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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. well just getting home from my fourth viewing at an 11:20 am showing, and it was basically sold out. It seems to get better every time I see it and the fifth time is already set for Saturday in IMAX. This is probably the best crowd I had so far, even down to the applause at the end. I still laugh when this one lady basically yelled "no way" at one scene. It was pretty funny.
  2. I'll help while you got to a computer It is a simple story and I don't mean that as an insult. You have the poor guy that everyone still loves and roots for going with the woman that while has everything, doesn't have a real life and finds it instantly with him. It's a couple most want and can root for, as they literally complete each other's lives. Yes there was Leo-mania which just like the 3d for Avatar was ONE factor. Not the main factor like some want to say for each movie. But to say those are the ONLY reasons either of those movies did well is just purposely downplaying both movies and ignoring everything else. You have the real story of the Titanic which has been romanticized and talked about ever since it sank. There is a historical society, clubs and such that rival even the fanboy type stuff. The real story of the band playing until the very end, the sinking itself, etc, etc. Plus at one point the Titanic was the second most written about subject in books only behind some guy...what's his name...something to do with this holiday coming up...oh that's right JESUS!!! Not a bad person to be in second place to on the list. This doesn't even get into the work and effort and look of the movie itself that drew you into the time period. I'll let baumer do the rest as I have to get going to see Star Wars again
  3. be careful here. he thinks the generic bad guy, Ronan from GOTG is intimidating so you may not like the answers
  4. Agreed. it's top of the list going around with TFA, then Avengers, the JW, then Avatar which isn't bad, but is utterly forgettable to me so therefore not good either
  5. Yeah I haven't had that one great crowd yet. So hopefully I will get that with one of my viewings
  6. wow, I am slacking, I am still stuck on 3. Probably this weekend I will try to do at least session 4 or maybe tonight
  7. I know right? I figured it would have been pulled and the screens given to The Heart of the Sea by now
  8. maybe a bit of both, but as you can tell with some people in here already, it is getting the hate of being so successful and beating other franchises. So that part will definitely grow as the years go on. But I think also the people that like it will like it more as time goes on so I think everything will offset
  9. yeah but all that has been talked about before. Anakin/Darth had no reason to ever go back to that planet that he hated, plus he didn't know the kids existed, no one did. It's obvious with Rey being a kid and not a baby, that people knew she existed at some point are we really going down this geekly trimmed road?
  10. i raise with , what makes more sense, hiding her with someone that anyone knows is clearly close to the family so is easier to find, or with someone that anyone looking for her wouldn't think about? AND on top of that, still have that "old ally" be able to look after her with no worry about linking him and her together?
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