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Posts posted by emoviefan

  1. 10 minutes ago, DAJK said:

    Holy shit, Insidious walk-ups are excellent. I’m looking at recent horror comps in my area, and the best I can find is genuinely Scream 6.


    Now, I’m not saying this is coming for a 40M+ opening, but this is doing WELL.

    Well i guess that answers the question whether Indy can hang on to the number one spot this weekend.  Hopefully Mission can explode with the walkups next week. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

    I think ive done rankings of these before a bunch of times but I kinda feel like they're impossible to rank for me at this point except for 2 being the worst (I like it, but it doesn't feel like MI to me). They're just so fun to watch and that's all that matters for me at this point.

    Yep 2 my least favorite and I still love it. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    Inception was sold just as much, if not more so, on being a big summer vehicle for Leo (who powered another, more character-driven thriller without any obvious money shots to big numbers earlier) with a slew of other notables near or at their peak of being in-demand actors in the ensemble as it was being Nolan's follow-up to The Dark Knight. That it made as much as it did confirmed that will always be an A-list director.


    But go off, I guess. Clearly no minds will be changed here.

    Yeah arguing with him seems like a driving into a cement wall so why bother. 

    • Astonished 1
  4. 2 hours ago, wildphantom said:

    That Indy number has driven me to drink 

    Like I don't even get that drop.  It makes 23.5 million on Mon/Tuesday. That made it seem like WOM was better than most thought it was. And then it crashes on Wed  so maybe not.  Fingers crossed the older Gen x and boomer core audiences  went back to work on wed and this will be a weekend movie. Probably to much hope for. 

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, baumer said:

    So right now it looks like three big Blockbusters of the summer season are spiderverse, mermaid and Guardians of the Galaxy 3. We're all going to make North 300 mil which is fantastic. We've got our fair share of bombs and plenty of movies that have disappointed. On the lower end I would say Boogeyman was a nice solid hit and probably no hard feelings will be considered one as well.


    From what I gather Oppenheimer, Barbie and the cruise missile are three movies that could do gangbusters business. If you guys were forced to pick, which one of these films do you think will do the most domestically?

    Personally I would love for it to be MI but those Barbie presales are a little hard to ignore. Would love for all 3 of them to do 200m+ . Would be great for and much happier to follow the box office. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

    Seems like it should have some bump already, so it just didn’t happen 


    But the bump seems to be real in many other places so i don’t think is something to worry about

    I really hope so.Still gotta figure the Tuesday opening plus EA is really throwing off the Comps. I bet a lot of the target audience is not even aware it is opening 2 days early then normal like it is. 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Lucas said:

    One of the most exciting sequences in this has no stuntwork, no expensive over the top spectacle, no chases, no explosions - just top of the line spycraft with a perfect understanding of dramatic storytelling fundamentals. The biggest confidence boost I've ever had about the Cruise/McQuarrie reign - they don't even need their spectacular stunts to be the best at this.

    That's awesome to hear. Great spycraft and the action is just icing on the cake.

  8. 1 hour ago, handofjustice said:

    I think that what a lot of people aren't considering with the WOM is the scientology factor with the movie honestly 


    Mission impossible is a youth franchise who gets bombarded about what all tom cruise does behind the screen and inside his house on platforms like twitter, instagram and tumblr 
    It is not like top gun where there isn't much youth factor 

    The youth are known to care about these things 

    So I think initial weekend will have heavy rush of tom cruise fans and propel it to almost 100 million but it is also important to recognize the scientology factor 


    because of it I honestly think that the films second week won't earn as high as the first


    You know the saying friends 

    "everyone wanna be like titanic but no one is truly titanic"

    Tom Cruise What GIF

    • Haha 3
  9. 8 minutes ago, baumer said:

    That is awesome! Like a 1% drop from Monday on a day that is normally weak for US box office because of people preoccupied with other stuff.  Now watch it drop to like 6 today and kill the goodness. 

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Elessar said:


    I thought it worked very well.


      Reveal hidden contents


    I really enjoyed this latest and probably last outing of Indy. Maybe a tad too long in places but otherwise a pretty much worthy sendoff. Ford still got it, he's so effortless and charming. Really don't understand how you can hate this or find it boring but loving the OT. I rewatched all of them very recently and DoD fits right in. But that's just me...


    This is a movie that if  people go in with an open mind and are not letting all the outside noise influence them will very likely enjoy. So many people will watch this on D+ and say it was much better than they thought it would be. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, Algebra said:

    I still haven't seen one convincing point on why MI will drop like a rock. 


    It's gonna be unprecedented for a decently reviewed pg movie with Tom Cruise no less to drop over 60% in its second weekend just because 2 huge movies are releasing next week.


    In April'19 domestically,


    Endgame - $427m

    Shazam - $132m

    Dumbo - $60m

    Captain Marvel - $60m

    Pet Cemetery - $52m

    Us - $45m

    The Curse - $43m

    Little - $36m


    and so many more co-existed successfully 


    Coming back to the present, with existing releases being old by the time Boppenheimer releases and MI being the only 'new' holdover and a shallow August slate with very few blockbusters pending for the rest of the year...why can't the market sustain MI7 if it's received decently?


    It won't drop like a rock. In order for people to convince themselves of that they have to ignore that the movies with good to great WOM this year have had the best legs-Mario, Guardians 3, ATSV and Elemental and the movies with Mediorce  to bad WOM-Quantanmania, Fast 10, and The Flash have had bad legs.  As long as it has good to great WOM  it will bw fine. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, DAR said:

    So I’m watching Jaws for the umpteenth time.  It’s amazing how little fat is on this film.  The first beach scene is about 13 minutes in.  Quint is introduced within 20 minutes.  With a lot of  films today these scenes might not occur until 45 minutes to an hour into the film.

    This movie is truly perfect in every way. It may be my favorite Berg movie and that is saying something. 

    • Like 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, The Dark Alfred said:

    It's doom and gloom for people who focus on negativity and ignore simple facts. Films misfired because they were simply not good. Movies with great WoM are performing well. Simple as that. Reality is that this summer will be stronger than last year's. We are only 2% behind despite last year having TGM. July and August will be definitely stronger. Three huge films are just about to open. Last summer box office was pretty much dead after BULLET TRAIN. This year there are some mid-level hits to come in August and potentially strong holdovers for MISSION BARBHEIMER. When all said and done, this is a good summer.

    Mission Barbenheimer. Can't wait to see that!

  14. 3 minutes ago, M37 said:

    Last year, Easter weekend grossed $105M, this year $200M+, so … 


    One specific weekend does not prove anything one way or another. Flash tanked, Elemental was weak but going to fly past Lightyear with legs, and otherwise studios basically cleared a path for Indy both the weekend before and after … only to see it be weak too, and dip the entire box office down for 2-3 weeks 

    Yeah, this summer will be down overall vs last year, but in July we’ve got Barbenheimer (probably) going to combine to open and gross above Thor, plus MI7 > Nope, Haunted Mansion > Super Pets, and TMNT + Meg 2 > Bullet Train. So it’s not all doom and gloom 

    MI7 better outgross Nope. 

    • Like 1
  15. 7 minutes ago, The Dark Alfred said:

    Lot of people talking bulljive here about the marketing not being good. Lot of daft posts. Like peope are marketing experts. I ask again, how come if the marketing campaign was so goddamn good for FALLOUT, it only opened just above RN? I tell you why. It is plain obvious with this franchise that WoM and legs carry it, not the OW. It was evident with the last three films. The reality is that I can't think of a stunt that's been more publicized than the motorcycle jump of this one. I agree that the teaser trailer was better than the final trailer. Still, it is poised for franchise best opening and that's all you can ask for.

    Yeah good point. That is how how it always go with this series.  I think some of the disappointment is just from wanting this to be  the Skyfall of MI and it will just never happen. We should be happy with how consistent this franchise is and continues to be, 

  16. 4 minutes ago, BestPicturePlutoNash said:

    Or maybe people are just, you know... tired of this franchise? 

    Yeah  after that last movie who wouldn't be tired of this franchise. That was so boring and tiring.  Fast 10 just made almost 700 million WW. Talk about a series running on fumes and it still made that much. 

    • Like 3
  17. This is not going to make less in 5 days then Indy did. The reviews will be better, and it is coming off a much more liked previous movie.And it certainly won't underopen Transformers.   As for the marketing being underwhelming I agree the marketing feels underwhelming for everything lately. I see so many trailers over and over that it washes over me. I don't make my movie decisions based on trailers . 

  18. 18 minutes ago, baumer said:

    You know there's a lot of people here saying that the reception for Indiana Jones is not very good. Right now it's at 88% on rotten tomatoes from viewers. Critically it wasn't well received and there's definitely people at these forums who have seen it who didn't like it there's also people at these forums, maybe closer to my age, who have enjoyed it. I don't think the reception for this is nearly as bad as the critics are making it out to be and as some of you guys are making it out to be.


    I went through some of the viewer reviews on rotten tomatoes and a lot of them have the same sentiments that I have about it. Classic indie, little too much CGI but overall a lot of fun and a fantastic tear jerking ending.


    The budget for this is automatically going to make it a complete disaster and the international numbers coming in are not doing any favors either. I do think down the road this movie will be looked upon favorably and I think a lot of those people that have avoided the film due to critics will eventually see it on Disney or some other streaming platform and probably end up enjoying it.

    All this. 

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