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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. OK, lets take an objective look at Avatar characters. You`ll see that they are no flatter than Terminator ones. terminator has an evil robot,s that`s flat as it gets. Then there was a stoic hero. He wants to protect the girl, no deep issues, layers,etc. Then there`s damsel in distress who falls in love with the hero. Now, this one was flat, what you get is what you see until the last scene in the movie that subverts the whole damsel-in-distress/last survivor-of-a-slasher-horror subgenre. We never see the aftermath of survival except girl being in state of shock, police putting a blanket over her and that`s the end. She`ll never feel safe. Or some shit where everything looks fine like nothing happens and then a nasty twist. But this was actually a character development in a scene that lasted for under 5 minutes. You don`t fuck with this Sarah. Mother of the future is born.Now, in T2, he really gave her layers. The post traumatic stress syndrome that made her lose touch with her humanity and become a lousy mom. That sort of thing. So development of characters in Avatar sequels is a logical progression. And he has good track record with it. Sarah and Ripley in Aliens also evolved. I trust him with sequels. I`m not sure about making 3 movies back to back but I suppose he has a vision where he wants to take the story and characters so whatever.
  2. well, if reports of boredom are true, I might sleep thought WC and pee break.
  3. Not at all. I haven`t seen it yet. So I`m yet to be categorized as either one of extremists or as a disapassionate liker.
  4. Like I said, when you remove extremists.
  5. Dispassionate likeness is how I`d describe overall feeling for the movie when you remove extremists on both sides.
  6. Chastain isn`t ADF`s beloved. She`s just their champion against Lawrence now that their Dame Keira, who is true ADF fave, is putting all her hopes on BAFTA to reanimate her corpse for lucky-to-be-fifth-spot nomination.OTOH, Chastian is Crone`s champ because she`s playing a woman no one is in loved with.
  7. Bingo. SF and Linc have better buzz and demand that goes past fanbase hence, well, you know.
  8. Brave deserved to drop because it had that awful Katniss wannabe. TH2 ans 3 also have Katniss wannabe so drop away.
  9. :rofl: OK, this is definitely turning into the comedy of the year.
  10. lemme guess previous 2 pages: disappointment, blah, blah, under $300 mio, blah,blah.Then comes obligatory Tuesday jump for all. Conversation: $400 mio minumim is back on track but I wouldn`t count out passing TDKR either, blah, blah, OMG this is most amazing jump ever WOM is totlaly Avataring, blahblah.Then comes obligatory Wednesday drop. Convo: disappointment, blah, blah, won`t pass IAL, blah, blah.Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  11. I`d love to see that because that would make my TH Under BD2 prediction come true. I`d love Twihards to beat Ringers because arrogant Ringers were always fighting with Star wars fans and HP fans and didn`t think Twi would ever threaten Th`s BO. Now that twist would be amazing!
  12. I knew Tony wouldn`t die in TA but damn if I didn`t fear for his life when he did the Abyss sacrifice and then when he wouldn`t open his eyes I was really thinking Shit, no, not Tony,no! That`s a huge compliment to a movie when they cna make one fear for character`s safety even when you know he`ll live cause IM3 and TA2 are announced.
  13. Well, TA is the movie to beat so of course it`ll be used as a reference where it isn`t appropriate. Still better than Titanic and Avatar references.
  14. I don`t know why this movie isn`t on more Boxoffice Story of the Year lists that always have TA,THG, Ted and Skyfall. Those are stories but so is Linc. It`s become a bone fide blockbuster. Everything goes up today anyway. BUT HOBBIT MUST BOMB! BOMB! BOMB! BOMB!
  15. Dead men of Dunharrow. You can read their history here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Men_of_Dunharrow
  16. In Toronto and/or Mississauga? That`s crazy because LOTR was so popular here.
  17. It is standard, expected and NORMAL. I like word normal better than other words because it doesn`t have insinuation that something that`s performing like a normal blockbuster is disappointing. However, it cannot be denied that some people here are grasping for straws (it`s a family movie, it`s better to have Sunday up and Friday/Sat down even though OW itself went a bit down with actuals, everyone`s waiting to see in for Xmas although there will be so much more to choose from unlike during the opening weekend,etc) in hope of an ABNORMAL run which is typical for very few rare original movies and not for sequels/prequels.Now, BKB is on the money that TA OW and run, which were abnormal for sequel/prequel though TA was new category with very specific build-up that other sequel/prequels don`t have, created the kind of situation where fans of other franchises are not happy that their franchise is normal. They want the proof of ultimacy. Hence, if ________ made that much, than _________ can certainly make more. Times have changed. TA made what it made because it was something never done before. Yes, there were X Men movies with multiple super heroes but this one had MAJOR superheroes from individual stories/movies working as a team in one movie. So after how many years (2-3?) of constant hype and build-up through individual movies TA finally arrived and wow`d the crowd. Other blockbusters this year also tried to raise the bar with some franchise unspecific novelties such as Skyfall`s Nolanization, BD2`s head-chopping super-fight that even geeks admit is the best fight in any movie this year and TH with HFR. Some novelties hit, some polarized.
  18. I say fuck the purists who were to hate it anyway, they should have killed at least 2 dwarves to raise stakes and make danger real. There are the ones you can`t kill in the first or second movie because of events in the book and in Appendices (Thorin, Kili, Fili, Balin, Gloin) but everyone else is a fair game. OK, keep Bombur because of Team Bombur. Bur, seriously, if that`s what they did, had them survive every unsurvivable situation because Gandalf saves them in the last minute This bothered me in the book too. The ending was suddenly so random,like
  19. Why not? There was real anticipation. People were talking about it in advance. Well, maybe in TO since we had an aamzing 50 Years Anniversary Exibition. I know only one person who wants to see TH and only because of 48 fps. he saw 2 LOTR movies and decided it wasn`t for him so he skipped Shriekapoo, tried to watch it few nights ago and said fuck that slog couldn`t finish.
  20. Didn`t you notice I was being ironic? So I failed worse.
  21. jesus, firedeep, how thick you can be? Don`t you know that studios release movies in over 4000 theaters and over 12500 screens domestically and day-and-date in over 50 countries because they expect OMG huge numbers 2 weeks after the opening? That`s the whole point of opening your movies in so many theaters, screens, countries,etc now - so that they post big numbers in 2 weeks when people finish shopping for Xmas and doing other stuff that they think are more appealing than seeing a movie that is avaliable in pretty much every place that has something resembling a cinema. Now if you wonder why then they didn`t just do that in 2 weeks instead of, you know, ending up with shoddy numbers they have to hype like second coming of TA only abrivated December Edition, well, that you can`t understand because you are thick. if you weren`t, you`d be the genius at WB,no?
  22. Well, the idea behind so many screens definitely wasn`t to have empty eats. because cinemas cut movies that don`t perform from their schedule or send them into smaller auditoriums first. I know that some studios have iron-clad contracts that require their tentpole plays in the biggest auditoriums for 2-3 weeks regardless of attendance. Disney have some shit like that. They aslo force showtimes on cinemas so that their tentpoles always play at the peak of peaks.
  23. Well, bigger screen count always delutes PSA. But anyway, the screen counts shows WB expected bigger opening than what it got. Record numbers of theaters and screens are aimed at record openings and so are day-and-date OS releases. Oh, wait, it smashed December record.
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