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Everything posted by Sckathian

  1. Deadpools best will be to match the second film. Which is still very good but I don't see it breaking out. DP already broke out.
  2. Honestly I prefer this trailer. It feels more honest to the films tone but it’s also not what I expect from a billion dollar franchise either. This feels like a niche superhero comedy not a mainstream film at all but this trailer seems more honest to what this film is. It’s totally bizzare that Marvel get their female superhero and then don’t know what to do with her. Like it’s not hard. Considering this trailer backs up a well spoiled part of the film, it’s like Marvel got lost in the 50s when making Wanda.
  3. We can’t remove the context of the MCU from individual films. We have a situation where new characters intended to feed into the overall project are failing, existing characters are leaving, and remaining characters are hitting 400M-500M. Personally I would focus on Strange and Spider-Man right now and just pause a lot of the rest.
  4. And of its a man declaring this! Maybe perhaps Barbie both focused on a brand women recognised and also on a message they connected with. MEANWHILE CAPTAIN MARVEL PUNCH HARD. One of the sexist things in media is the Buffy finale where disgusting man Whedon decides his feminist message is if you punch hard you won’t be the victim of domestic abuse. Who could know he was a sexist person?!
  5. You need a Spider-Man film to make that work. Three spidermen works well because it’s fun but who gives a fuck about Toby talking to Thor?
  6. I still don't get Wandavision. For me its the worst effected by Marvel trying to throw out how TV is made. Its a show with nearly all its episodes set around comedy episodes throughout the decades but at no point is it funny. Or even try to be funny. Bizzare show. If Wandavision had come out more recently rather than be one of the first shows I think it would have been torn apart.
  7. The audience that drove the first film to a billion is made up of people who have never touched a comic book in their lives.
  8. Moana projects confuse me entirely at this point, do you mean the live action version? Has that even entered serious pre production?
  9. Yes but you still have to build on stuff. What’s the point in creating character dynamics only for them not to appear for 6/7 years? They are missing a main lineup but are also not building on it at all. I think there was a lot going against her. Brie had to do her Avengers stuff before Captain Marvel was in production - now an actor should be able to manage that but she is still being dropped in and given very stilted lines which leads to a stilted performance. Shes much better in Captain Marvel but again she’s got a lot to manage, false memories etc. She only really becomes Captain Marvel at the end of the film - which is very unusual in an origin film. So she should be able to perform better but she’s hampered in a way none of the other characters are. From what a I understand of this film it’s not going to help in the character department. Marvel just seem a mess.
  10. Funny thing is I think Shang Chi is probably the most charismatic character yet they have in this run. Their plan is to release it after the next Avengers saga is over. So essentially we could have a 6-7 year between films but I strongly suspect it gets shelved. Odd odd stuff.
  11. I think this is a problem for MCU. A lot of directors really don’t want to work with them and you have some intern dictating how a scene should be because the CG team needed to start work before production.
  12. 25 FILM: ELEMENTAL (2023) Disney+ WALT DISNEY CO LTD 3,245,500 Elemental managed 3.2M in the week 11 Sep 2023 - 17 Sep 2023 in the UK per BARB. Thats an awesome result for a film and I think the first Disney+ programming to hit the top 50 in the UK viewing figures. (it went live in Q4 last year). Most viewed programmes Barb
  13. SW loonies don't really understand the franchises popularity. For some reason they are just desperate to be seen as the new MCU, you see it constantly in discussions about audience viewership. Never makes sense to me, enjoy your stuff. If its good we're looking at 1.5bn imo - one of the strengths of No Way Home is introducing Holland Spiderman to people who never came back when it returned (outside of maybe Avengers appearance, which obviously misses a lot of characters).
  14. This is the big issue for Marvel right now. They need to be more reactionary but with so many projects inter woven it makes them pretty slow to change direction.
  15. I agree on the title issue but…Captain America has not been recast, instead he’s the guy with the wings who as far as a I was last aware was not in fact a super hero (not sure if it changed). To the public that makes him Captain America B rather than Captain America A.
  16. Am not convinced. I don’t count GotG as a superhero film (it’s not) so I don’t include that but other films like The Batman have done very well. I just think we had a boom in the 10s of the hero’s who would never get a big release in the decades before suddenly being super successful. Studios need to start being sensible, Marcels upcoming release schedule is pretty poor. Why should a less successful MCU hinder Disney making new Iron Man or Captain America films without the asterisk that it’s not just a different actor but a different character. Why are the D+ shows hindering franchises like Captain America breaking out? Like there should be at minimum the below every 5 years but arguably 3/4 when they have a solid cast; - Spiderman - Batman - Iron Man - Captain America - Wonder Woman - X Men - Doctor Strange (edited to add as I think he’s proven now) - Superman (taking a new line as he just as a character isn’t proven as the above when it comes to film in recent decades) Then from there do an odd mid budget film with all the other characters. It’s fucking crazy that in a comic and film world of ‘multi universes’ no one has just put all the characters in their own fucking world and had them cross over when they need to- oh wait they did - Spiderverse and it works brilliantly to break things up. All that is happening right now is Marvel making idiotic decisions thinking their god king and everyone else is still chasing the ‘MCU’ success even as it shows it maybe has limitations to its appeal.
  17. What’s the latest a film has rebranded before launch? I know Birds of Prey did during its run but just wondering if there is precedent before release? Everything around this film has always been a big red flag that Marvel were getting a bit arrogant/buying into their own hype. Tying your 1bn star to Disney+ Show stars, it’s just absolutely fucking bizzare. Marvel deserve a loss on this one, they’re in for a hard road looking at their current slate (DP should do well though) and whilst Fantastic Four is a fan darling it’s not exactly proven box office gold…
  18. Marvel will just have to spend more marketing money if the strike is going on. Simple as that.
  19. Swift isn’t repeatable. What would be interesting is if the investors selling off their positions with the big Hollywood companies start investing in companies/form a new company which accepts the unions terms.
  20. There’s too much rumour to really know what is going on. I don’t think it’s a 2023 thing but if this rolls to 2024 I could see some bring legal action to either leave or force a deal. it’s just a shit position to be in. They have signed up to work as a club with their direct competitors. The big streamers are still going to gain subs and can probably just bring in foreign shows. it’s a very dumb system really.
  21. The strike on the studio stuff is much more to do with AI than I think people accept. Its how they want to expand their profit margins which just means hiring less people and paying their executive staff more money.
  22. I’ve only just realised Lucas announced a new Star Wars film for Rey before the strike but also before a script was worked on. Star Wars is a blessing and curse for Daisy.
  23. Suggests to me this is more a Conjuring movie like some the (third?) Annabelle film was rather that a easy baked spin off.
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