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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. It`s following KK trajectory and that one opened on Wednesday too and dropped 57% next week.
  2. I`m seeing Les Mis tomorrow in a double pack with Django. Can`t freakin wait! They are honoring Tuesday (cheap) prices so I`m seeing 2 movies for the price of one.
  3. And I think it`s more valid for him to lose credit due to continuing drop in quality instead of keeping one just because he made one popular trilogy ten years ago. The guy`s a one-trick pony and TH is a proof since he can`t even keep the quality in the series that was his forte let alone in movies that aren`t related.Say what you will about Nolan but Prestige wa s anice little movie to follow BB and Inception was insanely infuential big movie to follow insanely influential TDK. TDKR isn`t even a stumble. Not in TDK range but by all standars of success definitely not a stumble.
  4. Absolutely. I understand that some people cannot accept the fact that PJ is no more in the league but that`s been the case sine KK and TH:AUJ certianly didn`t improve things. Absolutely illogical. TDKR popped up on many critic`s Top 10 lists, has certified fresh rating, improved on OS boxoffice without 3D premium and it`s domestic run was screwed by Aurora no way around it. It may not have topped or matched TDK`s $533 mio dom but Aurora did hit it hard because the tragedy was directly related to the movie itself.OTOH, TH has none of the above. I dislike TDKR and think it`s Nolan`s first stupid movie but objective merits of success or lack thereof point at TSKR being a critical and boxoffice success. PJ made a terrific Heavenly Creatures and then he hit boxoffice gold with LOTR. LOTR had overuse of slo-mo and extreme close-ups and it was epic. So I guess that somewhere in his head an idea grew that slo-mo + close-ups + epic = boxoffice gold, not the story or character. Or something. So he started to apply the formula to movies that aren`t epic in nature and thus they appeared overblown and bloated. KK, TLB and now TH. Get over it. 2012 isn`t 2001-2003 and not every movie needs to be epic in scope. And slom mo need to die, period.Snyde rmade a terrific DotD zombie yarn and then he struck paydirt with stylish, slo-mo and sepia 300. from there, all his movies applied the formula even when it wasn`t appropiate. With diminishing results.However, unlike PJ, it seems that Snyder is reinventing himself with MoS unless the trailer is cleverly cut to hide his worst tendencies.
  5. This comparison makes no sense. Jackson vs Zach Snyder would make sense because both of them forgot that they have range and continue to apply the style from their biggest hit to inappropriate movies.Nolan is way better than Jackson because his movies have subtext that Jackson`s adaptations completely lack. Also, as bad as TDKR was in my opinion, TLB is a complete unmittiagted abomination. Just flat out fiasco on every level. Also, TDKR didn`t lack ambition while TH is the laziest knock-off of a previous success you`ll ever see.Finally, director-writer who creates something original takes the cake over a constant adapter who adds bullshit to a brand name because he thinks he can do better than the source but has no balls to create something original of his own and see how that goes. PJ paddling Boyens shit behind proven brand names is cowardace of epic proportions.
  6. You aren`t making a distinction. Just because something is sci fi it doesn`t mean it`s auromatically geek and not mainstream. It appeals to geeks but it isn`t aimed at the specifically. OTOH, when you turn lesser comic book heroes that many members of GA haven`t heard of or have some vague idea about, that`s pandering to geeks. And there` s much more of that now than ever.
  7. Not in the measure it is now. No. Not even close. The geek explosion of the recent years is unlike anything that existed before LOTR or at the time of LOTR. And LOTR had different timing than TH. It came at the perfect moment when SW disappointed and Matrix sequels did too. TH came out when other franchises rose the bar and it couldn`t match them in quality. And don`t mistake a mainstream tentpole with geek property. The recent years explosion is due to turning niche stuff into major movies and TV shows.My point is that eevryone stepped up the game and TH didn`t because they thought making 3 LOTR knock-offs would be enough. You can`t make a 2012 movie like you did in 2003 and expect everyone to fall over. It`s all abour reinvention to stay in touch with the audience.
  8. Well, it certainly helps that TH is rightly viewed as a cash grab while LOTR was rightly viewed as groundbreaking achievement. Condensing 3 LOTR books into 1 or 2 movies would have been wrong and going by 1 book = 1 movie risk was the right thing to do and eevryone from fans to critics to AMPAS appreciated it. Theer`s nothing to appreciate about book splitting business because it`s a cash grab even when it actually makes sense (DH2 split). But when your book is 300 pages long and you split it into 3 movies, even though padding you add cannot amount for more than 50 pages on top of 300, and your first movie is obviously padded with filler like a Hoarders flat, than you`ll be called out for cash grab and public enthusiasm will be low.
  9. I disagree about your last paragraph. IMO, many people cooled off completely because the market is now full of different product and they moved onto something they find more appealing. You are forgetting that SW was prectically the only big franchise to obesess about for over 20 years. Nothing else came close, not Star Trek, not Jurassic Park,not Alien(s),etc. OTOH, between 2003 when ROTK came out and 2012, market drastically changed in geek department. Back in 2003, geek cinema wa sin its infancy with LOTR as the epic fantasy leader, HP as YA fantasy one, Spiderman as superhero movie and SW continuing to disappoint. POTC hasn`t become the franchise yet. Now there are many superhero franchises, YA is exploding, totally different kind of epic fantasy is all the rage (TV`s GoT) , sci fi is on a rebound, Star Trek has become a bone fide mainstream franchise. There`s so much to choose from and people choose. I honestly don`t think that someone who was Legolas fan when she was 13 and is now a hardcore Twi mom will be too nostalgic about LOTR. Twi satisfies her needs. No room for nostalgia here.
  10. What I found very telling in parent`s refusal to rent LOTR was that they obviously didn`t want to sit through it with their kids. Those Star Wars rentals were family events when the family watches the movies together and then they discuss plot points and characters,etc. But with LOTR it wasn`t "kids are too young" but "it`s long and boring". So it was them who were against watching, not kids who were unintitiaded. So I`d say that Teardropmina is right on the money here - it wa san event that was hot while the hype was hot and then it cooled off and since TH hype isn`t hot interest isn`t rekindled on the preceeding movies level. TH just isn`t an event. It`s an ordinary blockbuster.As for kids loving Jar Jar, I had this kid who was obsessed with General Grevious. He was always coming with Grevious action figure to our store and we always talked about him.
  11. This. Many time people get swept in the euphoria about a movie without caring for it in the long run. IMO, Cameron should take this into consideration before he makes those 3-4 Avatar movies. This adds to Teardropmina`s post. When I worked in rentals, I pointed that many,many times when I argued why TH might not be a giant hit that loonies expected, in was 2009 and we seldom rented LOTR. Families absolutely refused to get their kids into it citing it was too long and boring. So when we rented, it was always to people in their late 20s, early 30s and it was rare. OTOH, families massively rented Star Wars from Episode 1 onwards, even that animated movie between AOTC and ROTS, in order to get their kids into Star Wars. And kids loved it. It was an ongoing thing. Parents would come or kids would lead the way and they`d be like, where`s SW section and which movie we should see first,etc,etc. So back then I figured that LOTR might have been a sweeping event at the point in time but not a sweeping event long-term. People moved on hence why TDK replaced it as the ultimate geek materpiece among many geeks about 5 years since ROTK was proclaimed the ultimate geek masterpiece. And this year, there are many more critics who are putting TDKR on Top 10 Best of the Year or make cases why it should get Best Picture nom while TH is absent from Top 30. My point isn`t that TDKR is actually better (I thought it was terrible) but that love and buzz are squarely with Nolan now and not with PJ like 10 years ago. Because fanbase was either fickle and jumped the ship or was neevr as big as believed.
  12. Too bad that PJ announced split into 3 movies when BD was already split in 2. Fanboys would shit bricks if Twilight followed the example and made 3 movies out of one books which means the saga would have ended in 2013 and fanboys would have endured more Twihype.
  13. Always. You showed those incompetent dicks their place.
  14. And all true. TLB = toilet. No exaggeration here. 100% told like it is.
  15. Geez, his cred with fanboys dropped. Of course that he would try to hide the prolonged face-saver and cash grab behind "i`m doing this for fans so they cna see all those scenes from the book in the movies." Nevermind that a) fans were very vocal against Katniss wannabe and they didn`t scrap her although that would be doing something for fans and Tolkien fans aren`t happy with any addition to TH because it isn`t TH so, again, not acting "for fans" much either. Insufferable poseur. What happened to walking barefoot? That ended as soon as LOTR promo ended after the Oscar sweep. All pose and zero sincerety.
  16. I didn`t know. I just remmeber that he was banned from TH forum first and then suddenly banned altogether.
  17. Can I vote for new category Best Almost Kiss Slash Moment? Please, please,please!
  18. Elessar is such a contrarian. he`s so rational and objective on TORN that he gets rotten eggs and tomatoes thrown at him by resident douchebags (don`t feel sorry because he tosses them back before they even hit him and poor douchebags end up covered in slime meant for Elessar) but here he is such a jaded PJihadist like those TORN loons that don`t aprpeciate his objectivity over there. I don`t get you. You are smart, charismatic, sexy,etc and don`t belong with the likes of Sunflower, the loonie granny who`s been blabbing about anti-PJ conspiracy by Hollywood since TLB detonated, or some less articulated loons. And yet you emulate them here. Just crazy.
  19. Amen. PJ is hiding behind "I`m making this for fans" bullshit because his career went down the toilet. Now I would have believed him had he never said he didn`t want to make TH so that he wouldn`t repeat himself. That was after ROTK when he felt invincible and that he could do no wrong. Well, KK was pretty wrong and TLB was a disaster no spin on that one. So suddenly repeating himself, which is what he did - TH is reportedly repetitive and derivative of LOTR as fuck, nothing inventive there - became a career-saving opportunity so much so he stretched the small book into 2 and then 3 movies. Citing fanboy-leasing preasons although everyone who`s objective and rational can see that there wouldn`t be 3 movies if his career wasn`t in the pooper.
  20. Speaking of realistic expectations, it`s about time Mav gets unbanned. His take on TH situation would be greatly appreciated by rational BOFers.
  21. Don`t forget the sailor deciding what to pack into his suitcase for about 10-15 minutes.
  22. Bullshit. Theer`s absolutely nothing in TH book + Appendices that justifies 3 books a la LOTR which is why TH was never 3 books to begin with.
  23. Except that Quint`s Indianopolis speech is actually awesome, though I doubt it would have been in PJ`s version.
  24. Shit, my opinion must be really shitty then. Less about money and more about saving face that also results in making money.PJ`s career has gone to shit after LOTR and stretching TH into 3 movies was supposed to buy him 3 years of critical and fanboy adoration instead of only 2. i`m glad that at least critics sobered up.
  25. Oh, please, even you don`t believe in the "tell more story" excuse! PJ is a master of cash grabbin just like Lucas and more and more people, save jaded fanboys from TORN, see that. 3 movies out of one small book, EEs on top of already bloated TEs, he`s repeating himself but unlike LOTR this thing doesn`t have the same support to pull off all those ploys equally successfully.PJ needed to stretch TH because only ME made him relevant since KK and TLB sure as hell didn`t do the trick. No "tell the story" but all save face.
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