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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Hector = A+ Lively = F- Rest of the movie = D
  2. Foxx was good. His role wasn`t meant to be showy because that`s what hero roles are. Luke Skywalker is boring compared to colorful characters around him and don`t get me started on 4 fuckin boring Hobbits who don`t even have colorful supporting cast.
  3. That Hatha-hate vid is sensational. :rofl: I don`t know why she and Chastain`t are so desperate for a win. if anyone should be but isn`t that would be Amy Adams who had more nominations than 2 of them combined. I absolutely DO NOT feel sorry for Crone. Her faves deserve to crash and burn.
  4. They look so evil. Perhaps they cast them in Oz 2? Whatever Happened to Baby Jane remake? Nanny Dearest? ADF`s craziest sig is the one of drunk Glenn Glose dancing. Is there a sig of JLaw`s wardrobe malfunction?
  5. This is The Nanny masterpiece. I hope she win Oscar soon. It was a travesty that she wasn`t even nom inated for this (though it launched her career).
  6. Of course, if he was an Oscar whore he`d be talking about it on all talk shows. But it was QT who broke the news as an offhand remark, nothing like "Give Nanny the Oscah!" tweets of support.
  7. TF3 passed Shriekapoo so taking down TF3 = taking down Shriekapoo first
  8. I agree. Waltz win would be irksome because he is really a co-lead who took someone`s spot in supporting (MM, Leo, SLJ,Redmayne,etc). He and Arkin (who shouldn`t be nominated to begin with) don`t beling for different reasons.
  9. She`s just whiny which is worse. Leogend was a bitch which is why she`s Leogend and Jessica is Chastain`t.
  10. Chastain is actually more of an overnighter than anyone else. Nobody has heard of her before 2010 when she had 5-6 movies and now thinks she`s more due than people with 20 years or more of movie credit.
  11. It isn`t hate. It`s just acknowledgement that she is slagging young competitor in a very unsubtle way. As for depserate camaipgns, Clinton appearance tops it all. Sorry but Leogend has nothing on Lincoln. At least her FYC poked fun at FYC madness as much as they were "Please give me Oscah". Chastain is behaving like she`s one of the real long overdue actors such as Leo, Brad Pitt, Garry Oldman,etc. LOL. That isn`t hate, just getting facts straight.
  12. This. All actors are manipulative, one way or the other, but her manipulation is clearly aimed at disqualifying young competition (JLaw and, to extent, Wallis who snagged a nom with a very first role) because they "didn`t pay their dues yet". I can sympathize with this but I disagree that JLaw is an overnight sensation who totally isn`t due. She has about as many great performances in the past few years as Chastain does in past 2. Plus both were already nominated so being older doesn`t equal due-er. Anne-oying is pushing "Mom`s dream`s come true" because she knows that winners usually have some good story ("from trailer trash to Oscar winner" "my mom killed my abusive dad" "my granny who brought me up died last week" "battle of exes") and she thinks Mom who was Fantine understudy is a great winner`s story. I mean, JLaw certainly isn`t void of manipulation. That Harvey joke at the GG was meant to endear voters who hate Harvey "look, I dared to say what everyone thinks!" (though Harvey would let her shit on his head if that`d earn them Oscars). DDL mentioned Joaquin Phoenix in his acceptance speech. Like Anne-oying thanking Sally Field for being so old and Chastain thanking Bigelow for finding success at the old age, this was meant to show that DDL isn`t selfish prick who thinks only about himself but is generous to single out one of 4 losers. Now, I know that some stuff here does stem from real affection or admiration but it`s mixed with manipulation because when you do that in a public speech you`re aware that it`ll gain you points and acceptance speech is all about gaining points.
  13. What was it nominated for, most pretentious snoozefest of the year? It gets my vote. Kidding, haven`t seen it.
  14. Aren`t SNL people wriitng the script for SNL guests? I wasn`t aware that JLaw wrote the contenders-bashing script. Love Chastain`t, though.
  15. No, she was blabbing about failed auditions up until now at the red carpet to Rancic.
  16. Thank you. It`s an obivous dig at her main competition who is a young girl. As if youth means no hard work. JLaw`s been in the business since she`s 16 and gave as many greta performences in past few years as Chastian did in last 2. The constant "I worked hard, took me so long to get where I am, my idols are women who got recognition at the older age" is pointing a finger at young competition and saying "she should wait like I did". Very transparent. At least 3 more people on this forum noticed that too so you aren`t reading too much into it. She`s playing the late bloomer card just like Anne-oying is playing "fulfilling mama`s dream" one. Manipulative to the core. I mena, JLaw certianly up`s her bubbly fun persona few notches but at least she isn`t making a dig at anyone nor is begging for the award.
  17. BTW, Chastian should drop the "I`m a hard worker who couldn`t win a role until the age of 35" schtick. Yes, we get it. It`s a dig at young JLaw being the frontrunner. So unfair...not.
  18. What works against Argo is that Guilds are much bigger bodies than AMPAS and their demographics are skewing younger. Hence why Affleck`s movie has success with them while he was snubbed by AMPAS. In short, AMPAS could totally go for Lincoln but at least Affleck`s consolation would be that so many people prefered his movie. Linc definitely didn`t sweep anything thus far save DDL train.
  19. FOTR was better and if it won than there wouldn`t be consolation Shriekapoo win. But at least they didn`t invite Shitto to any awards show which is awesome. At least they did something right.
  20. Not necessarily. ZDT stock has dropped considerably and QT beat Boal two times already (NBR and GG). Plus Boal is a recent winner.
  21. Embarrassing for Spileberg becasue he`d clearly win by default. If he had any dignity left in him (which I doubt after Clinton) he wouldn`t wish for such win. But I guess all he cares are records.
  22. Spielberg isn`t locked because there`s no passion for awarding him again. Not even Crone clamors for it. Her concern is BP. Plus, considering that all the hype is on DDL shoulders, Linc is seen as his show, not as Spielberg`s.
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