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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. I have to saw that I was less than impressed with this movie. I really wanted to like it, I really, really did, but it just didn't connect with me. It felt choppy, too long, and didn't really have a flow to it for most of the beginning The acting was ok so I can't blame anyone for that. Obviously the action did its job. I can even say parts were a bit boring, but overall the movie came off as kind of mediocre to me. I was just waiting for some big, memorable part, but it just never came to being. I did enjoy the ending to at least. B-/C+
  2. I am hoping this is the one of those few times we disagree about a movie I should be seeing it tomorrow morning
  3. Yeah I was a bit surprised at how packed my theater was for the 7 pm show last night. Mostly older people too.
  4. Zero Dark Thirty - A- Hyde Park on Hudson - B- Texas Chainsaw - C-/D+ Warm Bodies - B+ Bullet to the Head - C+ Hansel and Gretal: Witch Hunters - C+ Side Effects - B- A Good Day to Die Hard - C Snitch - B+ Oz - B The Incredible Burt Wonderstone - B The Call - B Olympus has Fallen - A-/B+ G.I. Joe: Retaliation - B+ Evil Dead - B+/B On the Road - B/B- 42 - A- Jurassis Park 3D - A Pain & Gain - A- Oblivion - B-/C+ Iron Man 3 - B+ The Great Gatsby - B Star Trek into Darkness - C+ Fast and Furious 6 - A- Now You See Me - B+
  5. Yeah I really enjoyed the movie. Woody was hilarious for most of the film. The others did their jobs well. Morgan Freeman is well...Morgan Freeman so that equals great. I thought they explained everything pretty well other than the roof jumping thing, but it wasn't that big a part of the plot. So I can just go with lighting tricks like they did on the whole building. The movie was pretty easily an A/A- until the whole Eye thing at the end. I figured out it was the guy's son pretty early on and figured out it was Ruffalo not long before the jail scene. I liked that part of the story and it explained by all the heists were being done. However, yeah the whole thing being an initiation into some secret society was a tad bit of a letdown. I know they touched on the Eye a couple times in the film but I would have liked them to open the movie with the Freeman speech about it with the hyrogliphics and say something like "but that's just a story" or something to throw you off. At least it would have set up the importance of the Eye a little bit more. But even saying that, it was a fun and entertaining flick that I will most likely see again. B+, possibility of going up to an A-
  6. Can't argue there. I just hope Now You See Me works out for me as well
  7. More like it jumped the bridge I know what you mean and yes especially that one scene had my entire theater laughing, doing the whole fake cough but saying BS instead But with the summer going the way it was going for me, this movie finally paid off so I am probably giving it some leeway
  8. Zero Dark Thirty - A- Hyde Park on Hudson - B- Texas Chainsaw - C-/D+ Warm Bodies - B+ Bullet to the Head - C+ Hansel and Gretal: Witch Hunters - C+ Side Effects - B- A Good Day to Die Hard - C Snitch - B+ Oz - B The Incredible Burt Wonderstone - B The Call - B Olympus has Fallen - A-/B+ G.I. Joe: Retaliation - B+ Evil Dead - B+/B On the Road - B/B- 42 - A- Jurassis Park 3D - A Pain & Gain - A- Oblivion - B-/C+ Iron Man 3 - B+ The Great Gatsby - B Star Trek into Darkness - C+ Fast and Furious 6 - A-
  9. there were cheers then as well, even some "ooo"s
  10. Finally, the summer season has given something good. A movie has delivered instead of being generic or just ok. I am guessing by now, you can realize that I really liked this film. Over the top action, funny parts, somewhat serious parts, a good villain, and very entertaining. The Rock jumps off the screen as he always does. When he popped up in the last fight and he and Vin Diesel were standing next to each other, my theater went nuts. I also had a very good, interactive, large crowd for a 10 am showing. I was surprised how many people were there. Everyone had a huge laugh at the Dom catching Letty scene. It was pretty funny. I finally have a movie that I can and want to see more than once this summer season. A-
  11. Zero Dark Thirty - A- Hyde Park on Hudson - B- Texas Chainsaw - C-/D+ Warm Bodies - B+ Bullet to the Head - C+ Hansel and Gretal: Witch Hunters - C+ Side Effects - B- A Good Day to Die Hard - C Snitch - B+ Oz - B The Incredible Burt Wonderstone - B The Call - B Olympus has Fallen - A-/B+ G.I. Joe: Retaliation - B+ Evil Dead - B+/B On the Road - B/B- 42 - A- Jurassis Park 3D - A Pain & Gain - A- Oblivion - B-/C+ Iron Man 3 - B+ The Great Gatsby - B Star Trek into Darkness - C+
  12. I just got back from seeing this and unfortunately my original take on the this movie from the trailers was dead on.. Almost none of the movie worked for me. Yes, it looked great visually, and some of the action was ok, but after that, there really wasn't anything. I didn't read any spoilers and I knew the "bad guy" was Khan. Cumberbatch was good and I didn't mind him as much as some did. However, I agree, the character was pretty dully written. As soon as they showed the first Khan blood scene, I knew where that was going so there was zero tension after that. The inclusion of the original Spock was ok, but it was used as a complete cop out of everything. I mean think about it, basically he is a spoiler magazine so they can just read it and fix everything. I am probably too lenient on my grade, but at this point, the summer has been pretty disappointing to me. If FF6 and MoS fail me, my fears of this year will come completely true. C+
  13. I already was worried about this film and now looks like I was right. I will still most likely see it, but I am not expecting anything from it at this point.
  14. Agreed. I saw it a second time and the crowd was bigger. They seemed more into it too. I already have plans to see it a third time on its third Friday.By the way, anyone know where to buy the soundtrack? I hear it is selling like crazy
  15. Zero Dark Thirty - A- Hyde Park on Hudson - B- Texas Chainsaw - C-/D+ Warm Bodies - B+ Bullet to the Head - C+ Hansel and Gretal: Witch Hunters - C+ Side Effects - B- A Good Day to Die Hard - C Snitch - B+ Oz - B The Incredible Burt Wonderstone - B The Call - B Olympus has Fallen - A-/B+ G.I. Joe: Retaliation - B+ Evil Dead - B+/B On the Road - B/B- 42 - A- Jurassis Park 3D - A Pain & Gain - A- Oblivion - B-/C+ Iron Man 3 - B+ The Great Gatsby - B
  16. Not sure how i feel about this movie yet. I didn't mind the style, although the music sometimes didn't work for me. The acting was really good for the most part, although some did seem like they were trying too hard.Part of me wants to like it while the other part realizes not much really happened.Hard movie to grade, but for now I couldn't go higher than a B. That may change when i dwell on it more.
  17. I have zero problem going to a movie alone. I have done it way too many times to count. I only have a handful of friends that even like going to the theater so I am not going to wait. Now do I like going to a movie with a group of people? Of course. I get free screenings with my group of people and it is fun. But I don't need them to see or enjoy a movie.
  18. Yeah after that first weekend even with holidays, this will have trouble hitting the $200 mil DOM mark.I really like the movie but the best that could happen is the movie stays flat next weekend. It's not like it will increase as it goes on.Well I will watch it as many times as I can before it is taken out of theaters around the end of January or early February
  19. Well this movie caught me off guard. I never expected to like it that much. My friend already wants to see it again. That will be seeing it on Sunday and now this Friday. I haven't done that in a while, but it is definitely something worth seeing twice. I am sure I will see it many more times. Especially since there is this new theater right behind my work so I don't even have to find a parking spot. I was teary eyed for a portion of it too, baumer. The only reason I didn't really all out cry was I didn't sleep for about 36 hours due to a personal loss. But yeah I am sure, the tears will flow soon enough Even with the movie being so long, it didn't feel like it. I wasn't sure i would care enough about the characters since they are fictional and I know a lot of the true stories on the Titanic. However, Cameron made me care and sucked me right in. My theater wasn't full but I heard lots of chatter after it was over. (yes, all true story again)
  20. well my friend call and she wants to see this movie on its first Sunday. I am interested in the film as I did a report on the finding of the wreckage back in elementary school. I read tons of books as did my friend so she is kind of giddy. I am too partially, but with an over 3 hour runtime, I am sure the film has to drag at some point. I am somewhat surprised at how many people around me seem hyped up for the film. I guess Titanic has "fans" in a weird way, then again, I heard it was the 2nd most written about subject at one point only behind some guy named Jesus Can't wait to see if the $200 mil budget is noticeable on the screen (all true story)
  21. Wasn't this movie delayed too along with that huge budget? I think Cameron's career maybe the thing that hits the iceberg and sinks instead of the boat.Btw, I hear that LA Confidential movie is pretty good.
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