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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. If that was an improv, and not some marketing ploy to make the perforemnce even more Oscar worthy, than it`s hands down one of the best improv`s ever and fucked up as shit. Poor Kerry Washington must`ve got tons of apologies from Leo afterwards.
  2. It`s the theater count nothing else. LM would have prevailed it was released in over 3000 theaters.I don`t know why studios are fucking up their movies so much. First Harvey with SLP platform release and now Uni with LM.
  3. But why? is it the theater count? Can LM get more theaters on frdiay? Can TH start losing theaters? I don`t want TH to be #1 anymore. 2 weeks is enough because it`s less than other LOTR movies. It`s very important to prove how much weaker TH is so that other 2 get some really super strong competition they can`t fend off.
  4. I`m sorry but how the hell you can make a movie set in time where N word was the only word without saying it or by saying some PC substitute? By playing it PC you lose authenticity. besides, QT isn`t PC and the movie isn`t supposed to make one comfortable. Quite the contrary.
  5. I don`t think so. PJ won`t wait years before making Tintin 2 and didn`t he say he`d make it after TH? OTOH, Cameron isn`t a forge-iron-while-it`s-hot type.
  6. I also love that QT made fun of Uncle Ben`s brand by making SLJ look like Uncle Ben replica.
  7. Knightmare giving a laughable speech to pirates in POTC3. Nobody would ever let Knightmare screech first 3 sylables without putting a bullet through her head let alone let her finish the speech.
  8. Or, worse, Shitto`s teeth and zoom into cavities. True story. Nothing but truth this post is.
  9. Neo, I love Avatar just as much as you but 2015 isn`t happening,OK? Just drop it. It is not happening. WETA will be busy with Tintin 2. They can`t work on both because Avatar requires their entire capacity and then some.
  10. Oh, geez, can`t you accept the fact that now that new movies are released talk about TH is rendered irrelevant? Don`t you watch anything else but that thing over and over? Anyway, I`m seeing it tomorrow for free cause I sure as hell won`t contribute to Katie Jackson`s plastic surgery fund.
  11. Well kudos to crazy brilliant QT mind that fashioned Don Johnson as Colonel Sanders and SLJ as :rofl: Uncle Ben.
  12. I honestly don`t think that scene stealing automatically means a better performance. SLJ was great and Waltz was totally winning as a trully likable good guy who`s good at hunting down bad guys. No wonder critics are trying to get him nominated by committing a category faud - he`s clearly a co-lead but has no chance in that category so they are pushing him into supporting where he has better chance. However, that would be at the expense of Leo who must have balls of steel to agree to play this character. That 3 dimples speech is some really fucked up shit and you bet many bone fide stars wouldn`t be caught dead saying those line. That was supremly risky and he pulled it off completely. Really did something he hasn`t done before. I can also see why he could miss out on a nomination - the character is beyond disturbing. he didn`t want to play a likable villain and that was a great choice. His arrival really changed the mood of the movie from fun and breezy to serious shit though not without humor here and there. IMO, he deserves 10 oscars for this performance.Eveyrone brought their A game. Jamie, Don Fuckin Johnson, holy shit that KKK scene must be the funniest of 2012, Kerry Washington`s so insanely beautiful. I`m trully Wow`d.
  13. Color me supremely impressed with Django. Phenomenal movie. Leo has balls of steel for agreeing to play this character. I really don`t think that many bone fide movie stars would sign for that 3 dimples speech which is some really fucked up shit. Really fucked up.My show was sold out and so was the next as was next Les Mis. I think that the one at the same time with my show was sold out too, way too many people were going into LM auditorium.Noticed only 1 black person in the audience, few Asians but otherwise this is driven by white folks and my cinema is in very diverse area and Les Mis had diverse audience. django one, however, was almost lilly white. Anyone else had the same situation?Noticed many senior citizens, WTF, and lots of women coming for this.
  14. He is and I think it comes from his various interests and globe-trotting and spending time with people who aren`t from movie industry and who aren`t yes men. So his POV isn`t Amero or Hollywood-centric.
  15. That`s the most important thing in the world.
  16. I just want to say I adore this thread because it was so much fun and because it shows how unimportant TH is when its thread can be so easily derailed.
  17. Why some people on ADF say that LM and Django would fall hard today and TH would reclaim top spot? I don`t want that to happen. Surely something can edge out TH can it? Why oh why isn`t LM released in more theaters?
  18. You stupid man. You say Leo`s your fave actor and you`re passing on Django where he gave a perforemnce for ages by the look of it. I`m going to know in 2 hours but reactions are through the roof.
  19. I want Tauriel movies to be buried and slaughtered by competition and critics. I want them to lose #1 spot in the second week with a huge MOFO drop. I`m not forgiving this uncalled for attempt to egg my girl Katniss. I`m so fuckin pissed off you have no idea and I`m gonna defend my fave with the fire of thousands suns.
  20. Well, Les Mis is playing in under 3000 theaters and it`s 3 hours long with commercials and trailers. PTA must be through the roof though.
  21. Can you people stop saying that EVERONE expected PG to flop when I was championing this as a breakout for over a month now? Thank you.
  22. 50! Congrats! Good job team! See you tomorrow!
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