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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. lose his neck so quick Yeah I thought the movie was ok tooI was more upset when lost his
  2. Sounds pretty good. I am sure I will get it at some point
  3. I watched it as well and thought the first episode was pretty good, so I will keep following
  4. There's also NJ license plates in, I believe, part 3.
  5. Thanks, baumer. That is what I meant. The story takes place in NJ
  6. No problem :)Since Crystal Lake is in New Jersey, there is a town here called Voorhees. I know that's not where the name came from but I always thought that was cool. So to me, it was a nice little local trivia thing
  7. It came from the last name of a girl Miller knew from high school. Her last name was Van Voorhees.He thought it sounded creepy
  8. I have this as the second best Nightmare only behind the original and just above part 3. Yes as said above this is definitely the movie that let Wes Craven know that Scream could work. I liked how they used all the mythology of the whole and blended into some mythology of real life. Happy and sad about this movie. It got the series back to where it should be just in time for the original series to end. But happy that it was a good ending to that part of the franchise. To use an analogy that baumer will like, this is basically like the Rocky series, they had to make Rocky Balboa so the series couldn't end with Rocky 5 A-
  9. Yeah I didn't really like this one too much. I found it weird that even some of the effects seemed worse than the original. They took away any "specialness" of some of the original kills and just made them bland. Haley was fine and i wouldn't mind seeing him as Freddy again, but the movie just was not creepy or scary. It was dumbed down to just bad jump scares. C-/D+
  10. Nightmare on Elm StreetFriday the 13thHalloweenHatchetScream (even though I wasn't crazy about the last two entries)
  11. Damn!! I let out one of the secrets I wasn't supposed to *looks around* They may be watching
  12. 1. Night of the Living Dead (1968) 2. Zombieland 3. 28 days later 4. The Crazies 5. Dawn of the Dead (1678) 6. Dead Alive 7. Evil Dead (1983) 8. Re-Animator 9. Pet Semetary 10. Warm Bodies
  13. Well glad that old saying of "you learn something new every day" still applies to you, baumer
  14. Limited edition box set of Alfred Hitchcock's 5 classic movies
  15. Made one change in my post above, I meant 28 Days later. So I fixed it
  16. well here's my list anyway, hopefully it can get some replies and keep this thread going1. Let Me In2. Zombieland3. Cabin in the Woods4. 14085. The Crazies6. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)7. Hatchet8. 28 Days Later9. Freddy Vs. Jason10. Battle Royale (2000/Japan)11. Stake Land12. Saw13. Shadow of the Vampire14. The Descent15. The Mist16. I Saw the Devil17. The Conjuring18. The Ring19. The Grudge20. Identityand in case Shadow of the Vampire doesn't fit, just change #20 to Hatchet 3 and move the rest up
  17. Do you want the list in a PM? And do you need them in some sort of value order?
  18. No it isn't just you three baumer can vouch for that
  19. A Friday the 13th film that is really a family drama that has nothing to do with Jason who is pretty much a throwaway character in his own series. Although I do have to admit the crowd cheered at the weedwacker kill C
  20. Yeah this was pretty brutal and I mean brutal as in bad, not violent. Other than the boxing part already talked about, everything else is forgettable. And the ending of Jason's body turning back to a child due to toxic waste in the sewers is just...putrid. F
  21. He slimed me - GhostbustersHuman sacrifice, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria - GhostbustersIs it safe? - Marathon ManJust what do you think you are doing, Dave? - 2001: a space odysseyTake your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape - Planet of the Apes
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