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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. By someone named James D`Arcy. He looks like a Cumbertwin in the first picture: http://cloudatlas.wikia.com/wiki/Rufus_Sixsmith
  2. TLJ deserves Oscar for his GG face. Also, shame on oscars for nominating all previous winners in Supporting as if nobody w/o oscar was better. Big fat lie. MM in Magic Mike and Killer Joe, Leo, SLJ, Redmayne were better than some of the past winner nominees.
  3. Cumberbatch wasn`t in CA. But Whishaw >>>>>>>>>>>>> Cumberbatch. Cumberbatch is alright. He had a one-two-three punch with geek-friendly properties (Shelock, ST, Floppit) so they naturally hype him like he`s the second coming of Nathan Filion. I think he`ll be typecast as a villain in the future a lot. Watch for his getting that kind of role in the next Bond.
  4. Cumberbatch won`t be an A-list. He`s a character actor, not the leading man. The guy`s too creepy for that. But he`ll do great in supporting roles and as the lead in smaller quirky movies like that Wikileaks one. Internet hypes him way too much.
  5. Statham and JLo are a terrible combo because their fandoms don`t cross over. JLo fans don`t acknowledge Statham movies and Statham fans punch their noses when they see Jlo picture. Double act movies work only if they are well combined. Guilt Trip also suffered from ill-suited pairing of Barbra (her fans don`t dig stoner comedies) and Rogen (his stoner fans wouldn`t be caught dead watching Barbra flick).
  6. Time for Statham to go DtD. Having JLo for a co-star is really hitting the bottom of the barrell. She`s a reality show personality for crying out loud! Should be doing that wildlife reality show with Dominic Monahan.
  7. I know, right? Everyone thought this would bomb. Good to see Gemma Arterton relevant again. Bring on H&G 2.
  8. Everything jumped yesterday.SLP is expnading even more today.
  9. Fuck WB. MoS and PR would have been perfect for SB.CF would be tailor-made for SB. I mean, it`s a movie about a fuckin game to death. In the arena. Like, seriously, get the teaser at least.
  10. I hope that actors who bailed out of Ace Woody part are kicking themselves now that DU is a blockbuster. This movie had quite a few drop-outs - Costner, Russell, SBC, JGL, Lapaglia. Dunno why but it turned out remarkable.
  11. OMG, you didn`t give this kind of rave to TH. :wub: :wub:
  12. The Reader, duh. ELAIC only snagged Daldrey spot while TR stole more than just that spot.
  13. There was a bad TV remake. I also don`t think this is some sacred cow that shouldn`t be touched. It`s just that Jesus part is a drag and I doubt they`ll cut that out. They`ll probably hope for Passion type of response from congregations.
  14. Please vote iJack! He absolutely deserves to win his category not just by a large margin but with 100% votes.
  15. is it my fault that he constantly casts annoying talentless people? No. So there. I said Andy and Karl are excluded.
  16. Well your picture is wrong. I work, study, exercise, go outdoors and spend some time at BOF.
  17. Oh hell no! I can`t believe that China is going to turn tide in TH favor when Skyfall deserves to make more. Fuck 3D helping less successful movies appear more successful. Fuck 3D ever since it pushed Titanic to #2 although Titanic is really #1 forever and ever heart goes on.
  18. TH script gave everyone nothing to do. At least TA one gave them something. And B list is still better than Z.Plus, McKellen is overrated too. What relevant movie-wise did he do since LOTR? Nothing. yeah, yeah, theater work, whatever. That isn`t movies. Absolutely no role in TH was well-written. None.
  19. I wouldn`t and nor would the audiences. Turner and O`Gorman were fuckin terrible with those 3-4 lines they had to deliver. freeman was Ok but nothing to slit writst about. McKelln cna do gandalg in his sleep and that`s exactly what he was doing. Armitage was the most boring brooding hero since Taylor Kitsch. So, yeah, list does matter. TA actors are way better. Only blinded TH fanboys wouldn`t admit it.
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