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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. Yeah I know how it can be online I would say for the most part I am good. Thanks. Not the easiest thing to post during work any more, plus there hasn't been much to reply to lately. Some threads are just...how should I put this...too "interesting" to even interact So I pick and choose my spots more. I don't want to overdo it how have you been?
  2. I don't know anyone that has seen it and liked it, BUT even with that, I wouldn't say this is getting bad WOM
  3. I probably think it is funnier than you, but I agree that it wasn't a flat out comedy. The heart and inspiring moments did carry the film
  4. from the past Stallone Arnold Harrison Ford More current: Denzel Washington Dwayne Johnson
  5. Easily one of the better movies I have seen this year. I got the metaphor too, and I did like the shot at critics Yes don't go on an empty stomach as there is major food porn in this A-
  6. 1. American Hustle - C+ 2. The Wolf of Wall Street - A 3. The Lego Movie - A 4. Robocop - B-/C+ 5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier - A 6. Muppets Most Wanted - B+ 7. 300: Rise of an Empire - B 8. The Amazing Spider-man 2 - B 9. Godzilla - A- 10. X-Men: Days of Future Past - B+ 11. Chef - A- 12. Edge of Tomorrow - B
  7. Decent movie. I liked it and it was entertaining which is what I ask for out of a movie like this. I don't love it as much as some here do, but I would still recommend it to someone who just needs to have a movie to watch. B
  8. I was about to graduate high school a couple weeks when this first came out. I always loved dinosaurs so I had to see the movie. My dad was never big on going to the movies as he was big on renting and watching at home. I got him to go to this one and it was the last movie we saw together in a theater, since to this day, I don't think he has been to a theater again.
  9. I don't even have next weekend. I will see other movies, but really until August, there is nothing I am begging to see
  10. Not sure if that means good or bad
  11. I was born there, which obviously helps to explain my Philly allegiance to all the teams
  12. Come on, you need to be a 4-for-4 guy
  13. Not even close and I love the NFL, but the NFL is in second
  14. NHL playoffs are the best of the main 4 sports here in the US
  15. Well the whole movie made the whole movie look horrible But I get what you are saying about the ending.
  16. It was cumin actually and yes I am embarrassed to say I knew that after watching RIPD the other day
  17. Yeah it seems interesting which is why I want to see it. Since you seem to like it, usually that is a good sign for me
  18. I plan to see that on Sunday as part of a double feature, just not sure what the other movie should be yet
  19. Yeah last time I cried was during Eight Below due to the dog stuff
  20. In my area, there are some schools that are done for the year, some finish next week
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