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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. I`m objective. It isn`t a hate-able movie outside of the decision not to make it a Bilbo story. But fanboys should take pink glasses off because this wasn`t an A game for anyone. PJ definitely didn`t bring his A game but directed on an autopilot. I do give him props for keeping slo mo to minimum which is due to 3D and HFR constrains more than anything else so praise 3D and HFR! And after enduring Hooper`s close-up nightmare I found a new appreciation for PJ even when he`s working with less than half of his capacity. Actors absolutely didn`t stand out. Gollum was great but Gollum always steals the show with his schtick. He`s like RDJ, never changes, always himself but that personality acting is what one wants to see. Freeman was cute and likable but far from A game he brings on Sherlock since that TV shows gives him much more to chew on than this empty script. Thorin Emoshield wasn`t even bothering to create a character that`s different from Aragorn Lite. They wanted him to be a knock-off and he was a (poor man`s) knock off. This guy is not happening, good looks or not. Gandalf was doing what Gandalf does. Nothing new here characterwise. Other appearances save Balin cannot be considered characters.They were window dressing ranging from blurred-into-a-bulk-of-people to irritating such as Radaghastly (a trully unnecessary addition) and Annoying and Irritating aka Kili and Fili who were in the movie only because PJ&co needed pretty boys for teen girls. So they were setting up Kili (the girlier of two) as the next Legolas (he`s an archer, can repel arrows with his sword like a Jedi) . Problem here is that Legolas worked because Bloom was really young and this guy`s in his 30s by the look of it and Legolas looked outwordly and this guy looks like a short human. So not much movie magic here. Plus, everyone and their mother can see he`s a substitute as they can see Emoshield is Aragorn clone. He ain`t gonna happen either. Movie was pretty but it wasn`t gorgeous. They definitely picked more stunning locations for LOTR and Andrew Lesnie definitely did not bring his A game here. Well, nobody did. I guess they feel too comfortable in this world to try something different on any level (direction, script, acting, score, cinematography, costumes,etc). Shore`s main theme was great but the rest was unmemorable. I remember LOTR score and I definitely recognize its usage here but outside of Misty Mountain theme I couldn`t catch any new tune. So forgettable score one strong theme aside. I actually feel bad for bringing up the negatives because the movie is inoffensive all in all. It`s a cute companion to LOTR. It just isn`t essential viewing. I think that it`ll lose its value once the fans get out of "I`m back to ME and that`s all that matters" mode that makes them forgive the fact that nobody involved in this movie brought their A game. It`ll be remembered for Riddles which easily towers over shoddy content around it and many LOTR scenes for the matter. And I`m sorry but one scene does not a movie make. I fully expect Bilbo and Smaug to be the same type of towering highlight with instantly forgettable stuff around it in DoS. It`s because when you think of it, each movie does seem to be made around one big event and tons of filler before and after it. Riddles is centerpiece of AUJ and it does the book justice and than some. Smaug is the centerpiece of DoS and since HFR camera loves CGI creatures (they look so realistic) he should be gorgeous and fun. Bot5A is the centerpiece of TABA. I actually love the fact that Riddles blows action out of water. PJ complained how much he hates to direct dialog as opposed to action but he should reconsider. Maybe get Tarantino help with characterisation because QT is a marvel at nailing characters with few short lines. TH huge cast needed such wizardry with words. Didn`t like the framing device. It was unnecessary and Frodo cameo was completely pointless fanwank. I see Wood hasn`t improved his acting since.
  2. HFR was aces in scenes with a character in subdued make-up and a CGI character. Like Riddles. No fakeness here and clarity really emphasized the photoreality of Gollum. Avatar sequels would be beyond astonishing in HFR because they don`t have to worry about elaborate costumes, wigs and prosthetics. I didn`t mind those but since quite a few people did I`d say Avatar sequels would be the right movies to launch HFR wide.
  3. DU >>>>>>>>>>>>> GWTDT. Nobody`s likable in DT while King Schultz is defacto the most likable character of 2012.
  4. DU missing a nomination would be shocking. There are 10 spots and it sure as hell has better reviews and precursor showing than Marigold Hotel for example. But I think that DU buzz is now indipendent of awards. It`s a bone fide great movie with the most likable character and most dispeakable villain of 2012 so people are interested.
  5. Dream on. You cna take shit on QT cameo which is made for shit-taking purposes. But acting and dialog are DIVINE. Best in many years.
  6. Well DU went from 9.7 to 9.6 so for me it`s a HUUUGE change. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Don`t drop DU, don`t drop!
  7. I`m sick so I won`t be able to follow numbers but all I can say is Fuck Yeah DU! By far the best movie of the season, deserves to have tremendous hold despite obvious disadvantages (extreme violence, shocking languge, controverisal content).TH = Saturday movie, stop fretting. What it loses on Fri it makes up on Sat.LM has burned the Mizheads demand and needs TC upgrade ot it`ll start falling harder. Everyone who wanted to see it where it was avaliable has already seen it. Plus musicals aren`t for everyone.
  8. No to Knightmare. Her fanboys deserve to spend the whole season going from one meltdown to another.Brit Block could support Skyfall.
  9. I don`t think that people think of WotT in terms of a bomb. JC it certainly wasn`t. It` s just that fans of actors don`t want them involved with something that is bound to make less and very likely get critically torn apart.
  10. You are British? So who is the British block going to vote for? The Nanny? Mirren? Smith? Dench? Knightmare? They always manage to get some Brit in.
  11. Then why is everyone eagerly awaiting her always super unrelieable super early numbers?
  12. Eh, it`s still on the nose. You don`t need to explain things that genuinely work.
  13. Cotillard campaigned the shit out herself so that`s how she burst into Hollywood scene although nobody in Iowa saw her movie. Laurent was fucked up by the decision to campaign her in the lead. She couldn`t get through and supporting filled up with other actresses in the meantime. I agree. It`s kinda funny that he used the Legend of Brunhilde, who was a warrior in the myth, as the metaphore for Django`s hero journey to save such a passive character.I also want to point out something that bugged me about both Landa and Schultz. Both characters are in control of their situations and very calculated, yet both of them do something illogical and out of character at the end. In Landa case, it was trusting that Aldo Raine would fulfill his part of bargain without some alternations. Like, why would he do that? Why would he let Raine handcuff him? Hello, red alert, red alert. I get the whole overconfidence thing but he didn`t slip once up until that point so it really asked for suspension of disbelief. basiclaly, QT had to make him stupid in order to give us a pay off. Likewise, I get that Django got trully unchained when his mentor died but it was out of character for Schultz to jeopardize Django and Hildi by killing Candie. I get the whole disgusted by slavery experienced up close an personal thing as a reason for breakdown (he cares for Django and Hildi so he isn`t emotionally detached o it anymore) but it`s still pretty out of character. They were getting out free because Candie`s got the money and by killing Candie he could have gotten the other 2 killed. I mena, it`s a great scene but it isn`t in the chaarcter when you think back.Like Landa`s sudden stupidity, it`s just a convenince in order to drive the plot towards Django`s emergence as the super shooter.
  14. This is going to do worse business than WotW. Nobody but Sasha Crone clamors for sequel and I don`t think that Stewart will be interesting to the public now that Twilight is over.
  15. It`s short for Senor Blanchitto. She`s also sometimes called Herr which is Senor in German.
  16. I can`t resist ADF! They are pretty similar to BOF in that they have injokes that are incomprehensible to outsiders (theirs Knightmare, The Nanny, El Senor, ours Shriekapoo, Shitto, Puerto Rico).OK, so what does industry say about Leo in DU? And that insane speech to end all speeches?
  17. Come back, Cocho! I need more bashers of Hoopsie`s close-ups and Dutch Angles!
  18. He`s so awesome and towers over the entire movie. Nothing in terms of performances comes anywhere close to him in TH. I can see why TH loonies would be so forgiving of TH which isn`t anyone (on and off camera)`s B game let alone A game except for Serkis.He should be in a tarantino flick.
  19. Hey, Ric, are you really a guild member or you`re full of unexpected turd? Tapley says that he`s hearing tons of industry love for LM. Now he isn`t the best predictor (as per ADF who are at odds with him) but he ahs it as the projected winner.
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