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Posts posted by emoviefan

  1. Just now, MovieMan89 said:

    Consistent with the prior ones or not, there’s not much of a reason it shouldn’t have been increasing on OW this time in theory if not for other factors (marketing, competition etc). 

    Why? we are not in a pre covid 2018 when Fallout came out are we. That audience has not come back anywhere near the numbers it was at back then and that movie which was considered the best action movie since Fury Road still only made 220 domestic and shy of 800 WW. Real world spy action movies outside of Skyfall have a ceiling.  That is obvious. 

  2. LOL. Never change BOT. Never change. Deadline estimate before West Coast night showings start and the movie is performing just like a Mission movie does. Disappointing it did not do a Skyfall like breakout but as so many have said the marketing did not really sell this as anything but a another Mission movie.  Another great well received movie but still just another movie. 

  3. 1 minute ago, XXR Union Solidarity said:


    I keep seeing you talking about how everyone is "doom and gloom". What exactly is your prediction for MI7 this weekend?

    55 -60 million right in the RN/Fallout range with the early release that would put it at 79-85 by sunday. . As I type this I see that deadline just reported the early friday estimate of 16. Could be better could be worse and it could go up with West Coast showings. I have said that i am disappointed this did not break out past the Mission norm. There are a lot of factors that have led to that so I am not going to doom and gloom about it. It is what it is. The fact that some are going as far as saying Paramount is going to order major changes to Part 2 or something is just pure idiocy. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Deep Wang said:


    I do think it could very well bounce back over the weekend, but I think the ceiling for what it can do has been lowered based on these first few numbers.  A smaller start with Barbieheimer looming just over the horizon isn't great combo.  Obviously, if it turns it around people will be very excited and overjoyed at being wrong.  

    Fallout did 77.5 it's first 5 days out. Something this movie can easily get too. it will have at least 25.5 or so including EA showings as of today.  It can do at least 52 million this weekend.  Covid took a lot of this audience away it seems. NTTD only did 160 million domestically but still 770 WW. But that was still in Oct 2021 when the Delta variant was raging. Mission should outdo that.Or maybe not. Will see.  Now time to go to work. peace out to later on. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, John Marston said:


    remember the doom and gloom is out of sadness that a very well made action film is underperforming and the worry over the future for films like this 

    Yeah I am disappointed too this is not doing a skyfall like breakout. But why don't we wait until sunday  when we get the weekend estimates or at least tonight or tomorrow morning when the friday estimates hit. 163 minute long movie playing to an audience that is not going to take a day off work to go to this movie. It feels like groundhog day i have to keep repeating this. Now i have to go to work so I will not be commenting on here all day like others seem too. 

  6. So I wake up seeing all this doom and gloom about Mission thinking oh sh-t it must have been like 6 for thursday or something. Oh wait the thursday  number have not been released yet. 8.2 was charlies number last night. So the last few pages have been the usual irrational doom and gloom. This place is truly a insane asylum,  Empire City is right. Too bad he had to be an abusive jerk and get himself banned for life. 

    • Knock It Off 1
  7. 30 minutes ago, Bob Train said:

    If a film as garbage as the Last Knight jumped 70% Thurs -> Fri, then I have to believe MI7 will jump at least 85-90%. Otherwise I give up.

    I can't even believe that movie was brought up as a comp to Mission. It just boggles the mind. 

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  8. Just now, LegionWrex said:

    Yikes. The only thing that makes me think it will fair somewhat better then that film is the much, much stronger WOM this one has compared to The Last Knight's absolutely toxic reception.

    we are comparing this too Transformers The Last Knight now? god i need go take some extra stength advill. I mean seriously. 

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  9. 12 minutes ago, XXR Union Solidarity said:

    MI7 Thursday will drop from Wednesday but not much. Around ~$8M.

    Which would be 23.5 before it hits the weekend not including the 2,2 in early access. Which would be pretty decent for a 163 minute long movie playing to a audience that would mostly wait to the weekend. 

  10. 45 minutes ago, John Marston said:



    sarcasm right? I don't think a film that opened midweek ever increased on Thursday 

    It's entirely possible if people were confused and thought it came out tonight, The casual audience does not pay attention to this stuff the way we do.  To them most movies start their previews on thursday. The july 12 date might not have even registered with them. Honestly i don't think Paramount even cared. They just  got a few extra days of release before next week's  freight train. 

  11. 31 minutes ago, SpiderByte said:

    Why would The Marvels be affected by the strike? Filming is done.

    Yeah  it is done but they may decide to give up the November date and move to May since Deadpool 3 will  not be ready for that date. They probably won't but just like Covid the longer the strike goes the more it affects movie release dates. Any movie in production right now is not going to meets its current release date if this goes a long time. and they will start spreading out dates.. 

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