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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. I`m so mad. This was supposed to be another blockbuster for JLaw and he ruined it.
  2. I`m looking at past holidays seasons and since TH dropped 56% which is unheard of for ME movies I`d say that WOM isn`t nearly as strong as fanboy-inflated Cinemascore suggested nor there`s as big interest in lesser ME as it was for the real deal. I bet there are many LOTR fans who say they liked TH to avoid argument but reeally think "I wouldn`t sit through this again for free let alone otherwise."
  3. Shittt, it still hasn`t hit $20 mio? C`mon, Harvey, this should have been much bigger hit.
  4. And I hope competition clobbers TH so that studios don`t shy away from unleashing some real competition on it next year and in 2014. I really hope that underwhelming performence shows that TH is much weaker player than LOTR so that they don`t have to run away from it anymore but attack it with all their might.
  5. Gandalf didn`t save the day on every occasion in FOTR and 2 people died, one for real and one to be resurrected as Gandalf the Bore.
  6. it seems no movie can hurt TH but TH itself cause its immunity to movies that cut into its audience is really a wonder to behold. Jack Sparrow`s numbers were based on the " lack of family movies" and I`m just saying that PG is a family movie and numbers should be revised accordingly. Now you claim family movie is no competition. Defenders should really decide on what excuses they are going to make because you are contradicting yourselves.
  7. Last time I checked Parental Guidance was a family movie but whatever.
  8. TH doesn`t deserve better than saved face because PJ took the rains solely to save his face after TLB`s Nagasaki on the heels of overlong, over-bloated over-expensive-to-be-considered-an-unquestinable-hit KK. I hope the sequels not only fail to save his face but deliver it a sucker punch.
  9. And when I say the same about Shitto`s voice Shittards jump all over me.
  10. That would be 57.5% drop, 0.1% better than KK.
  11. Fuck, so TH will achieve $40 mio weekend then. I don`t want that to happen. It`s still over 50% drop, way bigger than any LOTR movie`s second weekend drop but I want it to drop harder than even KK.
  12. People overestimate epic. It has to be put in the context of characters to work hence why epic stuff like Battleship, Kingdom of Heaven,etc flopped. If people don`t like the stars (vanilla shit like Borelando and Kitsch) or don`t care for characters (from previous movie or the source from which the movie`s adapted) epic won`t help.
  13. Yeha but at least everyone had balls to admit GF3 was bad. ROTK was laughably overrated by everyone at the time because they wanted to believe that each new movie was better than the previous one and now that people have sobered up they cite FOTR or TTT as the best and ROTK as really bloated and the real beginning of Count Bloatula.
  14. Sounds right. I`d say that anything under is underestimation. I was calling Saturday jump since opening weekend so I should get a round of applause for being objective despite rooting heavily against this completely unnecessary, redundant trilogy.
  15. Well, $31 mio estimate for weekend was always bullshit so of course it`s a better number though I don`t see why it wasn`t estimated at about $36 mio to begin with. B was close with $34 mio. I hope B`s right. I don`t want any jumps to $40 mio, no sir.
  16. This. It`s doing well. It just isn`t the story anymore, well, not the positive story like THG, TA, Skyfall. IMO, people expected too much from the fact it`s based on a classic while market has changed, both in literature and movies. YA was in infancy back in 2001-2003. Now it`s a major genre and there`s a huge demographics that is drawn to kind of stories and heroes that TH simply doesn`t have and won`t have even with some made-up additions. Thanks to YA explosion, girls are no more satisfied with movies where female characters are added only as boner-givers to adolescent boys. They want a character as the main protagonist so they can identify with her. That`s why I`m hoping that "instant boner" double-wielder ina corset warrior Elfette will completely misfire with THG fans and female audience. She`s a ridiculous and much much older Katniss knock-off created to cash in on THG craze and be sex object for boys who can be her sons. Pathetic.Anyway, my point is that every generation has their own heroes and this generation`s ones, at least on female side, come from recent literature. OTOH, guys, and girls as well, are also treated to Marvel marvels and TDK so that`s really much more competition for TH than LOTR ever had.
  17. TH Sat is higher than I hoped but lower than I feared. I hope it starts falling behind FOTR numbers soon and even BD2.
  18. Nope. I don`t think that they expected Oscar attention in major categories for FOTR. It was after FOTR success with AMPAS that hubris kicked in and they started to reshoot scenes from other two movies to make them more Oscary, such as Sam`s TTT speech.
  19. Yeah, TH is just that big Bilbo adventure that isn`t essential for understanding LOTR. Unfortunately, that isn`t how this new trilogy is made. They kept the brand name but shoe-horned stuff that supposedly helps understand already easily understandable LOTR. My beef here is that TH and Appendices stuff simply doesn`t add up as LOTR prequel because many key characters and races play absolutely no role in LOTR nor are ever mentioned (dwarves save Gimli, Mirkwood Elves save Legolas, Men of Dale) while Bilbo is dispatched from FOTR quickly is basically just passing the torch to Frodo. It`s really a separate story very loosely connected and attempts to make it more connected just feel like a rehash of what we have seen in LOTR. Necromancer will be banished from Mirkwood big fuckin deal. There will be a battle with orcs, been there done that. Even the dragon is physiclaly similar to fell beats except that he beaths fire and talks. So not much there to warrant 3 movies about what came before main events.
  20. I adore FOTR. Linear narrative PJ excels at, real emotion, no Oscar hubris yet, just pure desire to make a really good movie and NO FUCKIN UGLY STUPID SHRIEKING BITCH SHITTO YEE-HAAAA!
  21. Each to its own. I consider him the safest, most boring director around who took TH gig to save his face after TLB`s undeniable floppage on every level and KK`s iffy success (considering it`s now the reference and synonim for bloat). I call him but that earned me a warning so I`m putting it in spoiler tags.
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