning towards Rey being a Kenobi. Not saying that her being a Skywalker isn't probably the top option, but just saying the more I watch (5 times now), I am starting to lean to the Kenobi side
  12. I know, but I still felt stupid after seeing the title of the thread
  13. Sorry when I saw it, I thought it still said Friday, I may just not have refreshed the page yet. my bad
  14. so got home from the IMAX experience which was awesome, the presentation and the crowd, so any good Saturday numbers yet?
  15. I'll be seeing it with the same people on opening day in about 3 1/2 hours in IMAX First time seeing this in IMAX so I am hoping for a good crowd.
  16. yeah you can and I don't even like Avatar, but just using the rest of his filmography I can say he is a master storyteller
  17. That would mean me being on my own for Christmas
  18. I have to deal with my brothers nasty, asshole in laws tomorrow. They are so bad it caused a feud that basically means half my family can't be in places if the inlaws are there. So stupid and sad
  19. he might be, although I know he isn't the first to be well paid for basically a cameo. James Caan was the highest paid person in Godfather part II and he was only in that end scene for a few minutes.
  20. I just posted this in the other thread but I can't give the spoiler away tehre so I am finishing it up here well just getting home from my fourth viewing at an 11:20 am showing, and it was basically sold out. It seems to get better every time I see it and the fifth time is already set for Saturday in IMAX. This is probably the best crowd I had so far, even down to the applause at the end. I still laugh when this showing this one lady yelled "no way" when Snoke announced that Kylo was Han's son. It was pretty funny.
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